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Prep Microdermabrasion Treatment by YBF

I am a fan of at home face peels, scrubs and masques. I love them. I love the feeling of fresh, clean, skin, free of impurities, dry skin and rough patches. It's hard to find the right exfoliator that is tough enough to make a difference, but gentle enough to not damage the skin.

I am currently trying out a skin care regimen from YBF and found an exfoliator/at-home microdermabrasion product I love so much, I had to tell you about it before I use the line and do the official review. Prep is a fine-grain manual (instead of chemical) Microdermabrasion treatment. It contains teeny, tiny little grains that exfoliate your skin in a way that is more satisfying than another granular scrub I have tried. It also contains peptides, botanicals and vitamins to treat your face after you have used it to exfoliate.

So many of these kinds of exfoliators have large, unevenly sized bits of pits or grains that actually tear your skin on a microscopic level. This scrub contains the opposite. It delivers itty-bitty bits that seem small enough to clean your pores, enough of them to evenly make your skin glow. These amazing little exfoliating grains come in a creamy, vitamin packed base, which make the application feel great and give beautiful, fast results.

(If you look, you can see the grains. They're tiny!)

This at-home microdermabrasion is serious stuff. If you have delicate skin, you'll be ok, just go slow and with very light pressure. If you have very sensitive or delicate skin, this might be too much for you. But if you can handle it, it gives instant, amazing results.

I actually did an experiment with Loxy's nose using this scrub. He has been battling oily skin, which is finally under control, but he is left with a ton of blackheads on his schnoz. I washed his nose with his usual cleanser and then exfoliated his nose using this scrub. I wish I had taken photographs, because the difference was amazing. Where it had been a virtual field of clogged pores, it was now free and clear of blackheads. I was quite honestly, shocked at the results.

If you are looking for an at-home microdermabrasion treatment to remove the dead skin cells and reveal fresher, younger skin, look no further. My skin looked clearer, fresher and younger after the first time I used it.This product doubles as a mask, so if you have a few minutes, leave it on after you have exfoliated. Your skin is open to all of the vitamins and peptides that Prep contains and you'll get a fantastic result. I have tried a ton of scrubs, exfoliators and at-home dermabrasion kits in the last few years. This one is definitely one of the best I have tried.

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review. YBF does not test on animals.

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