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Fabulous at Home Facials!

Continuing with SPA WEEK, we are discussing at-home facial treatments targeting specific skin concerns. Though you may not have the time in your daily regimen, adding some of these products and techniques to your daily routine may dramatically increase your skin's appearance, texture, clarity, and tone.
5 Steps to Perfect Skin:
1. Cleanser
2. Exfoliate
3. Tone
4. Mask
5. Moisturize

These steps can be applied with small variations for any skin type

You already have great skin, so maintaining it is your main concern.
Using good quality products is important as inexpensive fillers and detergents can dry your skin or cause breakouts. For a normal skin treatment, I really like the selection from KATE SOMERVILLE because you can really see instant results, even after just one treatment!
1. CLEANSE with the Gentle Daily Wash which contains soothing herbal ingredients to clean without overdrying.

$32 - Kate Somerville

2. EXFOLIATE with Exfolikate Gentle to remove dead skin cells, prevent cellular turnover, and reveal brighter, more radiant skin.

$65 - Kate Somerville

3. TONE with the Micro Glycolic Polisher, which contains lactic and glycolic acids along with powerful antioxidants to promote cellular health and reveal younger-looking skin.

$90 - Kate Somerville

4. SOOTH with the Quench Hydrating Mask. Exfoliation and toning can cause mild, temporary skin irritation and/or redness, so it important to follow with intense hydration. This mask will sooth with cucumber and hyaluronic acid for ultimate hydration.

$45 - Kate Somerville

5. MOISTURIZE with Deep Tissue Repair for intense moisture with proteins and vitamins to help improves skin overall texture, and reduce fine lines.

$150 - Kate Somerville

Using these 5 steps once a week will keep your skin radiant and healthy for years to come!

The most important thing to know when your skin is easily irritated is that you must avoid harsh detergents and other ingredients that can cause irritation.  I really like BIOELEMENTS because of their ability to really customize a treatment plan that works for you.  For example, the process I just outlined that works for normal skin would wreak havoc on overly sensitive skin.
1. CLEANSE with the Sensitive Skin Cleanser, which contains essential oils to soften and sooth the skin.

$41 - Bioelements

2. / 3. EXFOLIATE / MASK.  Sensitive skin can't handle very abrasive exfoliation, so instead try the Measured Micrograins which works as a mask and gentle scrub.  Not only is it a great time saver, combining the steps eliminate irritation caused by excessive wetting and drying the skin!

$31 - Bioelements

4. TONE with the Calmitude Hydrating Solution.  The best part about this solution is it comes in a spray bottle for easy application, and includes licorice and white tea to calm and reduce redness.

$26 - Bioelements

5. MOISTURIZE with Calmitude Sensitive Skin Moisturizer.  Really massage into the skin for full absorption until the hands no longer slide easily.

$39.50 - Bioelements

You can use the cleanser, toner, and moisturizer daily, and save the exfoliating mask for 1-2 times per week, and you will see dramatic improvements in skin tone.

Some problems that affect aging skin are dryness and discoloration along with the obvious fine lines and wrinkles.  Common ways of treating the visible signs of aging are antioxidants, proteins, exfoliation, and moisturizing.  LA MER has spent years building up a cult following for it's iconic anti-aging products, which contain what they call "miracle broth", which is unlike any other anti-aging product I have tried, with results starting to show almost instantly, and full results showing after continued use.
1. CLEANSE with the Cleansing Foam.  Massage into face with warm water and the luxurious foam cleanses and sooths the skin without over drying, revealing soft, pure skin.

$65 - La Mer

2. EXFOLIATE with the Refining Facial, massaging into skin with circular motions to reveal smooth, radiant skin using diamond powder and polished sea quartz.

$75 - La Mer

3. TONE with The Radiant Infusion to minimize pores and brighten complexion without over drying and to prepare your skin to receive moisturizer.

$95 - La Mer

4. MOISTURIZE with Creme de la Mer, which includes the legendary miracle broth.  Warm the formula in your hands and generously massage onto face and under eye area for the ultimate in anti-aging and hydration.

$130 - La Mer

For dry and aging skin, you don't want to use a mask, as they can often irritate and dry skin further.  There is a reason for the La Mer cult following, as it works so effectively it's like nothing I've ever seen before.  If you are still skeptical, head over to your nearest Neiman Marcus and try it out for yourself.  By the time you are finished shopping, your skin will feel younger and brighter!

If you have problems with breakouts, a traditional facial is not usually beneficial, and can cause further irritation. and actually strip the skin, which can actually cause an increase in oil production.  Recently, I discovered SKINTACTIX, which is a skincare line specifically designed to treat acne without the use of harsh chemicals like benzoyl peroxide.  You too can enjoy the facial experience while working to treat your acne prone skin.
1. CLEANSE with the Antibacterial Cleanser, which foams to get deep down into pores and balances pH.

                $10.50 - Skintactix

2. EXFOLIATE with the antibacterial Pineapple Scrub, which contains a gentle abrasive to remove dead skin cells while soothing with aloe and seaweed to allow skin to accept further treatments.

$12 - Skintactix

3. TONE with the Glycolic Exfoliator.  Witch Hazel and alcohol in toners can cause excess drying and actually lead to more oil production and acne.  Apply to a cotton pad and wipe over face in a thin layer.

            $13 - Skintactix

4. MASK.  The Green Tea Poultice is my favorite product from the line, calming irritated skin and soothing acne bumps almost instantly.  Product directions say to rub into skin, but I found that it works very effectively as a mask.  Massage onto face and leave on for approximately 30 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

$16 - Skintactix

5. MOISTURIZE with The Treatment Moisturizer with calming Hyaluronic Acid, Avocado, and Green Tea without clogging pores.

$14 - Skintactix

REMEMBER That with all of these facial procedures, read all product directions thoroughly, and you can often maximize results by using these products daily or weekly.