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My Hair is From Choleria. The InStyler Brought It Back.

If you haven't noticed, I am growing my hair out from a Rihanna-like short cut to a long Emily Robinson-like long cut (I hope I don't get upset my hair isn't naturally wavy when I get there.) I blather about it constantly and am a wee bit obsessed with making it look fantastic during its awkward stages (I am actually not sure if I have gone through a non-awkward stage yet).

In my quest to have beautiful hair, I am trying a ton of products and styling tools to find out what works for me. I have found a flat iron that does a beautiful job, despite me being too uncoordinated to get the amazing results my stylist gives me.

(Super flat, courtesy of Bethany.)

But a flat iron isn't really something I am up for every day and I don't think I want super straight hair every single day. (I have a full face and feel like I can't pull off that look every single day.)

But I do have annoying hair. It is fairly straight on its own, which is handy. The top layers of my hair are shiny and pretty. The bottom layers of my hair are a different texture, and as my mother-in-law would say about things she doesn't like, are "from Choleria"*. In her mind, Choleria is a place where bad things come from. Ugly clothes, badly used makeup, icky interior decorating and things of a similar ilk, all come from the magically ugly land of Choleria.

Anyway. The underside of my hair is crinkly, rough and has a mind of it's own. While it isn't as textured as the hair shown in the infomercials for the InStyler, I was really curious to know if the InStyler could whip the underside of my hair into shape without making it flat-flat-flat, like my flat iron.

If you haven't been mesmerized by the infomercials, the InStyler is a heated styling tool that has three heat settings, which are designed to work on different types of hair. It has a heated barrel that rotates in one direction and a brush that smooths the hair and adds a ton of shine. After a little experimentation, I found that my hair works best on the medium setting. My inclination was to make it as hot as possible, but that only yielded limp hair.

(Power level two is all it takes. Reading the directions was really handy here.)

It is really easy to use. You pick your heat setting (based on the directions, not merely on what you assume, as I was all wrong), wait a few minutes and then section off your hair. You can use the InStyler to make your hair smooth and straight, create flips, add volume or turn hair under. If a curling iron and a flat iron had a baby that made shiny hair, this would be it. You then place the InStyler as close to the roots as possible and slowly pull it through a section of hair, being careful how you turn the InStyler as you finish each section - creating a flip, a wave, a bend or leaving hair straight. You have to go slower than you do if you are usually a flat iron user.

(Me not in NYC, but at home, after using my InStyler. I have more body then I do when I use the flat iron, but it still looks pretty and not Cholucious at all.)

I used this every day on my recent trip to NYC, where I was outside during a heat wave every day, all day. My hair felt incredibly smooth, the humidity didn't eat it alive and it looked styled, but not super-flat smooth. While I don't have the hair that infomercials are made of, this did do a nice job of taming my Cholucious (what things from Choleria are called in my family) underneath layers. And no, this can't get tangled in your hair. I consider myself to be a top-notch klutz and I couldn't get tangled if I tried. If you're curious, another blogger who does have hair infomercials are made of, got these results.

Have you tried the InStyler? Did it work for you? I know the reviews on this one are mixed, but it worked really well on my hair. Let me know what you think!

*This is a Yiddish expression that is potentially/totally being used incorrectly. You can't find it on a map. That's because in Yiddish it actually means to put a plague or a curse on someone, it's not a place. But not in my family. In my family, it's where ugly lives. Not that you asked, but since I digressed, my favorite made up Yiddish expression is hunta fliffel (masculine) or hunta madel (feminine), words Loxy uses every day to describe odd people. It's a super fun language that should make a full comeback, in my opinion.

This was sent to me for the purposes of review.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

HD EYES...Easier Than You Think!

When talking about high definition, eye makeup application is not going to be much different that your standard method.  The few things you need to be aware of though are 1) HD will pick out EVERY detail, so ensuring that your blending is flawless is imperative, and 2) Because every detail shows through, it is important to use very finely milled pigments and shadows.  That being said, you should experiment with color, size, and highlight to see what works the best for your eye shape and color!

Follow these simple rules for flawless results:

1. PRIME.  Using an eye shadow primer will keep your makeup firmly in place all day or all night.  This is a MUST for any shadow application.  Try URBAN DECAY Eyeshadow Primer Potion in Sin.  It not only creates a great base, the subtle shimmer can work as a great highlight.

$18 - Sephora Stores

2. BRUSHES.  Having a good quality set of brushes is what will make the difference between good and great application.  Inexpensive brushes may not pick up pigments as well and may leave hairs on the face.  You can get  decent quality brushes from the SEPHORA house brand Professional Platinum line.  If you can't get a whole set, try three essentials: Crease, Contour Shadow, and Eyeliner.

$10-$36 - Sephora Stores

3. COLOR.  You have several options available to you: cream, pressed powder, and loose pigments.  You will want to experiment with all of these in combination to see what works best for you, but I tend to gravitate towards the loose pigments for their high impact pigment concentration.  My favorite brands for color are NARS, MAKE UP FOR EVER, and MAC.

4. LINER.  Liner is another area with several options: pencil, liquid, cream, and cake.  Again, you want to experiment with what texture and method of application works best for you, but as a rule, I recommend steering clear of liquid, and sticking with pencil if you have a shaky hand.  My favorite tends to be cream for its ease of application with an eyeliner brush.  Keep Q-Tips and makeup remover on hand in case you make an error.  Try MAC Fluidline for the smoothest results.

$15 - MAC

5. LASHES.  If you are feeling ambitious, try applying individual lashes, as strip lashes can show in HD if they are not perfectly adhered.  Try MAKE UP FOR EVER Faux Cils Individual Lashes.  Apply more and longer lashes towards the outer area of the eye, tapering to the smaller size on the inner area (use tweezers for precise application).  Finish off the look with mascara.

$15 - Sephora Stores

Because You Hit a Rough Patch: A Hand Scrub You'll Need Now.

I have dry skin (as readers may remember from my constant complaints last winter). It's bad. It hurts. I swear my hands feel like if I bend my fingers, when I wake up in the morning, my skin will surely crack. (Sometimes it does. Eww.) I have developed the habit of reaching for a particular product I recently discovered before I reach for my toothbrush. Using it makes my hands feel as if I have dissolved some kind of weird gloves that were holding my hands hostage, turning them into soft, supple, movable, usable hands, no longer bound by my dry skin shackles. I know it sounds dramatic, but my fellow dry skin sisters (and brothers) know EXACTLY what I mean.

What did I find? Because You Hit A Rough Patch Moisture Retaining Hand and Body Scrub. It's the perfect balance of gritty grit that gets out the gunk, polishes off the dead skin and leaves your entire hand amazingly moisturized, smooth and grease-free. I'm not kidding when I say it literally feels like my hands are brand new.

(This scrub feels as good as it smells on my dry, sad hands.)

This scrub is made from natural oils, sugar and other emollient ingredients that make your hands feel like new. Here is how the company says it works:

Because Moisture Retaining Hand and Body Scrub is made from raw cane sugar and berry seed oils rich in essential Omega fatty acids which join forces to baby rough, flaky, scaly, and dehydrated skin to reveal a softness that's positively new-born. Ideal for all skin types but especially beneficial for reptile-like skin. 70% Organic.

I definitely have reptile-like hands and this works. Have you tried Because You Hit A Rough Patch? Let me know what you think! I adore this!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review. Because does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Scoop, Stuff and Blather - Wednesday

I am woefully behind on my posts. I have an army of things to write about, but my day job keeps getting in the way. Since that is the gig that pays me, what's a girl to do? So while I have a few minutes, here is what I have been thinking about.

(Thanks facebook, for providing me with my first grade class picture. Me, top middle, red pants.)

But first, a fact you may not know about me. In first grade, my teacher, Mrs. Barkes (above), wrote on my report card that, "all of Kelly's errors were made in haste. If she could only slow down and pay attention, her work would be so much better." I actually found that report card a few months ago and planned on posting it because it is still so, so true.

But alas, I lost it. If it turns up, I'll post it. Either way, nothing has changed. I do almost everything flying by the seat of my pants and will make mistakes. It's no secret that Loxy reads everything I write to make sure I don't sound like (more of) an arse who can't use apostrophes correctly. My point? Forgive my typos.

Scoop Overheard On My Travels:
It's no secret that Bobbi Brown is coming to Sephora online any minute. We all got the email. I did hear from a good source that Bobbi is coming to select stores (including some in Baltimore) early next year (like February).

I also overheard other reputable sources (not from BE) talking about the 5 year deal Buxom signed with Sephora for exclusivity. I don't think this is new news and I have heard Internet chatter to the effect for months. I hope this means more Buxom shadows in new colors. I really hope they dive into the cream blush business with Buxom too. My blush still falls off of my face and if they made a Stay-There blush, I would swoon.

Stuff I Need:
I really want the Burlesque Beauty Collection from Smashbox. I checked it out yesterday in store and LOVE LOVE LOVE the gray cream shadow that comes in the collection. Of course, as with any palette of interest, it was sold out in two minutes. I shouldn't be surprised. All collections, even the ones that came out months ago, are still not available in stores. I'll be stalking this collection until I find one.

Later today, I am getting a Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Treatment, which claims to repair hair instantly. I have been reading good things about this treatment, so I will be sure to let you know if it fixes my damaged hair and does any thing to tame my goat hair. I am hoping it's KeraTriplex salon treatment will work magic. My goat hairs need it.

I just received samples of the new Jonathan Smooth shampoo, conditioner and styling balm that claims to help fight frizz. I used it this morning and got great results. But I haven't been outside in the humidity for long, so I can't judge. Plus, one use does not a review make. I fear it might leave a film on my hair which makes me nervous, but maybe that is what fights frizz? The results I got this morning are making me super smiley. It almost looks like I flat ironed it, without the flat iron. I'll have to judge after using it for a few weeks. I'll get back to you.

Finally, one of my other loves, television, suffered an extreme and sad loss today. Lone Star, my new favorite show that isn't a reality, cop, spy or doctor drama got the axe after two episodes. Thanks for nothing, Fox executives. You stink at your job. (The job of making good tv. Not the job of filling air time with well worn plot lines.)

ps Fox Execs- nothing will beat DWTS. Have you not heard of a mid-season replacement?

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

LORAC Smoky Eye Baked Trios

I love a smoky eye more than anything. Changing the tones used or the amount of product can take a smoky eye from easy everyday to full out evening glam. Creating the perfect look requires finding the right shadows. For an eye shadow to work for any smoky eye look, it needs to be buildable, long-wearing, slightly shiny (but not too shiny!) and non-smudging.

My two new favorite smoky eye looks for fall are from LORAC. One is a gorgeous gray-based Baked Shadow Trio and the other is more blue/teal-based. Each Trio comes with three colors and looks and wears amazing.

The first one is called Evening Star. This Baked Shadow Trio comes with silver, gunmetal gray and rich smoke.

Each one of these shadows is soft enough to wear every day, but buildable for a sexy, smoky eye.
These baked shadows wear all day without fading or smudging and are ideal for throwing in your bag to glam up your look after a day at the office.

But my new favorite smoky eye look is from the Rock Star Baked Shadow Trio. This trio includes a teal, which is a little out of the ordinary for a smoky eye look. I love it.

While I love this grouping of colors in general, it would be amazing on fair-skinned, dark-haired beauties. The teal in this trio is soft enough to be barely noticeable as blue or can be layered to really stand out.
(The teal is the middle color, shown with one "layer" of shadow.)

Here is my Rock Star Trio look, toned down for work.

To glam it up for evening, I added my new favorite peach colored gloss, Intermix. This gloss makes lips look full, beautiful and perfect.

(Intermix in the light of my bathroom.)

(Rock Star and Intermix on the way out to dinner one evening.)

The super shiny finish lasts for a decent amount of time and makes the look go from day to night in a flash. I also added a quick swipe of Front Of The Line Pro liner in black. These trios make a smoky eye easy, no matter how much drama you are going for!

Products were sent for the purposes of review. LORAC does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Couture or Contour?... You Decide!

Once you have mastered the basic high definition face, you can really pump up the volume using contours.  Contouring the face involves "faking" shadows and highlights in such a way to emphasize or de-emphasize specific features.  A word of caution: especially with high definition, you need to make this appear natural, otherwise you can wind up looking like a drag queen straight out off a Las Vegas stage.

Even though every face is different, there is a standard way to achieve contour on your face.  Obviously you will need to experiment and decide what works the best for your face. I find this diagram a great place to start:
As you can see, this chart doesn't look like a natural face, however, you can get the idea of where and what tone of makeup to apply.

Staying with the idea of creating a look that is high definition ready, you want to use high-quality foundations to create your contours.  Instead of using powder for these contours, stay with the liquid and do this before you set your face.  For the dark areas, I like to go two shades darker than your actual skin color (though you want to stay in the same tone - warm, neutral, or cool), and for the highlights, I like to go one to two shades lighter.  Remember, we are trying to look natural, and getting too dramatic is more stylized than you are going to want for most looks.  You also want to think about the shape of your face: you don't want a dark contour under already high and large cheekbones, or a wide highlight on an already wide nose.

Using an angled foundation brush apply a small amount of the shadow/highlight color to the face in the specified location.  Using a smooth, fluid motion, blend with the existing base foundation color, making sure the shadow and highlight is exactly the same on both sides of the face. (this may take some practice!).  For this look, I would actually recommend finishing with a lightweight dusting of powder to ensure that there is no chance of smudging and to even out color and create a more natural looking finish.  Instead of a translucent powder as I would normally recommend, use one that is the closest match to your natural skin tone in a highly refined pigment like CARGO Blu-Ray High Definition Pressed Powder.  Using a very large powder brush, swirl brush into powder, tap off excess, and gently dust/buff over face in a circular motion, being careful not to  smudge the foundation.

$30 - Cargo

Your results should look like this:

Stay tuned for your high definition eye makeup as HD week continues...

High Definition: What it Means to You.

For the past few years, the word on every makeup artist's mind is one thing:


Unforgiving is what High Definition is.  With traditional film, makeup, hair, and costume was somewhat flexible, but now with high definition technology, every speck, hair out of place, and pore will show...with stunning realism.  But what does this mean for you?

You are not a regular on red carpets, or appearing on the cover of a magazine so you don't need to upgrade to high definition, right? WRONG!  The challenge of high definition is offering medium to full coverage, without appearing heavily made-up, so in other words, looking naturally flawless.  Now THAT is something that every girl needs.  With the newest HD Makeup, you can look natural in person and flawless on camera, which is something that everyone can get into.

You can very easily recreate that HD finish at home with a few simple steps...

1. MOISTURIZE.  Moisturized skin allows for a smoother, more flawless application and overly dried skin can look flaky and uneven to both the cameras AND the naked eye.  Try MAKE UP FOR EVER HD Elixer, which hydrates the skin several hundred percent, and lasts for hours.  Apply a thin layer to the skin and allow to dry for 30 seconds.

$38 - Sephora Stores

2. PRIME. Use a silicone-based primer.  You don't need to spend a lot of money to achieve a perfect look.  The SEPHORA house brand offers a very good one.  Warm the primer in your palm, and then apply a thin layer over the skin in downward strokes with a cosmetic sponge.  Allow it to set for about 30 seconds.

$15 - Sephora Stores

3. CONCEAL.  Using a very fine concealer brush, apply concealer to troubled areas (under eyes, blemishes, etc).  Using a cool-toned concealer will counteract redness, and a warm-tones fight dark circles.  Start by squeezing a small amount onto the top of your hand, and applying a small amount over desired area and blending out with the rest of the skin.  I like the MAKE UP FOR EVER HD Concealer because of the wide range of tones available to really create that un-made-up look.

$28 - Sephora Stores

4. EVEN skin tone with a very high quality foundation.  There are many companies advertising HD makeup and much of it is simply a marketing tool, with some being much too heavy for daily use.  For everyday wear, try DIOR Capture Totale.  Not only does this foundation cover perfectly, but it looks natural AND contains SPF 15 for sun protection.  TIP: Instead of using a traditional foundation brush, use a dual-fiber brush (often specified for blush), and pick up a small amount of foundation off the top of your hand.  Apply to the face in circular downward motion for a truly "airbrushed" effect.  Make sure to blend down the neck to avoid the "mask" look.

$76 - Bloomingdales

5. FIX.  Traditionally, liquid makeup is set with powder, but I have found that unless you know how to expertly apply powder, it can come out looking clay-like (though a must if you have problems with shine).  If you are using powder, make sure to use a large, good-quality powder brush, and tap off excess before lightly dusting face.  Another option, though, is to use a fixative spray such as MODELCO Beauty Fix, which keeps foundation put all day long.

$34 - Henri Bendel 5th Avenue

Now that you have your base down, stay tuned for tomorrow on how to step it up with facial contouring...

Prep Microdermabrasion Treatment by YBF

I am a fan of at home face peels, scrubs and masques. I love them. I love the feeling of fresh, clean, skin, free of impurities, dry skin and rough patches. It's hard to find the right exfoliator that is tough enough to make a difference, but gentle enough to not damage the skin.

I am currently trying out a skin care regimen from YBF and found an exfoliator/at-home microdermabrasion product I love so much, I had to tell you about it before I use the line and do the official review. Prep is a fine-grain manual (instead of chemical) Microdermabrasion treatment. It contains teeny, tiny little grains that exfoliate your skin in a way that is more satisfying than another granular scrub I have tried. It also contains peptides, botanicals and vitamins to treat your face after you have used it to exfoliate.

So many of these kinds of exfoliators have large, unevenly sized bits of pits or grains that actually tear your skin on a microscopic level. This scrub contains the opposite. It delivers itty-bitty bits that seem small enough to clean your pores, enough of them to evenly make your skin glow. These amazing little exfoliating grains come in a creamy, vitamin packed base, which make the application feel great and give beautiful, fast results.

(If you look, you can see the grains. They're tiny!)

This at-home microdermabrasion is serious stuff. If you have delicate skin, you'll be ok, just go slow and with very light pressure. If you have very sensitive or delicate skin, this might be too much for you. But if you can handle it, it gives instant, amazing results.

I actually did an experiment with Loxy's nose using this scrub. He has been battling oily skin, which is finally under control, but he is left with a ton of blackheads on his schnoz. I washed his nose with his usual cleanser and then exfoliated his nose using this scrub. I wish I had taken photographs, because the difference was amazing. Where it had been a virtual field of clogged pores, it was now free and clear of blackheads. I was quite honestly, shocked at the results.

If you are looking for an at-home microdermabrasion treatment to remove the dead skin cells and reveal fresher, younger skin, look no further. My skin looked clearer, fresher and younger after the first time I used it.This product doubles as a mask, so if you have a few minutes, leave it on after you have exfoliated. Your skin is open to all of the vitamins and peptides that Prep contains and you'll get a fantastic result. I have tried a ton of scrubs, exfoliators and at-home dermabrasion kits in the last few years. This one is definitely one of the best I have tried.

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review. YBF does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Beautyland Tour, Week of 9/20

September is brimming with beauty! From fall flowers to fashion, it's an exciting time of year. We've been focused this week on the season's latest makeup, nail colors, and hair care, among a few other obsessions. Take our beauty tour to see our latest loves.

Sabrina demonstrated why the perfectly named Stellar Pink in Rouge Volupté Perle has become an overnight sensation. Visit The Beauty Look Book to find out why you need the star of YSL's show.

Charlestongirl got her hands on four of the new Uptown Mauve Rouge d'Armani lipsticks from Giorgio Armani Beauty. Check out Best Things in Beauty to see why there should be a creamy, long-lasting lovely in your makeup bag.

Gaia discovered the wonders of Laura Mercier's fab Eye Liner in Black Ebony and provided some great application assistance at The Non-Blonde.

Anne is an admitted nail polish "fiend." She told us why Dazzle Dry is the Energizer Bunny of nail polishes at BeautyXposé.

Kelly modeled the Fall/Winter Collection of the Fusion of Color Natural Collection at Gouldylox Reviews. She showed us how to look like ourselves, only better.

Kari always has a Pantene product in her shower. She recently tried Professional Level Damage Repair Ampoule Treatment for Medium Thick Hair, and even though her hair isn't particularly thick, she liked it! Find out why at Fab over Forty.

Ever wonder how those airbrush foundation products really work? Self-proclaimed klutz Lisa told us how she fell in love with the Luminess Air Brush Pro System at The Beauty Info Zone Blog. We'll be watching to see how long it takes her to repossess it from Marcia.

Did you watch Episode 1 of Flawless Faces for All Races last week? Vicki posted Episode 2 this week at Makeup Artist Backstage. All of us can learn tips and techniques by watching pro artist Vicki make women gorgeous!

Burberry Beauty's Rosewood Eyeshadow has become a blogger darling. Find out why from Elvira at Pink Sith.

Product Girl Carla celebrated her five-year blogging anniversary this week. Congratulations, Carla! Ever wondered what a beauty addict's home looks like? Head over to see her true confessions.

We hope you have a great weekend. Do something nice for yourself!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Naturally Perfect. Fusion of Color Au Natural Color Collection

Sometimes a girl gets tired of the teal-green sheen or glossy, sparkly glitz that makes up the predominant eye shadows on display everywhere. It definitely happens to me. While I have perfected the art of needing to wear a bright purple and green eye combo to the grocery store, there are some days where you just want to look polished, natural and perfect. Like you were born with amazing lashes, slightly sculpted cheeks and a beautiful, bow shaped mouth.

When this mood strikes me, shimmer shadows won't due. Neither will high contrast matte shadows. The perfect fit for this mood, for me, is this different take on naked from Fusion of Color.

I love how my eyes look defined, very blue and polished. Three simple, matte shadows from Fusion of Color are the answer. The new 2010 Fall/Winter Collection includes three half size eye shadows, Moonbeam, Sunshine and In the Shade and Peaceful Blush. You'll also get sample sizes of the coordinating lipstick and lip gloss.

I love how this blush, Peaceful, makes my cheeks have the perfect amount of flush. It's an amazing natural color that isn't overly pink, brown or peach. Somehow it just blends into the skin, emphasizing what you already have. It's a unique color that doesn't look as unique in the pot, but adds the perfect amount of color to give you a fresh look.

This lip color sample that I am wearing is, High Strung, a cross between a gloss and a lip stick; a hydrating, real nude. Not a nude that is lighter than your lip color (on me, anyway), but one that is just slightly better than your lip color. It's an easy, weekend look for Fall!

Pick up the whole kit for $18.25. Natural never looked so naturally beautiful!

This was sent for me for the purposes of review. Fusion of Color does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Your Hair Deserves a Spa Treatment As Well!

Unwanted hair, that is...
Whether you are trimming, styling, or removing body hair, there are many way to get spa quality results in the privacy of your own home!

1. SHAVING. The classic tried and true (and least expensive) method of grooming, and often the choice for legs and underarms by many women because it is easy and fairly quick, and can be done in the shower during your daily routine. Unfortunately shaving can cause skin irritation and lead to ingrown hair, and actually causes hair to grow back thicker and darker. If you are going to use this method, I really like the SCHICK Quattro TrimStyle Razor & Bikini Trimmer because of its duality of use with a razor on one end and a trimmer on the other.

$10 - Drugstores Nationwide

2. WAXING.  A process by which hot wax is spread over the desired removal area with a paper or fabric pressed into the wax.  When the wax is cooled, the paper is swiftly pulled away from the skin, taking the hair with it.  Unfortunately traditional waxing methods can be very messy and somewhat painful if not done by a professional.  The benefit to waxing, however, is that over time, it actually reduces the amount of hair and coarseness, allowing more and more time to pass between treatments.  There are some great products out there to make this process easier such as the MOOM Express Pre-Waxed Strips for Face and Bikini, which are simple and effective.

$9 - Folica

3. CHEMICAL.  This became an at-home trend very quickly with products like Nair, Nads, and Veet released over the last 20 years, with their effectiveness constantly under debate.  The process is all too convenience, and results tend to not be consistent.  SURGI CARE makes a fairly good, inexpensive 3-step cream system.  If you have very sensitive skin, I would shy away from this method.

$10 - Ulta Beauty

4. ELECTRICAL.  Electrolysis is a process by which each hair is individually removed using an electric impulse, and often done at a professional salon.  Now you can get professional results at home with CLEAN + EASY Deluxe Home Electrolysis Kit.  The major downsides of this is that it is VERY time consuming and somewhat expensive, and is best used for random stray unwanted hairs than entire large areas.

$38 - Folica

5. LASER.  This method involves aiming tiny pulses of light into the follicle to stop hair growth.  This is the newest technology, and is generally the most expensive AND the most permanent.  While the at-home systems available are not as potent as the spa treatments, and do take some dedication, the long term results speak for themselves.  With dedication, you could be permanently rid of ALL unwanted hair within 6 months. If you are ambitious and really want to invest the time and money, try the TRIA Laser Hair Removal System.

$495 - Tria Beauty

6. THREADING.  One of the latest salon trends is threading is an ancient Indian method of removing unwanted hair, performed by running a two twisted threads over the selected area and pulling the hairs out in the twist at the follicle.  Normally, I wouldn't recommend trying this at home, but KARMISSIE has come out with an amazing at home kit that makes threading EASY, and even comes with an instructional DVD.  Though  it does take some getting used to, once you get the hang of it, threading is one of the quickest and painless methods of removing hair, especially on the face.

$125 - Karmissie

Legs - Shaving, Waxing, or Laser
Bikini - Waxing
Underarms - Shaving, Electrolysis, or Laser
Face - Waxing or Threading


Now I know that stomping all over town in your Louboutin's can do a NUMBER of your feet, causing callus development and blisters as well as ruining your pedicure.  Luckily, there are some easy ways to get a great pedicure AND manicure at home with minimal stress and cost.

1. SOAK. There are many foot salts available on the market, but I find that using standard epsom salts work just fine.  You can also add a few drops of an essential oil of your choice for aromatherapy.  You can find many varieties of massaging foot soakers etc, which are all great, but if you don't have or can't afford one, a simple plastic tub will be sufficient.  Let your feet soak for approximately 5 minutes to soften skin and nails.

2. EXFOLIATE. Using a dry file, such as a PED-EGG, you can remove calluses and dry, tough skin to reveal softer, smoother skin.  After you have used the file, I like to take it one step further with a coarse scrub infused with essential oils such as the Sweet Feet Foot Scrub from ANAKIRI, which leaves feet SILKY smooth.

$10 - Drugstores Nationwide

$32 - Anakiri

3. TRIM and FILE.  Using a straight-edge clipper, trim nails in three cuts each, as a single cut can get too close to the skin and lead to infection.  Smooth out edges with a fine-grit emery board.

4. MOISTURIZE with a rich cream on the top and bottoms of feet and in between toes.  Make sure to massage well into the skin and nail beds for ultimate absorbtion.  I really like KAIA HOUSE ORGANICS Shea Head-To-Toe for this.

$8 - Kaia House Organics

5. POLISH using a base coat, two coats, and a top coat, making sure to separate toes with a foam divider.  Use PERFECT FORMULA's Gel Coat to strengthen as a base and follow with a great fall color like Chambord.  Finish with My Favorite Topcoat.

$24 - Perfect Formula

$15 - Perfect Formula

$18 - Perfect Formula

6. DRY for at LEAST 15 minutes before slipping on any open-toed shoes.  Full drying can take up to two hours, so make sure you either have some time, so can wear open shoes!

1. SHAPE with a fine-grit emery board, never removing sidewalls.  This is a better alternative to cutting as trimming with scissors can lead to brittle, easily-damaged nails.  If you skip soaking, it will help your color last longer.

2. APPLY a cuticle CREAM and gently push back cuticles.  Massage cream into nails first and NEVER cut cuticles.  Cutting the cuticles can lead to infection and actually cause a buildup of cuticle tissue.  I really like the Nail and Cuticle Cream from GLYTONE, which contains glycolic acid to gently minimize cuticles after use over time.

$24 - Glytone 

3. APPLY a cuticle OIL such as the SALLY HANSEN Vitamin E Nail and Cuticle Oil.

$6 - Drugstores Nationwide

4. BUFF the nail with an ultrafine buffer to remove ridges.

5. DEHYDRATE the nail with an acetone-based nail polish remover.  This preps the nail for lacquer and will promote a longer wearing color.

6. PAINT with the same process as toes, using a base coat, two coats of color, and a super-shiny topcoat.
Start with the O.P.I. Natural Nails Basecoat, and follow with a great fall color such as ESSIE Limited Addiction.  Finish with a Super-Shiny top coat such as O.P.I. RapiDry Topcoat.

$9 -

$8 - Essie

$9 -