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It's My One Year Anniversary!

I can't believe it's been one year since I got the idea to put all of my beauty product know-how and advice into a blog.

Since then, I have gotten to meet some of my beauty favorites, like Leslie Blodgett, Paula Begoun and Jan Marini. I've gotten to do some interesting things, like roll down a hill in a hamster ball filled with water to test Tarte makeup. I have also mastered the art of writing a sponsored blog post using a words and phrases specified by the company, despite the fact there is no link between them and the product I am reviewing.

I have gotten myself into some odd situations, like getting ready to interview a certain MTV celeb on the spur of the moment and then forgetting who she is and what her name was, as I was walking up to speak with her. Luckily, my two sisters-in-law were there to answer when I whisper yelled, "Why is she famous?".

Since then, I have written over 400 posts and made some really amazing friends, despite the fact I have never met most of them. Loxy, my most loyal reader, has learned more than he ever wanted to about makeup. The coolest/weirdest/least expected thing? Having strangers approach me and call me Gouldylox.

Since I can't pick one favorite post, I asked Loxy to pick one. And in a turn that surprises me and doesn't surprise me at all, he picked the post where I get to use his mistake to help everyone learn what not to do when you get a bad haircut.

Thanks for all of your comments, for reading my reviews daily and for not openly mocking my grayish roots or minuscule lashes. You're the best!

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