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Ken Paves Headband Hair Love

(The bangs are mine, the rest is Ken's.)

I am in total and unabashed love with this new Headband Fall from Ken Paves. I tested the R6 color, which is a medium brown with a slight hint of red. While you can't really see the headband itself in this picture, the headband is holding the hair in place (attached to the fall with velcro) while three clips secure it to your head. You can also switch out the headband with a different color (it comes with black and brown). It matched my actual hair color perfectly and looked really believable. Now, as perfect as it is, do have a few notes:

1. If it is really windy, you need to add an additional clip to the back of the piece to keep it secure. Never underestimate the power of a sneaky wind. Lesson learned. (There was a storm. I should watch local news more often before going out.) Thanks to Xina for casually helping me out that night!

2. If your hair is super short, carry a brush with you so you can make quick stops to brush it out. Because my hair only comes to the nape of my neck, the faux hair tends to stick together a bit, instead of mixing with my own hair. If your hair is slightly longer, you shouldn't have this problem.

3. If your hair is very short, like mine, instead of a headband, use a scarf. This camouflages the short hair at the nape of your neck, making it look even more realistic.

I have now worn this out to dinner on more than a few occasions. Other than my 93-year-old grandmother saying she didn't like how it made my real hair look (I don't know, she couldn't articulate her comment. She's 93. Honestly, she just likes to be contrary. I've never even seen her real hair.), I have gotten nothing but really positive responses to my long locks.

It's very comfortable, lightweight and feels really secure. I got several compliments from strangers (take that, Bubbe!) and know a few people who ran off to the web to check one out for themselves after we met.

If you aren't sure about wearing faux hair to fill out your own, this is a great piece to get your feet wet in the faux hair swimming pool. If you are a seasoned faux hair wearer, this is one of the easiest pieces to use. It's available on QVC and retails for between $85-$100.

In more Ken Paves news, earlier this week, Ken launched his new Self Help line on the Q. Self Help claims to improve your hair and, most importantly for me, helps seal color onto the hair shaft, making hair last longer. And as my hair grows faster and faster, thanks to supplements and other products, I am looking for color products to extend the time between salon visits. Ken's new The Power of Now- In Color can help cover regrowth and boost color. I believe you just add a bit to your shampoo and your color is amped. This product is going on my list of must-haves!

What do you think? Would you wear something like this? Tell me!

This hair extension was sent to me for the purposes of review.

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