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Living Proof Styling Cream vs. The Threat of a Thunderstorm

As I am growing my hair, I am learning that I have managed to avoid lots of the girl traps that long hair brings. The need for brushes. The need to carry around bobby pins, barrettes and clips. And the need to find something to fight frizz.

Living Proof heard about my adjustment to having longer hair and asked me to try out their Living Proof Styling Cream Straight Making for Medium to Thick Hair. This styling cream claims to "efficiently deliver PolyfluoroEster to the surface of the hair in one even, perfect layer—devoid of any extraneous additives. This advanced styling aid works great on color-treated hair and is terrific for smoothing split ends. No Frizz also repels dirt and oil so you can go longer between shampoos."

While I have pretty straight hair, it does get a little unmanageable from time to time, which I believe to be because of humidity. While it doesn't exactly frizz, like some of my friends' hair, it does get a different texture that doesn't lay flat and refuses to behave in humid weather. (Why do I feel like an alien describing my hair? Who knew not having longer hair would leave this void of understanding in my life?)

(My therapy dog, Dirk Diggler, preparing to go to a museum to hang with kids with disabilities. He clearly isn't worried about humidity. Probably because he would be inside when I was working at another event outside.)

So I decided to test it out on a day I was doing a Karma Dogs event and would be outside all day. On the same day, it was threatening to thunderstorm, which leads to a day with high humidity. Especially in Baltimore, which is one of the humidity capitals of the east coast. So to prepare, when my hair was wet, I coated the hair with the styling cream and blew it dry with my dryer. I didn't flat iron my hair. Then I waited.

Here was my day. I was inside in the morning. Then from 11am-2:30pm, I was outside in the humidity. After that, I was back in my office, which happens to be (almost) on a pier overlooking Baltimore's Inner Harbor (on the non-tourist side). The proximity to water on a rainy day means even more humidity. Finally, by 7pm, I was home. So my hair went through several climate changes and lots of humidity.

And at the end of the day, my hair looked pretty good.

I do have one little wonky piece at the end (front, right) that is flipping out in a way that wasn't intentional and is the start of that whole damaged piece of hair misbehaving, but it did hold its own for about 12 hours. Overall, I would call it a success!

What do you think? Have you tried this? Love it? Lump it? Tell me in the comments!

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