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Fun, Fresh Summer Finds That Won't Harm Your Skin

Since the warmer weather has arrived, left and is possibly coming back, I thought we'd talk summer goods. The most important product that you can't live without is sunscreen - but you knew that already, right? From sunup to sundown if you are not covered in sunscreen you are wasting your time reading beauty blogs. I can tell you what will help look your best, but if you don't start with sunscreen, I can't undo the damage the sun will do to your skin. All it takes is a few serious tans or one burn and you are damaged goods.

You can repair the photodamage caused by the sun's rays, but why pay to fix it if you could have prevented it? Pick sunscreen with an SPF of at least 25 that protects against UVA and UVB rays. If you are specifically staying outside or getting wet, you are going to need something that is waterproof and you will need to apply it often.

For day to day activities (like walking from your car to your office), I love Jan Marini's AntiOxidant Daily Face Protectant Sunscreen. It's the best I have found and worth the money. It's not goopy, gloppy and doesn't go on white. It's the best in its class. There is also a waterproof version of this sunscreen. While I haven't tried it, I can only imagine it is as wonderful as the original version.

One of the most interesting products I have found so far this season comes from HydroPeptide. They recently launched a new SPF, Anti-Wrinkle, Skin Enhancing UV Protection, that contains skin-adjusting pigments to help give you a touch of coverage while protecting your face. It's like a skin treatment, sunscreen and coverage all in one. It smells delicious and doesn't feel at all like a regular goopy sunscreen. I am very fair and the self-adjusting pigments matched up ok. This isn't a substitution for foundation, but is great as an SPF alternative and perfect to throw in your bag for an easy weekend getaway.

If you are anything like me, I am constantly in search of a tinted moisturizer that gives some coverage, but looks dewy and fresh without being shiny. While I keep searching high and low and testing everything I can get my hands on, Tarte's Smooth Operator is the tinted moisturizer I keep coming back to. I can't find anything better for a quick tinted moisturizer. It has an SPF 20 UVA/UVB sunscreen and is paraben- and sulphate-free. It's great for low-maintenance ladies or gals on the go.

Still feel the need to fake as a glamazon? I recently discovered DuWop's Sundrops and I am waited with bated breath until payday so I can soak up some sun without increasing my frecklage. I love a good bronzer and this one reminds me of my first-ever expensive bronzer purchase, a liquid bronzer from Prescriptives. Ah, memories....

Don't forget to protect your pucker! Some lip glosses can magnify the sun's damage the same way that applying tanning oil to skin can. Yikes! I love Juara's Candlenut Lip Balm. It comes in an adorable little container, and has an SPF of 20. It leaves your kisser super soft, it isn't sticky and it leaves lips glistening. It's on sale right now for $14, so stock up!

What are your summer must haves to help save your skin? Tell me in the comments!

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