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I Grew Up With Bees as Pets. Sort of.

(The cows that came in our backyard looked like this and were just as serious.)

I grew up in the middle of the country. We didn't have livestock (the first question I am always asked) although I did wake up to my Mom chasing cows out of the backyard with a stick on more than one occasion. I also DID NOT drive a tractor to school, despite what Loxy says. (Although it is true I lettered in chorus.) I had your usual domesticated pets and a few hundred unusual ones.
(Killer and Rodan looked just like this, but Rodan had red eyes. He was the epitome of evil.)

We almost always had two dogs and for awhile, I had two evil birds, Killer and Rodan. I suppose the bird's personalities were my fault for giving them those names. But I was in third grade, how was I supposed to know a name meant so much to a bird? I am told that when they went to live with my cousins and were renamed Lovey and Doodle (or something like that) and that they were beautiful, sweet birds.

When I was in middle school, my dad, out of nowhere, became a bee keeper. A full on white suit, honey-making, candle-creating bee keeper. At one point, he was even the go to guy in our county if there was a swarm in the area. He would suit up, get his smoker and come back with another hive.

My father is now gone (although we still have honey and candles) and the hives in my childhood yard are empty. But the bees who were so important to my Father, continue to play a big part in all of our lives in one way or another.

So it's kismet that I recently discovered a brand called Beecology. This brand, inspired by another accidental beekeeper, mixes bee byproducts like Honey and Propolis Extract with organic and natural ingredients to make honest products that work. I really dig their hand lotion and my shower hasn't been the same since I discovered their Honey and Oatmeal Peppermint Morning Soap.

But the best part is that each sale comes with a code that enables you to choose a charity to receive a contribution from your sale. You can choose from a variety of charities like Life Beat, Autism Speaks, United Jewish Communities and Beyond Pesticides. What a brilliant idea!

Beecology offers sulfate- and paraben-free shampoo and conditioner, an array of Natural Soaps (my faves are the Lavender and Honey & Oatmeal Peppermint), Hand and Body Lotion and Lip Balm.

These products are good for you, natural as they can be and give back to the community. What more can you ask for? Check them out! Start with the Honey and Oat Peppermint soap - it's the best way to start the day!

These products were sent to me for the purposes of review.

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