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Now that you have tossed your expired / unwanted cosmetics and skincare, you should carefully go through everything you have left and clean it.

For skincare bottles, and tubes, it may be as simple as wiping them down with a towel soaked with warm soap and water, but for some of your cosmetics, it may be a bit more involved.

Spray lipstick with rubbing alcohol to sanitize and then wipe clean on a paper towel.

For cream and cake foundations, spray with rubbing alcohol and then wipe with a paper towel, being careful not to take too much of the product with it.  For liquid foundations, wipe down the container with a warm towel soaked with soapy water, and use a cotton swab to clean around the dispenser with rubbing alcohol.

When cleaning, be careful not to wet the cake or powder, as it will be ruined.  Using a damp paper towel, carefully wipe the inside and outside of containers, making sure to allow them to sit out and dry completely before you store them again.

There is little you can do to clean these products, so make sure to keep mascara and eyeliner for yourself and do not ever share these with friends.  Your safest bet is to purchase some disposable mascara wands and eyeliner brushes and use them each once and toss.

Simply sharpen the pencil to reveal a fresh start.

As I mentioned before, clean and sanitize brushes in warm water with Dawn dish soap and let air dry thoroughly before using or storing.

While you are at cleaning and sanitizing, don't forget your makeup cases, trays, drawers, or the shelves you keep them on.  Using a damp towel, simply wipe down all surfaces and allow to dry thoroughly before returning everything to its proper place!