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Making a Change for the Better : Nutrisystem

It's time for me to make a change. It's no secret I'm not the skinniest girl in the room. I never have been. Although I was really skinny once, for about 2 years.I remember it being gloriously easy to get dressed in the morning. I remember not being self conscious in front of my then boyfriend, Loxy. And I remember not feeling like food was in control of me.

 (Me when I was thin, doing a goofy model pose for a friend. She thought it hilarious. I thought I looked possessed. Either way, I can't fathom wearing a halter top as a shirt now and haven't seen my collarbones in short of a decade.)

Then I got engaged and the stress and drama took over my life. Eating felt like a great way to self-soothe. I actually remember thinking to myself, "If I can only keep putting these crackers in my mouth, I'll stop feeling so bad". Who am I kidding? A few days ago, I was thinking, "I know I'll feel better if I can just keep eating these." I don't even remember what "these" are. I just I am consciously soothing myself with food (is it wrong to devour sleeves of Town House crackers in minutes?)

My behaviors haven't changed. I know what to eat, but I can't seem to actually do it. I know how to lose weight, but I feel like I've let food take so much control that I can't win. And with everything going on in my non-blogged about life, I need help getting control of my life and my body.

(Me last week in LA.)

Between working at my day job, running my non-profit, blogging and family drama, I can't imagine having the time to vacuum the bedroom, let alone plan meals that will help me lose weight. And I am so exhausted and worn out, it's getting hard to function, let alone thrive. I need someone to help me get back on track and to help me plan and prepare meals that will make me feel better. Stress, exhaustion and feeling "meh" not only make me less productive and less fun to be around, but it takes a toll on my skin, one of my favorite things about my body.

So I've been given the opportunity for some help to get back on track. I'm starting Nutrisystem. I've been given the chance to join the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Program. This means I'll share my journey with you; the ups and the downs, the food I like and what I don't like, and hopefully, my success. Stay tuned for weekly posts on how it's going. In the meantime, if you have any Nutrisystem advice, please share it with me! I'm sure I'll need all of the help I can get!

Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem? Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting here.

I am part of the Nutrisystem Blogger Nation and Nutrisystem is providing their plan and food in exchange for my reviews. As always, opinions are my own.

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