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L'Oreal Double Extend Eye Illuminator in Black Copper For Blue Eyes

 L'Oreal Double Release Extend Eye Illuminator has been on the shelves for a bit, calling my name.  I know in the past, when I've tried these kind of mascaras, they haven't worked. I hadn't read any other reviews of this product, because while I had a feeling it would be more of the same, I wanted to have hope.

When it showed up in my mailbox, I assumed it must be a gift from the makeup gods, to show me that it was worth trying.

I shouldn't look into things so much.

(without anything)

I tried the Black Copper for Blue Eyes formula. As a mascara, it's ok. It made my lashes look like they had on, well, mascara. It wasn't anything lengthening or volumizing or shiny. It was a decent standard mascara.

(with black mascara only)

Then I added the bronze, which is applied with a nifty ball-shaped applicator. It didn't show up. I tried adding the bronze to my lashes with a flat brush, by applying a bit of it to the back of my hand and then directly to my lashes. I figured it was a more direct way to apply more product and get more bang for my lash.  That did nothing. Next, I added it to my finger directly and applied it by batting my lashes into my finger. All of that resulted in this.

 (The whole megillah. I can see a few sparkles on my lashes, but that is after applying it three ways.)

It's a lot of work for not a lot of payoff. And it flaked little bronze sparkles off within a few minutes. At the end of it all, it's not bad, but it's not very dramatic or illuminating.

This was sent for review. L'Oreal tests on animals.

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