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Plains and Prints and Hues of Blue

Plains and Prints has created a collection I'm beginning to love! Most pieces look so polished and safe --- something that screams ME. 

Backtrack: I've ventured a bit with fashion (trying to go eclectic, but nah) and eventually strayed from my comfort zone, but I ended up going back to my usual comfort pieces.

Agatha sleeveless sailor top, 1295
Rapunzel shorts, 995

So when Plains and Prints launched their latest chic line-up, I was instantly stunned by their blue pieces (my fave color!)

First Set of Picks: Uber Clean Blue & White

loving that peppermint Anatalia pants

Second Set: Denim Blues

Third Set: Blues and Stripes

my fave set! so chic and girly and stripey! (girls love the right kind of stripes!)

Fourth Set: Stark Blue

Last month, I was able to try on that Arlene sleeveless sailor dress in Carribean orange (surprisingly, I preferred that color over blue) and the BF absolutely approved of it (the model above wore a size too small; had she worn something a wee bit bigger, it would've flowed nicely like she sprung out of a 60's mag). However, I felt that the size was too snug on the armpits that I can no longer gain a millimeter of fat on that area if I wanted the dress to still look flattering on me. Next size was already too big :(

Plains and Prints' sizing has been a bit of a problem for me. It's often a hit or miss.

However, for this collection, I dare not miss trying out the pieces I love! These are just a few ensembles of what Plains and Prints have to offer that I picked out ... they have loads of other chic stuff so better check them out before they run out of sizes!