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Haul: Yes to Carrots (& lots of other veggies)

While hunting for a Revlon Matte Lipstick I have been coveting (in Smoked Peach) , I stumbled across a much more exciting find today at my local Walgreens. Buried in the clearance section was a treasure trove of deeply discounted Yes to Carrots goodies. A month or two ago I picked up the Yes to Cucumbers Soothing Eye Gel and it was love at first application. I later bought a couple products off of their website, and have yet to be disappointed. The only thing less than amazing about Yes to Carrots products is the slightly steep price tag.  So needless to say, I was thrilled to discover a vast selection of YTC treats marked down 50% or more. I splurged, and brought home a whole farmer's market worth of skin food, including some shampoo, conditioner, and eye cream, some face lotions, a face mask, make-up removing wipes, and more.

In the past few months I have been making an earnest attempt to switch to mostly or all natural, organic skincare and body products. However, in my experience, it is challenging to find affordable natural products that actually perform as well as those packed with parabens, synthetic dyes, and chemicals. For instance, as much as I want Burt's Bees to be amazing, I haven't actually tried many of their products that I would consider repurchasing. I love the fact that with Yes to Carrots, and their other lines Yes to Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and Blueberries, my face is drinking in the benefits of a whole bunch of veggies. While I have yet to try any of the products I purchased today, based on what I have seen from YTC so far, I have high hopes and expectations.

Hopefully there is a similar deal going on at your nearby Walgreens. Keep an eye out for individual product reviews on the items featured here in the near future.

All products were purchased with my own money, and I am not being compensated in any way by YTC.

Adventures in Beautyland: My IPL Experience at La Papillon Spa

I've been doing everything from micro needling to peels to potions to get rid of my sun damage and nothing was really working. And by really working, I mean giving me super clear, creamy gorgeous perfect skin. Ok, I would settle for less blotchy, but much less blotchy. After all, I can be realistic! I decided to look into doing a more serious procedure to give me more serious results. After some thoughtful consideration, I decided to try IPL.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a relatively easy and mainly painless way to remove splotches, blotches and redness from the skin. Think of it as a way to wipe a window clean. If you have redness on your face from capillaries or rosacea, or brown spots from sun damage or aging, this may be what you are looking for. If you are looking to improve the texture of your skin, this isn't the right treatment.

Two weeks ago, I opted to undergo IPL (also called photorejuvenation) at La Papillon Spa to finally attack the sun damage that peels and potions would not fix. I've gotten some results with peels, micro needling and creams, but they haven't been able to go deep enough to get to the root of the problem. Photorejuvenation is a way to reach deeply into the skin without disrupting its surface. Because the surface of the skin isn't damaged, you'll have virtually no downtime, almost zero discomfort and, in a few weeks, clear, fresh skin will be revealed.

Sounds great, right? There are a few things you should know before taking the leap into IPL. There are different lasers of different strengths used by different people, which will yield different results. A medical director should oversee the facility that does the IPL. Less expensive lasers, that lower customer costs, may not give you the same results you would receive if the process was done by a medical professional. Think of it as the difference between a $10 haircut and a $100 haircut.

Especially in this case, cheaper isn't better. I urge you to research where you opt to get this done before making a decision. You should also skip this treatment if you have any injuries to the face or are planning a special event in the near future. Your skin will look slightly worse before it gets better, so you'll want to plan accordingly. Here is my face the day before I had my IPL appointment.

(My face under a daylight lamp, the day before IPL)

(More photos of my face the day before IPL, shot under the same day light lamp.)

I turned to La Papillon Spa in Timonium, Maryland for my photorejuvenation treatment. La Papillon works with Dr. Noelle Sherber, a Harvard- and Hopkins-educated board-certified dermatologist. After explaining what to expect from the treatment, we got busy with the laser.

We started by cleansing my face to make sure all of my makeup was removed. Dr. Sherber then examined my skin closely. We discussed what areas I wanted treated to make sure we didn't get rid of any freckles I considered beautiful. She then added a thin gel to my face to help the laser target the skin. This was not a numbing cream - I didn't use one. Next, I was asked to put on special (read: sexy) goggles to protect my eyes from the light the laser emits. Then the zapping began. I was given two squeeze balls to hold on to, just in case I needed to squeeze something.

Dr. Sherber began treating the areas on my left cheek. She was careful to make each treated circle slightly overlap to avoid the dreaded tracks effect, where spots are missed because the person doing the treatment doesn't evenly target the affected areas. The first laser zap was a little surprising, as I didn't really know what to expect. It felt like a little static electricity zap to the skin, or like a rubber band snap.

(One cheek down, one to go! Plus a forehead and chin...)

It wasn't painful, but I wouldn't do it  for fun on a random Sunday afternoon. I was thankful that the laser we were using, by Palomar, gets rid of both brown and red spots in one pass. I would not have been happy if we had to go over each area treated twice.

 (Getting ready for a nose zap. I didn't particularly care for those. By this time, my cheeks were starting to feel sunburned and the ice packs felt lovely.)

While I didn't find the procedure painful, I will give you a little warning about the areas around the nose; specifically where the nose meets the face. That area is a little more tender than the rest of your face. That said, I am certain that not having capillaries showing through my makeup will make me very happy in the long run.

My total treatment took less than thirty minutes, from start to  finish. IPL may not give you perfect results after one treatment and you may need to return a few weeks later for another session. Of course, I'm hoping for very noticeable results with this treatment, fingers crossed!

(Moments after finishing the treatment.)

My face was red immediately after, but otherwise I was fine. It did feel like I had a bad sunburn for a few hours, but it was such a minimal thing I almost stopped at Sephora on the way home to pick up a peach blush I have had my eye on.

(Four hours after the treatment, dark spots are emerging on my face. They will all be lessened in a week or two.)

The next morning, my face was a tiny bit swollen and the sunspots were much darker than ever before, a sign they will start getting lighter very soon. I put a cool washcloth on my eyes for a few minutes and the swelling was basically gone.

 (Moments after I rolled out of bed I was a little swollen. Five minutes later, I was fine.)

Madeleine, the owner of La Papillon, sent me home with a skincare regimen that was really simple.  I asked if I could wear makeup on my skin to cover the darkened bits and she suggested wearing a mineral makeup.

After cleansing, I applied Josie Maran Sunscreen with 40+ SPF to help quell the dry skin that can sometimes be a side effect of IPL treatment. I then let my skin "dry" and got ready to do my makeup. I prefer to wear liquid foundation lately and haven't really touched my BE Matte Foundation in more than a year. I am fortunate that I don't usually have to do a lot of concealing, but I do own BE's Bisque. I figured I would give it a try, not expecting great results.

(A CU of how I looked 45 minutes after the above early morning photo above. Pretty good!)

Because I am hyper-concerned about protecting my skin from sunlight, especially while I'm driving, I used BritePrepFX by Cover FX (FCP 50) and then concealed all of my dark spots, which were starting to look a little like Morgan Freeman in Robin Hood. I used the Bisque by BE to conceal (SPF 20) and finished up with BE's Matte Foundation (SPF 20). I followed up with BE's Mineral Veil. When you include the SPF I applied initially, I think it's safe to say I was protected from the sun!

(This is me about 45 minutes after the above slightly swollen photo.)

I got to work where I sit in an office with two other women who knew I was having the treatment done. Not only did they forget, they didn't notice that anything looked different, other than I wasn't wearing "any makeup".

(The darker spots now look like coffee grounds and will basically dry up and fall off.)

I was prepared for the darker sections of my face (sun spots, capillaries, etc) to get darker and eventually end up on the surface of my face, appearing like coffee grounds, where they will then fall off, revealing new skin. I have to be consciously careful not to pick at my skin, which will be really hard. However, knowing that picking at the "coffee grounds" could result in scarring, I'm going to try really hard to avoid picking.

The next day, I had to go to a Karma Dogs event and used the same skincare/makeup regimen to get great looking skin, despite the appearance of the "coffee grounds".

(36 Hours after IPL, on my way to volunteer with Karma Dogs BE's Matte Foundation did an amazing job!)

So after one week, here is my progress so far. 

 (The left side is after. The right side is before.)

The dark areas under my eye and along my cheek bone are much lighter and a decent amount of the redness in my cheek hollow is also gone. My skin is still healing, so I am hoping some of the spots will continue to lighten. My broken capillaries are not yet completely healed, hence the slightly darker spot. You can see that the overall tone is lighter and that many of the darker patches have been broken up and lightened.

 (The before is on the left. The after is on the right.)

Here is the other side of my face. You can't quite see it, but there is a freckle in the before shot (bottom of my chin) that literally fell off of my face and is no longer there. This side of my face also shows some lightening of age spots. This is my "driving side", which has more damage than the "non-driving side". Some of the spots on the after side are still darkened from the IPL treatment and are still in the healing process.

Here is a look at my skin two weeks after having IPL at La Papillon Spa.

 (My non-driving side is looking dramatically improved.)

(This is my driving side. Even it is looking much better after two weeks.)

(You can even see the improvement on my nose. That little red bit on my upper lip is a blemish, btw.)

I am thrilled with the results so far. My skin looks creamy and fresh in a way that it hasn't in several years. I am told to expect my skin to continue to improve and I will happily post pictures for you in an update. In the meantime, I am curious to find out if a second treatment would give me additional results or if this is essentially as light as I can expect my melasma to get.

Have you considered this before? Was your experience similar? Tell me in the comments!

If you live in the Baltimore area and are interested in learning more anti-aging procedures or actually having a treatment like IPL, contact La Papillon for more information. They often have seminars to inform people interested in learning about anti-aging treatments and are a great resource for information. Be sure to follow them on Facebook as well for info on special events and deals!

La Papillon provided the treatment  in exchange for my opinion.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.


Ever find yourself spending hours trying to decide on your next nail color, or wondering what your nail color might say about your personality?  This hand guide will take the guesswork out of choosing your perfect color!

Go for bright pink and coral colors, or, if you prefer nudes, go with a pale pink!

TRY ESSIE Spring 2011 Collection

$8 - Essie

Looks great with jewel tones! Try a light brown for a subtle look!

TRY O.P.I. Texas Collection

$9 - O.P.I.

Orange and bright blue are ideal knockout colors, with a dark chocolate being a great neutral look!

TRY ORLY Plastix

$7 - Orly

Everyone can pull off red, but another great switch is to swap your red for a royal purple!


$24 - Fine Department Stores Nationwide

Rimmel Gets Royal + Gorgeous Green Glam'Eyes

After my last drugstore debacle with Almay, I've been shadow-shy in the drugstore. But this green trio from Rimmel has been calling my name for a few weeks. I finally got the chance to try it out.

Thankfully, my faith in eyeshadow has been restored.

I love this Tempting trio, made up of three complimentary green colors. It wears nicely (with a primer), stays bright and doesn't fade or crease during the week day.

I created this quick look using the three shadows, a brown liner and some mascara. So pretty!

Obsessed with the Royal Wedding? Rimmel is! Be sure to follow Rimmel on Facebook for everything makeup related for the Royal Wedding, including a chance to win exciting sweepstakes from Lucky and OK! magazine.

Product was sent for review.  Rimmel does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.


A few simple additions to your mani/pedi routine will kick your experience up a notch!

A great foot scrub can work to exfoliate both hands and feet.  Sugar scrubs are great, especially if you have cracked hands and feet, but look for one loaded with essential oils.

TRY H2O Pumice Foot Scrub
Loaded with marine botanicals to soften and condition the skin!

$15 - Ulta Beauty

Believe it or not, masks for your hands and feet actually DO exist! This will infuse the skin with moisture and ward off environmental stresses!

TRY OPI Manicure / Pedicure Cucumber Mask
Apply to hands, wrists, feet and ankles and then wrap with a warm, damp hand towel and leave on for ten minutes.  Rinse afterwards.

$15 - O.P.I.

You may have heard of expensive paraffin wax treatments for hands and feet at the spa, but now you can even do this at home with a paraffin bath.  Dip each foot and hand into the wax 5-6 times, allowing a few seconds between each dip.  When the wax hardens, peel it off and moisturize.

HOMEDICS ParaSpa Plus Paraffin Bath

$30 -

Etude House Dear Darling Tint Review

The Etude House dear Darling Tint is a good alternative if you want a pop of color on the cheeks and a pair of effortlessly kissable lips. At 198php (~$4), this is a good lip and cheek tint.

The almost gel-like tint is housed in a rather wide and long plastic. It has a doe-foot applicator just like most popular tints. This one is scented and has an initial grapefruit taste to it when applied on the lips.

Etude House Dear Darling Tint in Berry Red
a month after I purchased

I'm not impressed with the color pay-off as I find it a bit unnatural (my gold standard is the natural flush that The Body Shop Lip and Cheek Tint gives me). Etude House's Dear Darling Tint is quite similar to the color you get from Nichido lip and cheek tint so make sure you don't apply too much on the cheeks.

When swatched, Dear Darling tint is very similar to The Bodyshop's tint
(L): The Bodyshop (R): Dear Darling Tint in Berry Red

There are 3 shades available: berry red (01), real red (02), and orange red (03). I got berry red since SA claimed it sold like pancakes. 01, as I've observed over the Etude House counter, has a stronger shade of berry than 02. 03 might be the least enticing to purchase because it really did nothing for my NC30 skintone.

Overall Impression
Because of the cheap tag, I'm satisfied with this product. It was able to give my lips a hint of color that adds to brightening up my face to improve the way I look. It has an impressive staying power both on the lips and cheeks. Minus the unnaturally red flush it gave me and the fact that it dries up relatively quick (vs The Body Shop's), I would've given the Dear Darling Tint a 5-star rating.

I will not recommend this to those who have stubborn-dry lips. Tints just emphasize the ugly truth.

Dear Darling Tint bigger than Bodyshop's

The big question is, will I repurchase the Etude House Dear Darling Tint when I run out? If I had the extra cash, I'd rather go for the Bodyshop's Lip and cheek tint (despite the fact that it has a less impressive staying power than the dear darling tint). On less financially glorious days, I consider this product a savior!

Buxom Swinger Girls: New Limited Edition Lip Polish Collection

Judging by the name of the collection, the Buxom girls are getting saucy! Buxom Swinger Girls, a new and limited edition collection available at Sephora, includes four gorgeous, lightly pigmented colors. These are the perfect accent to a smoky eye for a night out.

You'll get:

Emily, a rosy nude.

Heather, a champagne sparkle.

Lauren, a pink cupcake.

Marissa, a pink blush.

This collection is available now at Sephora for $28. Personally, I am digging Emily (and I'm always a sucker for colors like Dolly). These are definitely not the brightest of colors in the Buxom family. If a smoky eye isn't your thing, these would be especially great for running errands on the weekend or as a gift for a special young lady who is begging to start wearing makeup. Picking up or passing? Tell me in the comments!

Product was sent for review. BE/Buxom does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Wearable Trend: Orange Eye Shadow

Orange is everywhere, but it isn't the easiest color to pull off. But with a little help, it's not as intimidating as you might think. Amped, an orange shadow from Three Custom Color Specialists, looks really bright in the compact but is actually very wearable.

Chad Hayduk from Three Custom Color Specialists has some tips on how to rock the orange without feeling like a traffic cone.


"Color science tells us that shades on opposite sides of the color wheel visually vibrate against one another and we should keep that in mind when choosing eye shadows. Choose colors that contrast with your eye color if you're looking to really pop!”

Keeping that in mind, this color may not work best for my brown-eyed girls. But for the rest of us it's a great color to play with this spring and summer! 

Personally, I love to pair it with a deep purple liner or a bright amethyst eye shadow. Go easy with the lip color, choosing something glossy and lightly pigmented coral or peachy tone. A color that is too strong will compete and complicate the look. 

Unless you want to go full stop 1983. If that is the case, then go for a strong eye, lip and cheek! Are you bold enough to go for orange? How will you wear it?

Product was sent for review. Three Custom Color does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.


Though effectively the same, there are some tricks to giving your feet something extra special!

Using a non-acetone remover, remove old polish, then file nails straight across in one direction with an emery board.

Using a foot bath or plastic tub, soak feet in warm water.  TIP: Make a mix of warm water and whole milk (equal parts) to help exfoliate rough or tired feet.  For a more luxurious experience, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or epsom salts.

Using a wooden stick, gently push back cuticles, trimming if necessary, but don't overdo as the cuticles are live tissue and can get easily infected if trimmed too low.

Using a foot file or a pumice stone, smooth around the base and edges of your foot and heel.

Rinse feet and dry thoroughly, using a small amount of nail polish remover to remove excess oil, which will prevent polish from sticking.

Using a toe divider, separate nails.

In the same method as finger nails (base, two coats of color, top coat), apply lacquer to nails.  Allow these to dry for AT LEAST an hour before putting any socks or shoes on.


The devil can be deceiving...

Its evil twin (source)

first 2 Miu Miu shoe photos from Netaporter

Mally Beauty "Don't Call It A Powder" Poreless Perfection Skin Finisher

I picked up Mally's recent TSV with some birthday money (thanks, Aunt Susie and Uncle Bob!). The collection was just too good to pass up. One of the products I was really interested in trying was the Poreless Perfection Skin Finisher (don't call it a powder!).

This version of a Skin Finisher is basically a tinted version of a high definition powder. It's so finely milled that it almost feels like you are touching air. It's very light, stops oil in its tracks and gives the skin a pretty, slightly brightened finish. While I prefer Mally's Poreless Face Defender, you'll get similar results with this Face Finishing anti-powder. In fact, my oily-skinned friends may actually prefer this formula over the Poreless Face Defender. This also comes with a small buki, great for applying this feather weight product.

If you've seen these kind of powders in stores before and shied away from them because they were bright white and made you look chalky, this is something you should check out. Some of the popular HD powders make even me look too light. I find that this looks much more natural.

 (Pre Face Finisher - me at the end of the day)

(After the Face Finisher)

I did find that I had to be careful not to apply too much of the not-powder, or it sometimes shows up in my larger pores around my nose. The tint that's been added to the powder (sorry Mally!) does add a little coverage, but it's not going to change the overall look of your foundation, provided you've selected the correct color.

(Wearing the Face Finisher - when blended it doesn't show up in pores or fine lines)

However, if you started with a primer that sets up your face for perfection, this can give you a bit of coverage to get you through a Saturday afternoon.

It's available in four skin-forgiving shades ranging from fair/light to rich. It's available in the lovely Share the Love Kit or on its own (although for a little more, go for the kit. It's gorgeous!)

Mally does not test on animals. I bought this. Photos by me.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.