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Youthful Trends Caffienated Primer

I recently came across a makeup primer that included caffeine, which claims to help tighten the skin. Youthful Trends Caffeinated Primer is a 100% natural primer that includes good for your skin ingredients like cucumber. Not only does this primer claim to help tighten your skin, but Youthful Trends also maintains it can reduce facial sweating, curb UV damage, hydrate your face and keep your makeup looking fresh all day.

At first, I didn't expect this primer to perform. It feels like cucumber infused water when you spray it on your face. It's certainly refreshing (and smells nice) when you spritz. This summer has been a doozy in Baltimore and my skin is not agreeing with the humidity and heat. My normally very dry skin doesn't quite know what to do. I mention this because Youthful Trends primer had an interesting effect on my skin.

My makeup definitely stayed on nicely (I have been wearing Bobbi Brown liquid foundation). Even my blush stayed on all day, which is unusual for me. I am not a big outdoor girl or a big sweat-er, so I can't really say how this affected me from a sweating perspective. I did find this primer to be really hydrating, which is not something that usually happens to my overly dry skin. The extra hydration (and maybe the caffeine) made my skin look plump, supple and fresh. I even found myself wanting to blot a bit in the humidity - I wouldn't say this made me oily, but it definitely prompted my skin to stay more hydrated than usual.

This is one of those products that I may have overlooked originally, but performed really nicely. I have also used it at the end of the day to freshen up my face or to give my skin a quick burst of hydration after cleansing at night.

One last interesting fact about this primer. In independent lab tests (not done by the company) UV damage was reduced when topical caffeine was applied to the skin. So if you are like me and vigilant about sun protection, this is a little added bonus protection to consider!

Youthful Trends Caffeinated Primer is available online for $29. Readers can save an additional 25% by using code SHEBLOG at checkout! Have you used this? Let me know what you think!

Product was sent to me for the purposes of review. Youthful Trends does not test on animals.

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