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It's All About CHEMISTRY!!!!

So your skin is aging? You already know that smoking, drinking, sun, and stress are bad for your skin, but do you know WHY? Furthermore, do you know the best ways to counteract these proven skin mishaps, and what ingredients you should look for in your beauty regimen? And YES, it IS about what you eat: Vitamins and minerals DO affect the skins vitality, and youthfulness. In the following, I will explain exactly what your skin needs to look (and feel) its best.

ANTIOXIDANTS prevent the oxidation of certain chemicals in the body which can result in the production of free radicals. Free radicals harm the skin by making it look aged through lines and wrinkles, age spots, and dark circles.

VITAMIN C: The obvious antioxidant choice is easy to ingest with fruits and vegetables, especially citrus aids in collagen production. When used as a topical cream, it can actually counteract the damaging effects of the sun's rays.

VITAMIN E: A favorite for its benefits to skincare and its ability to diminish the appearance of scars, vitamin e can be taken as a supplement or used as a serum (you can even break open the capsules and apply the oil directly onto the skin).

Vitamin E is easily ingestible through your favorite foods. A word of caution: excess vitamin e in your diet can cause major heart problems, so ensure that you are ingesting the proper amount.

DMAE: One of the most powerful antioxidants known to man, more potent than vitamin A and E combined. This chemical attacks free radicals, and is easily available in a dietary supplement from PERRICONE, MD.

$30 - Perricone, MD.

ALPHA LIPOIC ACID: Also easy to take in a supplement, it aids in anti-aging properties of the skin, tightening it through production of elastin. It is also available through PERRICONE, MD.

$30 - Perricone, MD.

VITAMIN A: Most people get enough of this in their diet, but vitamin A, which is extremely beneficial to the eyes, has been shown to reduce bacteria in the skin. The most popular a vitamin is beta-carotene, found in carrots.

VITAMIN B: The two B vitamins that are crucial to skin health are Niacin (B3) and Biotin (B7), both easily available in foods. Also easily found in a Super B Complex vitamin supplement, B vitamins improve brain function, cognition, and energy as well.

Niacin can be found in dairy, poultry, fish, nuts, and eggs.

Biotin is most frequently found in bananas and avocados.

VITAMIN K: Is made through a chemical reaction that occurs from the sun, and is found in most leafy vegetables, reducing rosacea, dark circles, and bruising. Vitamin K can also be used in a cream form but should not exceed 5% concentration unless recommended by a dermatologist.

COPPER: Most people get enough copper in their diet from eating foods grown in copper-rich soil. It is not recommended to take a supplement of copper.

SELENIUM: Reduces the risk of skin cancer caused by the sun, and can be found in several topical skin creams. I like the one from KI RYOONG called Selenium Collagen Essence Mask.

ZINC: Can be found in most carbohydrates and has been known to hinder oil production in the skin. A zinc supplement can also be taken and is recommended in combination with calcium and magnesium.

So now that you have had your chemistry lesson for the day leave with this: Eliminating or reducing smoking/drinking/sun/stress is the VERY BEST way to keep the skin looking young and fresh. All of these are suggestions and in no way are proven medical fact. Many of these vitamins and minerals are offering combinations in many good skin creams, moisturizers, and washes. You decide what works for you!