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Streekers Hair Color with No Commitment

Want to switch up your look with no commitments? Check out Streekers, a brush-on color that adds a serious color punch. Available in colors like pink, ultraviolet, red, green, yellow, orange, purple and blue, you can add any color you want and wash it out the next day.

Streekers applies easily with a doe foot applicator. The liquid color is very thin and dries in under five minutes. I do suggest that you partition out the section of hair you want to color and put a tissue under the section of hair you are coloring to prevent color bleed (think highlighting foils). You can wear gloves when you do this, but the color you are going to get on of your fingers will wash off (but you will have to wash them, dry them and wash them again to get rid of all of the color).

(Green and pink colors.)

Once this color dries, just gently comb through it and it feels like your regular hair and moves like your regular hair. Be sure not to brush too harshly or you could damage your hair. Just comb or brush it out gently and you will be fine.

( I used the pink.)

I didn't have any issues washing this color out of my hair, which is really porous from all of the damage I have done in the past. I wasn't brave enough to apply it to my highlights to get a really bright pop of color, but I liked how it showed up over my brownish red hair.

(The blue streak is hard to see - but it is to the left of her blue eye, over her ear.)

I passed the Blue Streeker over to my superfriend, Xina, to test on her blue black hair. Needless to say, if you are looking for a real color pay off, this works best on hair that is very light.

It's easy to put in and take out with no commitment. I will warn you of one thing: if it's going to rain, don't wear this outside. Or if you are going to really sweat, think twice. This color will run. But for a regular day, it's a great alternative to using harsh chemicals that could damage your hair or leave you with colors you may later regret.

Thoughts? Are you racing to emulate the Olsen Twins or happy with the natural color you have?

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.

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