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Shiseido Makeover by Celeb Makeup Artist Renato Almeida

A bit ago, before my house was gutted and re-built, I wrote about the new Shiseido summer collection. I recently had the opportunity to have my makeup done by their celebrity makeup artist, Renato Almeida. The best part about getting your makeup done by someone who doesn't know you is that you get a fresh interpretation of yourself.

(Me before the makeover.)

So what did Renato do for me? He emphasized my eyes, lining the inner rim with the cult favorite liner, Black Sand. Amazingly, his application lasted all day and into the evening - despite the fact I spent the rest of the day painting my living room, dining room, foyer and kitchen.

(Me after the makeover.)

I really loved how my eyes looked. Renato used a green and peach combo that made my eyes really look pretty, but natural. Specifically, he used Serpent (green) and Bouillon (peach), which are part of the Luminizing Satin Eye Color collection.

I also really liked how their Mascara Base made my lashes look. It conditions lashes to help them grow and adds thickness and a little length. You've seen my lashes, I will take what I can get!

On my lips, he used Perfect Rouge Tender Sheer in the Tender color. Renato also used the Hazel liner, which was a perfect match for my pale pink natural lip.

The sales associates at the Shiseido counter kept telling me that their White Lucent system would get rid of my melasma really, really fast (specifically, a difference would be noticeable in two weeks). I told them that not much has made a difference on my skin but they could not be deterred. It sounds like a Prove It! Challenge to me! Have you tried this? Please let me know if you have!

Where do you look for inspiration to reinvent your look? Have you tried their White Lucent skincare line? Either way, tell me in the comments!

I purchased the lipstick and lip liner from this event. Shiseido does test on animals.

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Urban Decay Fall 2010 Partial Preview

If you haven't already seen the goods - here are the details on some of the items UD is releasing this fall. They'll be available at Sephora, Macy's, Ulta and of course, on August 1.

First is the Naked Palette.

(Virgin-1st, Buck-5th, Darkhorse-8th, Creep-11th, & Hustle-10th are the exclusive shades)

It contains 7 best selling shades, 5 Naked exclusives, a double-ended version of their 24/7 Glide on Eyeliner in Zero (black) and Whiskey (a rich brown) and a travel size of their UD Eyeshadow Primer Potion.

I am also excited to check out the lip glosses, which promises lasting color with no stickiness. It's available in 14 colors for $19 each and according to their research, this mint-flavored formula can potentially plump your lips after repeated use.


While I could make the case for any of these colors, the ones I am particularly interested in are Runway, Perversion and Naked.



Lastly (for this post), is the Vegan Palette.

This looks adorable - I love the Chihuahua on the front! I couldn't agree more - how can anyone test on animals? This palette comes with 6 shadows, a travel Eden Primer Potion and a travel 24/7 Zero liner. It will retail for $34 and be available from the usual suspects.

What are you hoping to get your hands on this Fall?

Images courtesy of Urban Decay.

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Revlon Just Bitten Lip Stains

I am always looking for a lip stain that isn't red or bright pink and doesn't dry out the lips AND works for more than a week. I tested Cover Girl's version of lip stains last year and it didn't go well, despite a good friend of mine LUERVING them.

I saw these in the aisles of CVS and picked up two colors.

Just Bitten is a new lip stain by Revlon that tries to fix the major problem with most lip stains - the dry out factor. Anyone who wears these knows that your lips aren't moist (am I the only one who finds that word awkward to use?) and that your pucker is parched before you leave the house.

So to combat the dryness issue, Revlon added a lip balm to the other end of Just Bitten. The lip balm at the end is a plain, non-scented chunk of lip balm. It adds a little shine, but offers no real hydration. Still, the shine and slightly smoother feeling definitely make up for overall dryness that happens with most lip stains.

I picked out two colors, Flame and Forbidden. At the store, the swatches of Flame suggested it was Coral-ish and Forbidden appeared to be the closest to a brownish, natural lip color. I like the idea of the colors being different from the usual bright pink and dark red that lip stains always turn out to be.

Here is what Flame looked like on, with the balm.

Dangit! That isn't coral in my book! It's pink! Again with the pink lip stains. Is there some rule I don't know about that stop people from making a lip stain in a NON-PINK color? For what it is worth, it wouldn't COME OFF, even after I washed my face, took a shower, used a waterproof makeup remover and slept for 8 hours. I still had bright pink lips.

The next morning, I tested Forbidden, which I thought would be better when I put it on. Indeed, it was. Forbidden was a nice, natural lip stain, without a huge color payoff (which is fine by me!). Forbidden can start at almost nude (above) and build to a darker reddish brown stain.

In the end, they definitely aren't dry, although I am not thrilled with the colors. The lip balm included feels like a chunk of stuff that barely comes off on your lips, but it does make your lips shine slightly. I guess the quest for a good lip stain in a color that isn't pink- or red-based will continue.

I bought these colors myself. And for what it is worth, Revlon doesn't test on animals, according to Beautypedia.

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Sneak Peek: Buxom Stay-There Eyeshadow

For the last week or so, I have been seeing glimpses of a new CREAM eyeshadow collection from Buxom. First, Leslie posted snapshots of the characters (pooches!) on her Facebook page. Then an Allure Magazine blog gave a little more detail. I searched all over, hankering for more info on the shadows. Was it possible that Buxom was naming a line of shadows after the other love of my life, dogs?

Coming to a Sephora near you in August, Buxom is launching TEN cream eyeshadows that are waterproof, infused with Vitamin E and Aloe and stay put. Each shade is named after a pooch and promises to obey your stay command.

(click to enlarge)

(Top, L-R: Shih Tzu, Black Lab, Golden Retriever, Bulldog, Schnauzer, Chihuahua, St. Bernard, Pug, Mutt and Poodle)

These will launch in August at Sephora and will retail for $17. There is also a brush to go with these, and is the same price. These were not tested on animals and are paraben free. I can't wait to get my hands on these pooches! Thoughts?

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Bare Escentuals New Brightening Primer

Bare Escentuals recently launched two new Brightening Primers for the face and the eyes. As of now, it is only available on QVC in the Rethink Beauty Collection, but I would imagine you will soon be able to buy both primers as stand alone products.

The Prime Time Brightening Foundation Primer is a buttercup yellow primer that has a slight brightening effect when applied. According to the presentation on the Q, it works on all skin tones. It is very smooth feeling (thanks to the silicone), but doesn't quite have the same slip the original primer has. The Brightening Primer reflects light slightly differently than the original primer as well and is a thinner product overall. The original Prime Time was like a gel. The new Brightening Primer is more like a thin lotion.

(Brightening Primer is shown on top. Original Prime Time is shown below.)

If you don't need any coverage, you can wear this alone as a great way to smooth out your face and brighten your complexion slightly. I was initially a little worried about the buttercup yellow tint of the product. I have enough yellow in my skin as it is - I don't really need any more. However, this blends in nicely and isn't pigmented enough to cause any color issues. The Brightening Effect is very, very natural, minimal without a fake radiant shine like others. To my knowledge, this product does not contain ingredients like Bearberry that actually brighten your skin. The slight brightening effect is only cosmetic.

(Brightening Primer on top, Original Prime Time below. My skin in two different types of light.)

The Brightening Primer still allows for your foundation to go on perfectly, evenly and smoothly.

(Prime Time Brightening Eyelid Primer on top and Prime Time Foundation Primer on bottom)

Prime Time Brightening Eyelid Primer is a totally different kind of primer from their original Prime Time Eyelid Primer. This primer is more like a cream eyeshadow base in a neutral golden shimmer. It definitely keeps your eyeshadow in place for a full day, just like the original. It can also be worn as an eyeshadow on its own. I am a tough judge of cream-based shadows, and very few pass muster with me. I can tell you that when I wore this alone, I didn't get any creasing or fading. Based on my experience with the new Brightening Eyelid Primer, when Bare Escentuals moves into the cream eyeshadow category, it will be something to get excited about! Check back later today for a sneak peek at the new cream shadow colors just announced for August!

One fun benefit of this particular shadow primer is that it enhances the shadow color, making it more vibrant, while keeping the same basic color finish, just slightly more satin. Some primers turn shadows matte, and some primers auto-foil. This primer just makes the colors more vibrant.

Shown above are Lucky, Midnight Sky and Wildflower. On the top, it is just the shadow. On the bottom, they are applied over the primer. The colors over this primer definitely come alive.

Which is your favorite primer? Have you picked this up yet? Tell me in the comments!

I bought this on the Q. BE is not tested on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Primer Wars: Fresh, BE, Hourglass, NARS, Tarina Tarantino, Philosophy and More

Welcome to today's edition of Primer Wars! Not sure what it's all about? Check it out and learn the rules.

The next group of primers to compete are:

Bare Escentuals Original Prime Time beat Fresh's Primer, despite the fact that I love the smell of all Fresh products.

NARS Makeup Primer defeated Hourglass.

Tarina Tarantino Pearl Glow spanked Philosophy into the Present with her pearly undertones and budge proof hold.

Perfekt is a really nice primer that makes your skin look flawless, but Too Faced edged it out by getting makeup to stay on the longest and keep it looking fresh for hours.

Please vote and RT to make sure your favorite brand doesn't get voted out! Voting will be tabulated in seven days. Check back for more Primer Wars soon or click here to see what you missed.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Youthful Trends Caffienated Primer

I recently came across a makeup primer that included caffeine, which claims to help tighten the skin. Youthful Trends Caffeinated Primer is a 100% natural primer that includes good for your skin ingredients like cucumber. Not only does this primer claim to help tighten your skin, but Youthful Trends also maintains it can reduce facial sweating, curb UV damage, hydrate your face and keep your makeup looking fresh all day.

At first, I didn't expect this primer to perform. It feels like cucumber infused water when you spray it on your face. It's certainly refreshing (and smells nice) when you spritz. This summer has been a doozy in Baltimore and my skin is not agreeing with the humidity and heat. My normally very dry skin doesn't quite know what to do. I mention this because Youthful Trends primer had an interesting effect on my skin.

My makeup definitely stayed on nicely (I have been wearing Bobbi Brown liquid foundation). Even my blush stayed on all day, which is unusual for me. I am not a big outdoor girl or a big sweat-er, so I can't really say how this affected me from a sweating perspective. I did find this primer to be really hydrating, which is not something that usually happens to my overly dry skin. The extra hydration (and maybe the caffeine) made my skin look plump, supple and fresh. I even found myself wanting to blot a bit in the humidity - I wouldn't say this made me oily, but it definitely prompted my skin to stay more hydrated than usual.

This is one of those products that I may have overlooked originally, but performed really nicely. I have also used it at the end of the day to freshen up my face or to give my skin a quick burst of hydration after cleansing at night.

One last interesting fact about this primer. In independent lab tests (not done by the company) UV damage was reduced when topical caffeine was applied to the skin. So if you are like me and vigilant about sun protection, this is a little added bonus protection to consider!

Youthful Trends Caffeinated Primer is available online for $29. Readers can save an additional 25% by using code SHEBLOG at checkout! Have you used this? Let me know what you think!

Product was sent to me for the purposes of review. Youthful Trends does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Beautyland Tour, Week of 6/21

Take a look at what our beauty blogging friends were up to this week as summer kicked into high gear. The heat and humidity didn't slow us down!

Kari introduced us to Judith August and her cosmetics line at Fab over Forty. Love this quote: "I was born with a makeup brush in my mouth, not a silver spoon."

Gaia joined the Shiseido Black Sand Smoothing Eyeliner Pencil fan club this week at The Non-Blonde. Find out why this eyeliner is a must-have and a shade that works for everyone.

Charlestongirl was converted to Edward Bess Cosmetics by that Non-Blonde. She showed us why Compact Rouge has landed on her list of multitasking cream blush favorites at Best Things in Beauty.

Kelly dispelled any doubts that Tarte's Park Avenue Princess Matte Bronzer is waterproof. Head over to Gouldylox Reviews for the glowing proof.

At BeautyXposé, Anne (and esthetician Renée Rouleau) reminded us why our everyday activities can lead to more cumulative sun damage than lying on the beach now and then.

Ever heard of Beecology Bath & Body products? You'll want to read Prime Beauty for Cindy's frugal find. It's good for you, and, it turns out, good for charity too!

We haven't checked in on Debbi for awhile. Find out why St. Tropez Self-Tanning Mousse has left her gushing at DivaDebbi.

Once you get that tan, you'll want to make it glow! Victoria Stiles recommends Urban Decay's Midnight Cowboy Body Shimmer Lotion at Makeup Artist Backstage. It's packed with good-for-your-skin ingredients too.

Laurie gave us a preview of Chanel's Fall 2010 Makeup Collection at Product Girl. A few of us are in the "virtual line" to buy these gorgeous pieces the second they hit the stores! The commotion may rival the iPhone 4 hoopla!

Amber reviewed and swatched the new Bare Escentuals BUXOM Big & Healthy Lip Sticks at Beauty Junkies Unite. Will there be one of these goodies in your bag next month?

Want a sneak peek at Bobbi Brown's Denim & Roses Collection? Find out why it put Lianne in the mood for fall at The Makeup Girl.

Stay cool - enjoy your weekend! Fall's a long way off.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Prove It! Tarte Park Avenue Princess Matte Bronzer

I love proving cosmetic companies' claims true or false. So many companies get away with rampant crazy advertising that I enjoy putting them to the test. While today's claim is by no means crazy, it does boggle the mind. Today I am testing the claim that Tarte's Park Avenue Princess Matte Bronzer is waterproof. How can a powder be waterproof?

Last year, I tested the waterproof claims of their amazing mascara Lights, Camera, Splashes, by rolling downhill in a hamster ball, partially filled with water. My shorts fell down (It's like being inside a washing machine. It happens.) and you can hear me make this yodeling-like noise down the whole hill, but my mascara was still fab at the end.

So I get how mascaras are easily waterproof. They are made of polymers and things that don't come off easily. But I am always curious about waterproof products that are powders. How do they stay put? So when Tarte offered, I jumped at the chance. Sadly, I won't be going Zorbing again until later in the summer and don't currently have access to a pool. So I did the next best thing. I took a shower wearing the bronzer. I even shampooed and conditioned my hair like normal. Clearly, I didn't wash my face in the shower but I didn't shield it from getting wet.

I am a huge fan of Tarte's products. They are cruelty-free and are made without parabens, sulfates and petrochemicals. According to Tarte, this matte bronzer, aside from being waterproof, also contains Skinvigorating™ ingredients like pure water to deliver and retain moisture, vitamins A and E, which act as antioxidants to fight free radical damage, vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights free radical damage and prevents oxidative stress and premature signs of aging while brightening skin, and mineral pigments that are known for their soothing and softening properties.

Here is what the Park Ave. Princess Matte Bronzer looked like before I hopped in the shower.

This bronzer gives a pretty, natural matte bronze look. I am normally very pale and I think this looks as if I have just come back from a quick vacation. You can build up the color, depending on how bronze you want to be.

So I took a shower, which lasted about 10 minutes. I didn't try not to get my face wet, but I did try to avoid rubbing my face (which is slightly harder than you might think). When I got out of the shower, I looked like this:

Park Ave. Princess didn't budge. I am not sure how this powder clings to wet skin, but it clearly does!

Then I blotted my face gently with a towel, assuming the color would transfer and fade. I didn't rub my face, but I did blot it several times.

I'm still bronze!! I honestly thought this test would fail, but instead it's a huge win! If you are looking for a natural looking bronzer to chill poolside, I found it. If you pick it up between now and June 30th and use checkout code GLAM, you'll score an adorable Glam On The Go Kabuki Brush for free!

What is your favorite waterproof bronzer? Tell me in the comments!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Still Not Enough Shimmer?

Luckily, there are a few tricks to add that extra sparkle to your hair and body!

If you want to add some shimmer to your hair, a Glitter Spray works well, like this one from MEHRON!

$4.95 - Mehron

If instead you prefer body shimmer, this Shimmer Spray from MODELCO works perfectly, with a 360 degree sprayer to get thos hard to reach areas!

$30 - Henri Bendel 5th Avenue

So you LOVE the body shimmer, but you need some serious hold? Try this technique I have developed: Mix equal parts glitter and body lotion together to make a paste. Add a dime sized amount of hair gel and mix thoroughly. Apply to the body as you would apply lotion. This shimmer will last through heat, sweat, and almost anything else!

Korres Natural Coral Collection: Easy, Natural, Gorgeous!

Leave it to Korres to make beautiful, beneficial products that go together perfectly. One of their newest collections, the Natural Coral Antioxidant Eye Collection, is truly universal. Before we delve into the colors, here are the benefits:

The shadows contain Sunflower Oil, a line smoothing antioxidant and hydrating Evening Primrose Oil. The eyeliner contains Vitamin E and Jojoba to ensure a smooth application. The mascara contains Pro-Vitamin B5, the same thing that strengthens the hair on your head and Rice Bran, which makes lashes amazingly thick and long.

The Natural Coral Collection comes with two eye shadows, in Ivory 14 and Pink 66; an eyeliner in Brown 02 and also their Rice Bran Mascara in Black 01.

(From the Top: Ivory 14, Pink 66 and Eyeliner Brown 02)

This is the one look that has gotten me stopped on the street. It's not the flashy purple expertly-applied liner or the glimmertastic eyeshadows that I have been wearing all Spring. It's just a beautiful basic look.

Here is a close-up of how pretty the shadows look on the eye. Not too matte, not too shimmery - just a perfect satin finish. I got compliments from my in-laws, strangers, the waitress and the people who sat next to me in the movies.

The best part? The entire Korres kit, all four pieces, is only $29.99! And for a limited time, if you use checkout code GOULDYLOX, you'll save 25% off your total and you can receive a deluxe sample of their Night Cream. I can't believe how much I love this natural look from Korres. And for $29 (minus the 25% off Gouldylox discount) this four-piece kit is cheaper than what you can buy in a drugstore, it's totally eco-friendly, animal-friendly and does more than make you pretty!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.


When you aren't accesorizing with rhinestones, you will find that there is another way! Using metal leaf is a great way to add texture and shine to the surface of the skin, though it can be extramely difficult to work with. Here, I take the guesswork out of it so you an make it look fierce!

STEP 1: Start with a good quality metal leaf...

$8 - Craft Supply Stores Nationwide

STEP 2: The right adhesive is key, and this is the one time that I like to use Spirit Gum; which can be purchased from MEHRON along with the Spirit Gum Remover.

$4.95-$19.95 Mehron

$4.95-$14.95 Mehron

STEP 3: Brush the desired area with a light coat of spirit gum. Use a dry brush to tap the foil onto the area, and allow to dry about 30 seconds. Leafing is very difficult to handle so use care.

STEP 4: If you are covering a solid area, it will look more finished if you provide a smoothing coat. KRYOLAN Aquacolor works quite well for this. Just use a small amount of water and brush over the area with a flat makeup brush. This will give your foil a finished look.

Call for Pricing Alcone NYC

Primer Wars: Clinique, Jan Marini, Avon, LORAC, Sephora & Korres

I have been testing face primers for what seems like forever, in an attempt to find the primer that forces your makeup to stay in place all day. I am not looking for the primer that feels the nicest, gets ride of pores or does other magical things to your skin. I am only looking for the primer that makes your face stay in place throughout an eight hour day.

Here are the a few of the primers in Round One:

LORAC AquaPrime vs. Sephora Collection Primer

Korres Anti-Aging Primer vs. Jan Marini Age Intervention Primer

Avon Magix vs. Clinique Pore Perfector

I wore each of these primers on one side of my face and got multiple opinions on which one worked better. But, because everyone has their own opinion, I am giving you the chance to vote (based on your experience). If a primer gets the majority of the votes and isn't the primer that won my test, I will grant it a stay and it will remain in the competition. This means it will live another day to compete against a different primer.

Here are the results of my testing. Be sure to vote to save your favorite, if it wasn't the winner in my test.

LORAC AquaPrime beat Sephora Collection Primer hands down. AquaPrime is different because is is a thin, clear primer, with a watery feel. It definitely doesn't have the usual primer consistency, no matter what primer you use.

Korres Quercetin & Oak Age Reversing Primer beat out Jan Marini. Personally, I like the feeling of a silicone-based primer, but the Korres clearly performed better by the end of the day. Both of these primers have the ability to perform double duty and help reverse the daily damage that shows, but in the end, Korres was my winner.

This one wasn't hard for me to pick, but I have a feeling either way this could have turned out, the primer knocked out in the first round will get a save by the fans. Both Clinique's Pore Perfector and Avon's MagiX have an army of fans that stand behind them.

When I tested them side by side, the Avon MagiX was victorious. Avon MagiX is a primer that can be worn on its own for a smoothed out look, sans coverage or under makeup for serious hold. It smooths out lines and fills in pores. It's definitely one of my favorites.

Please vote and RT to make sure your favorite brand doesn't get voted out! Voting will be tabulated in seven days. Check back for more Primer Wars soon!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

A Sporting Event for Beauty Mavens: Primer Wars

(A small sampling of primers. Not all competing are shown.)

With loads of different primers on the market, it's hard to choose the right one. Different primers do different things. Some fill out imperfections, some help diminish redness and some get your makeup to stay for hours longer than it would solo.

Personally, I prefer a silicone based primer for my dry skin. However, I am putting aside my preferences for the makeup equivalent of a sporting event, Primer Wars.

Here is how this competition will go down. I am testing every primer I can get my hands on. These are either coming from my own purchased collection, samples obtained from the store/counter and from the company themselves. I am wearing two of them a day, one on each side of my face. Whichever one keeps my makeup looking the freshest wins. My lucky friends and co-workers will be asked to weigh in each day on which side looks better. The side with the most votes wins. In the event of a tie, the side which shows the most makeup removed (via makeup wipe, eye makeup is not included) will win. In the event that I am doing something outdoorsy (unlikely) or have an outdoor shoot for work, primers will not be judged.

So what does an average day, activity-wise, look like for me? I mainly work in an office. I do have to walk a quarter of a mile from the parking lot to my office in Baltimore heat and humidity. But otherwise, I am mainly in the AC.

Right now, the Primer Wars competition has 26 contestants, ranging from drugstore primers to those found at cosmetic counters. At this time, I am only face primers are competing. Eyeshadow primers will have to battle it out later.

I will try to give you my thoughts of the primers as we go and please remember, what works for me, may not work as well for you. And if I am missing your must-have, please let me know and I will try to include it.

As Primer Wars goes along, I need your input! I'll ask you vote on which primers are your favorite, to make sure that the best ones don't get accidentally eliminated. If the majority of the votes go to the primer that did not win my personal challenge, it will be granted a reprieve and live to battle another day.

Here is how the primers are stacked against each other in the first battle brackets (additional primers may be added to the competition as we go!):

Am I missing your favorite? Please tell me if I am and I will do my best to include it in Primer Wars. Stay tuned for the war to begin!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Take it to the next level with RHINESTONES!

Now that you have the basics of metallics and glitter down, you can really pump up the volume, by gluing what I like to call "accessories" onto your face or body! Using face "accessories" allows you to add a dimesnionality to your look, whether you are keeping simple and gluing to the inside corners of the eyes (which looks fabulous by the way)to creating an entire bedazzled look.

There are 3 basic types of "accessory" out there, and while they all can vary in size, shape, and color, the main difference is in quality and shine.

SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL: The most expensive, yet also the most dazzling short of putting actual diamonds on your face. For true brilliance, luxury, and style this is your only option. Available in many many colors and sizes, you will mostly enounter round crystals, though shapes do exist.

$4-$7 per pack M&J Trimming

A great mid range option with great shine at a great price. A little bit more difficult to find and with fewer options than the other two, glass crystals are a great everyday "accessory".

$4.20-$11.50 per pack (bulk) Berger Beads

ACRYLIC RHINESTONES: The cheapest and least dazzling choice, but the variety of size and shape make these ideal for certain situations or if you are on a budget. At a cost of $2-$3 for 50 or so pieces, these make it easy to cover large areas on the cheap!

Craft Supply Stores Nationwide

There are many types of adhesive out there, but there are a few tricks I have learned during my tenure.

EYELASH GLUE: The makeup artist's secret, eyelash glue is one of the best ways to hold small gems to your face! Make sure you get the CLEAR glue for INDIVIDUAL LASHES such as ARDELL's Lashtite Adhesive.

$6.50 - Drugstores Nationwide

GEM GLUE: MEHRON's Ad Gem is specially designed to glue gemstones to the skin. I find that this is the best option for body jewels, as it dries rubbery and flexibile so gems won't pop off during body movements!

$7.95-$14.95 Mehron

WIG GLUE: Another secret, and for very serious gluing only! Use wig glue if you are adhering anything larger than a rhinestone to your face such as actual jewelry, etc. The hold is unparalleled.

$24.95 -

TECHNIQUE: While you can use your fingers, or any other method you like, this is how I do it.. First, use a large flat surface to lay out your crystals, flat side down. Then pour out a small amount of glue (a little goes a long way!). Using a pair of slanted tweezers. pick up the rhinestone and lightly touch it to the glue then touch it to the face and release. This takes some practice so try it out a few times first. For larger items, glue can be applied directly to the "accessory" and then applied to the face with fingers. NOTE: Once the gem is placed, they CANNOT be repositioned, so apply carefully!