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Summer Wrap Up : My Favorite Picks From This Season

As the Summer season comes to a close, I can't believe I personally reviewed over one hundred products. Some I loved, some I liked and some I never mentioned. But out of all of them, what can't I live without? Here is a look back at my favorite finds (and adventures) from this summer.

Sun Protection:

We all know the best thing you can do for your skin is to protect it from the sun. My top pick for sunscreen is Jan Marini's AntiOxidant Daily Face Protectant, SPF 30. This sunscreen is waterproof, sweat proof, goes on easily, dries quickly without being goopy and wears beautifully. I am not sure I can use anything else!


Tinted Moisturizer: I looked long and hard to find a tinted moisturizer that matched my skin, gave me some coverage and made me look dewy and fresh. While it was a tough decision, I think Tarte's Smooth Operator comes out victorious for the amazing radiance it gave my skin.

Mineral Foundation: Hands down my favorite mineral foundation is bareMinerals new Matte foundation. I love their original, but the bismuth made me itch. This new one doesn't contain the annoyingly problematic bismuth and still looks lovely. It's now available in the full size at Sephora.

Finishing Powder: This shouldn't come as a surprise, but my favorite finishing powder is Purely Cosmetics Diamond Finishing Powder. It's slightly blue microscopic minerals give off an beautiful, glowing aura that just make you look radiant and finished.


This is another tricky category for me. I have tried so many colors and really loved many of them. I have recently been reminded that because I blush so easily I should stay away from the pink colors, but I can't help it. They are so gorgeously innocent looking! My favorite blush for the summer is still Benefit's Coralista. And while I thought it would make me crazy, I still love the smell!

Check back tomorrow for my favorite products for eyes and lips!

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