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Get Glowing Skin - Hela Spa

Facials are, by far, my favorite salon treat. (Assuming haircuts are a necessity and not a treat.) I love how they make your skin glow, remove impurities, help turn over new cells and make you feel better about your appearance. I think the after effects of a good facial are, for me, the equivalent of having a really good "skinny day."

I was recently was able to get an appointment with an amazing esthetician, JoElle Lyons, who works at the Hela Spa, in Chevy Chase, MD. Hela is a beautiful medi-spa where you can relax and get a bevy of amazing treatments, from massages (even for infants!) to facials to medically supervised treatments like injectables. JoElle Lyons happens to be one of the newer additions to the Hela staff and I am so glad she is here! She also shares my passion for volunteerism - what's not to love about that?

Here is what I dig about JoElle. She is serious about skin care. She knows her way around IPL (Intense Pulsed Light), peels, exfoliators and good old cleansers. She knows about much more than just the lines she sells, which is really refreshing. She wants you to be happy with your skin. She wants to get the results you are looking for, safely, and with the minimum amount of down time. She will be honest with you if what you are looking for can't be achieved by the miracle product you are using and won't lead you astray if you ask for her honest opinion about how to get results. In other words, she isn't about selling you an expensive line of products (but she has great recommendations!), she is about making your skin look the best it possibly can.

While facials are my favorite spa treatment, I always dread the meet and greet, where you change into a robe and tell your esthetician what products you currently use. I don't think I have ever gotten a warm response when I answer Oil of Olay or Neutrogena. They always scowl and make some underhanded comment like, "Well, we'll fix you up and get rid of that pallor."

I hate that more than anything. And I am thrilled to report that when JoElle asked me the dreaded question, she didn't respond with some double-edged comment to make me feel small. Instead she said something like, "I have heard good things about them. What do you think?"

That's never happened to me before. In fact, I was practically speechless.

JoElle proceeded to check out my dry skin, noting that I needed to boost hydration and that I did have some melasma (sun damage spots). She then went on to thoroughly clean my skin, massage my face and hands. I left glowing. Many times after a facial, you leave looking red, splotchy or tight. Not me. In fact, I even got compliments on my bare skin when I went out to dinner afterwards. Amazing!

JoElle and Hela's dedication to helping you put your best face forward is unparalleled. From the time I got there until I left, I knew I was in wonderful hands. So you have no reason to wait, JoElle has been kind enough to offer a 50% discount to Gouldylox Readers on all facials, peels and microdermabrasion, including a complimentary brow, lip or under arm wax. Leave a comment below and I will send you the special coupon needed to redeem this service. Hurry, this offer ends October 31, 2009.

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