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Dry Brushing is Soaked with Beauty Benefits!

I've done a little experiment with dry brushing to check if it truly deserves an additional few minutes to my already long bath time.

I tried dry brushing for a week.
And then another week sans the procedure.
And then this past work week with it in my routine again.

The verdict: it's a must in my bath routine. Why? Primarily because I noticed how my skin looked softer and noticeably fairer when I combo-ed it with my fave moisturizing products. Dry brushing CAN boost my kikay products' effects!

Related effects of this healthy pre-bath procedure includes:

  • Removes dead skin cells allowing you to see a finer skin texture
  • Results to firmer and more radiant skin since it stimulates microcirculation beneath the brushed areas.
  • Ample amounts of blood distributed in these areas via microcirculation will mean more oxygenation. Imagine how much spas and salons charge us for oxygenation procedures!
  • Can serve as an adjunct to an alkaline diet program + regular exercise to ward off ghastly cellulites.
  • Stimulates the detox process that stimulates the lymph canals to drain toxic muccoid matter into the colon.

You may want to check how dry brushing is done by scrolling down on this post.