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Is It the Ritual or the Results? Juara Skin Care

I have been thinking about why I love cosmetics as much as I do. Is it the thrill of the chase of the latest and greatest? The hope that something will transform me into something I want to be? Skinnier, with perfect skin, longer lashes, hair to die for and generally fabulous? Or is it the personal time I carve out of my busy schedule for myself what I really enjoy?

I think it ends up being a bit of all of those things. I know no one product will make me instantly better all over. I do hope for flawless skin, longer lashes and a silky soft hair. And there are some amazing products that can help you achieve that. But what I think I enjoy the most is the ritual of beauty itself.

I love those 20 minutes (or more) where I cleanse, tone and moisturize. Maybe it is my form of meditation, but women have been doing for centuries. One company, Juara Skin Care, focuses in on skin care based on ancient ritual and makes it easy for you to connect to time honored Indonesian Beauty Rituals, to boost your appearance and let's be really honest, your self esteem.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting with one of the founders, who explained Indonesian beauty rituals and the importance it played in that society. To help modern day women follow the same rituals, they created several great sets of products.

I tried the Glow On the Go Mini-Ritual, $42, which focuses on brightening your skin. This kit utilizes the ancient beauty secrets of rice, tamarind, turmeric and sweet black tea to infuse skin with powerful antioxidant protection and brighten skin for a softer more even-toned and glowing complexion. It comes with Rice Facial Cleanser, Tamarind Tea Hydrating Toner, Sweet Black Tea & Rice Facial Moisturizer, Turmeric Antioxidant Facial Mask, and the ever-raved about Travel Size Candlenut Hand & Body Balm.

I loved the toner, the moisturizer and especially loved the Tumeric Mask. This kits uncomplicates the ritual of beauty, making it easy for you to enjoy the process. And love the results.

What are your favorite beauty rituals?

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