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Budget-Friendly Fall Fashion: Scarves

By Guest Blogger: Anne Houseman from Beauty Xpose'

With so many fantastic fall fashions on the shelves, it can take Super Woman restraint to avoid going on a massive shopping spree. And while you may enjoy the initial thrill of a fashion binge, your bank account probably won’t appreciate your new finds quite as much.

So how do you satisfy your new clothing cravings without busting your budget? Refresh your current wardrobe with a couple of inexpensive scarves. (Check out a few of BeautyXpose’s favorite casual scarves here.)

While you may normally view these small accessories as just an afterthought, they can completely transform your entire look. And with so many styles en vogue – from dainty neckerchiefs to long, flowy scarves to full-blown pashminas, the options are endless.

Of course, there are many different ways to tie your scarf, whether it’s casually draped around your neck (paired with a t-shirt, skinny jeans and flats for chic weekend wear) or coiled into a neat, tidy bow (paired with a fitted blazer and pencil skirt for the board meeting). But what makes this fashion accessory even more versatile is when you think beyond the neckline. Embellish your favorite handbag by tying your scarf in a bow around one of the handles. Neatly fold the scarf and transform it into a belt. Channel your inner Bridget Bardot and make it into a mod headband. Or envelop it around your shoulders as a sophisticated wrap.

Voila. Satiated shopping craving, updated wardrobe, happy bank account.

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