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My Vacation : Glampin' with My In-Laws

For my summer vacation this year, Loxy and I took a trip to Gatlinburg, Tennessee with his dad, stepmom, two stepsisters and his brother and sister in-law. Now, before I tell you anything further, I have to tell you how this trip came to be.

My father-in-law turned 60 this year and decided he wanted to do something as a family we wouldn't normally do. Somehow, this turned into camping. While I grew up camping, both in a tent and in a camper, I couldn't fathom that they wanted to CAMP. See, my in-laws aren't camping people. They winter in Florida and take spinning at the Club. They eat out more than they eat in and have Help to manage their lives while they are out and about being busy. They are awesome, but they are not camping people.

When I first heard of this birthday plan, I was horrified. Not because the idea of camping isn't for me (although it's not), but because camping is NOT for Loxy's family.

Thankfully, camping to them means electricity. It also meant a five-thousand square foot house, with a sauna, hot tub and built-in movie theater. We would all have private bathrooms and they would be nice. This trip went from camping to glamour camping or "glamping" in the bat of an eye.

Realizing that my sanity would remain intact, I decided to put my glamping trip to use and see what beauty products could live up to my glamping activities. While we are all admittedly "inside kids" (minus my Israeli Army bro- and sis-in-law, who kayak in Alaska for fun), I decided to stretch my comfort level and venture outside.

So what was on tap for my glamping trip? Zorbing, taking a tram up a huge mountain and dry sledding down the other side, hiking up a mountain to a waterfall, visiting Dollywood and running from a bear. (By the way, you shouldn't run from a bear, you should make yourself look BIG and back away slowly.) But more on all of that later.

My beauty goals? Find products that can hold up to the heat, humidity, sun and sport while keeping me looking as "Evangeline Lilly on Lost" as possible. While I know I don't look like Evangeline on her worst day, I just want to look fresh, cute and naturally gorgeous. That's not too much to ask, is it?

Find out tomorrow what held up and what gave out.

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