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Huge Lips Skinny Hips

There has been a lot of chatter on the internet about Huge Lips Skinny Hips, the new lip gloss from PurpleLab. This lip gloss promises quite a bit - to keep your lips hydrated, to plump your pout and to help curb your appetite with the help of Hoodia, a popular appetite suppressant.

Ok, I'll bite. A lip gloss that looks great, works well and helps keep you skinny? Hmmm. It sounded too enticing to pass up, so I dove in and purchased Worship Kate (pictured below) from my new favorite online store, The website features a neat video to help you decide which color will work best for you. However, all of the shades are flattering on anyone, so you can't make a mistake. They are incredibly sheer. I mean really, really sheer, so you can't go wrong selecting a shade.

The first time I tried out Huge Lips Skinny Hips, I was instantly impressed by how hydrating the gloss was. My lips felt really soft and hydrated (side note: I hate to use that word twice, but I hate the word moist even more). This gloss claims to have a lemon extract that helps reduce the "uncomfortable feelings" you sometimes experience with other lip plumpers. (This plumper is still the devil as far as I am concerned. It HURT for about 30 minutes after I took it off. Run away from it if you are confronted by it.) Huge Lips Skinny Hips definitely wasn't uncomfortable when I applied it. In fact, there was a tiny sensation, but it was nice and made my lips feel oh so soft.

It may have plumped my lips slightly, but I think I am personally unaffected by lip plumpers (save for el diablo above) as they never seem to make that much of a difference. I still never look like a Jolie - perhaps I am expecting too much?

I do like the color (Shown below. Photos are not great. Ongoing apology about photography applies here.) but would probably suggest using a lip liner to prevent the edges from getting wonky, if you don't have a really strong lip line.

Then there is the appetite suppressant part of this gloss. I am not sure how I feel about that. I'm in the process of losing weight right now. I have tried Hoodia in the past and not had great results. Then again, I probably didn't take enough of it for long enough to make a difference as those supplements make me nervous. Plus I am sure I wasn't conscious of what was going in my mouth and how much I was moving, which is the only way to really change your body. Either way, do I need a gloss to helps me lose weight? I am fairly sure that this gloss does not contain enough of the particular type of hoodia that has done well in weight loss trials - Hoodia Gordonii. How much gloss am I expected to eat? I do love the smell, so eating lots of it isn't really out of the question. However, I think the creator of PurpleLabs sums it up best when she says, "The appetite really lives between the ears, not in your stomach. This gloss always helps me stay mindful of what I'm eating and how and that is the purpose!"

So if this gloss helps you feel fabulous, plumped and mindful of what you are eating, then go for it! It comes in 6 plumping colors and I believe new ones are hitting the shelves any day. If you are counting on this gloss to do anything besides color your pout, you need to look a little farther (and probably in another whole direction). If sheer, non-sticky, hydrating gloss is what you are after, you are in the right place!

I like how it feels, the color is really sheer.

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