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Guest Blogger, My Beauty Bunny: Tarte celluFIGHT

The following post is from cruelty-free expert, My Beauty Bunny.

Twilight - Edward Cullen

I’m all for sexy white-skinned vampires (a la Bella and Edward) but we all know dark tans are slimming (and blinding people on the beach with my white thighs is just embarrassing). We also know that roasting in the sun is a quick and easy way to get skin cancer.

Enter Tarte’s celluFIGHT, a why-didn’t-someone-think-of-this-before product, that combines a self-tanner with a skin-firming cream. It’s got clinical research to back up its skin-firming abilities, but like with all cellulite creams, you have to use it continuously to see results. (And remember, if you stop using it, you’re back where you started.)

I like the gradual tan it gave me – I didn’t have to worry about splotches of orange or anything crazy. I usually exfoliate before using this type of product, but even when I didn’t, the color was even and looked completely natural.

I was starting from Edward Cullen-white, so I wasn’t expecting to turn into one of the Real Housewives of Orange County-tan overnight. It gave me a nice, natural glow – exactly what I wanted.

And, the self-tanner smell was there, but it was very light compared to other creams I’ve tried. And, I have a super strong sense of smell.

The price is a bit high ($40.00), but if you consider how much you’d pay to buy BOTH a self-tanner and a cellulite cream, it’s really not that bad.

Overall, a good cruelty-free purchase – I’d recommend it. Tarte has a lot of other good stuff too – they are one of my favorite cruelty-free brands.


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