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Glamping Day Two: Zorbing in Pigeon Forge

Day Two of my Glamping in Gatlinburg extravaganza was unique. We started the day hoping to go whitewater rafting and when we had called on Wednesday, we were told the river was dam-controlled and Thursdays were a no go. We excitedly called on Friday to schedule our rafting tour. Turns out, Friday was a no go because of the dam as well. When we asked why were weren't told this on Thursday, it was because we didn't ask specifically about Friday. Ugh.

Not off to a great start, I insisted on Zorbing. Why I wanted to do this, I have no earthly idea. Basically, Zorb is the "sport" of rolling down a huge hill in a hamster ball, with or without water. It started in New Zealand and it just so happens that Pigeon Forge, Tennessee is one of the only places you can officially Zorb in the US. I don't like roller coasters and I generally dislike fun (my co-workers will agree, as I have almost never gone to a happy hour in 13 years). But I wanted to Zorb!

I understood from the Zorb website that I would get wet. Really wet. I also knew my family had no plans for me to take the time to retouch my makeup, so I tried to plan a day that would allow me to not look like a train wreck while not getting sunburnt. After Zorbing, we were planning on spending the day at Dollywood, where I had hoped, but doubted, they would have large breast themed attractions. Rides or no rides, I didn't want to look like a drowned rat, so here is what I was banking on to help me maintain some kind of decent appearance:

Tarte Eco Cheek Stain: a gorgeous creamy peach stain.

Jan Marini Skin Research AntiOxidant SPF 30: Waterproof UVA/UVB SPF 30, my new fave sunscreen.

Tarte Lights, Camera Splashes Waterproof mascara: the waterproof version of their amazing mascara.

Makeup Forever Aqua Eyes in Grey 22L: a beautiful gray liner for blue eyes that lets you look glam without looking like you are trying too hard - especially when you are Zorbing in Pigeon Forge.

Once I saw people leaving Zorb, I realized that getting wet wasn't really what was happening. It was more like being put in a washing machine. I left my hope of not being a hot mess in the red van that took us to the top of the hill. I got out of the vehicle, into the ball, and went down the hill.

Two fun facts before you watch the video:

1. If you crank the audio, you can hear me screaming the whole way.
2. My shorts fell down.

After my trip down the hill, how did I fare? My eyeliner was almost gone, my mascara stayed put, and my cheek stain held its own, although slightly worse for the wear. I did reapply my sunscreen, as I am not willing to risk burning my skin for my blog. All in all, I would say Zorbing is the ultimate test for makeup (and the closest thing you can get to actually being put in a washing machine. And while my slightly made-up face held up ok, it didn't matter. This is one of those times my inner beauty took over and out-shined my makeup.

Check back tomorrow for my day of hiking, which fulfilled my outdoorsy quotient for the rest of my life.

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