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They took my labels! Give Me Back My Dry Shampoo!

I, like most of you, have probably seen or heard about Speidi's ridiculous blathering about her need for dry shampoo on that summer train wreck of a television show (I can't turn away, either). I have short hair and I don't mind washing my hair often. However, there are times when I go overboard on product and am left a little greasy or days when I am running late and don't have time to shampoo.

Since the small bottle was next to the check out counter, I couldn't resist picking up a bottle of Ojon's Rub Out Dry Cleanser. I didn't know what to expect. I have really thick, short hair and I use a lot of heavy duty product. So here goes:

1. It is strongly scented. I don't mind, but others commented shortly after I applied it.
2. I expected a powder to remain in my dark red hair. There wasn't a trace left, which was really nice (besides the scent).
3. It made my hair have crazy body. I don't need crazy body, but if you do, Ojon will bring it.
4. My hair was totally grease free. It also was a little lacking in the gloss department, but if that is the trade off for a little more sleep on some days, I think I am ok with that.

I bought this. I like it. You may need this. Especially if you plan on being marooned on an island.

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