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Purely Cosmetics Diamond Finishing Powder

After my Twitter pal, Pro Makeup Artist, Melissa Street, raved about Purely Cosmetics Diamond Finishing Powder, I had to check it out. This powder claims to give you an aura-like glow, without all of that sparkle and glitter other similar finishing powders have.

Your face will have an airbrushed look. This fine powder has a photoluminescence that subtly illuminates a blue glow invisible to the naked eye which decreases the appearance of wrinkles. The diamond powder bends and refracts light to reduce the visibility of those imperfections while giving an aura of "je ne sais pas"! It is so finely milled that it does not give off a shimmer. This is more of an "aura" - like that of someone who has a pleasant secret they're keeping to themselves.

I have lots of secrets, but they tend to make me blush, not glow, so I am definitely a candidate for this powder! I need some help with fine lines and dark circles, but we have been over that. I am hopeful that this powder, which is infused with real diamonds, will seriously help conceal my imperfections and brighten my skin.

When I first dove into this very light powder, I was surprised by how white it was. That said, once thoroughly buffed on, it looked really, really nice. Some of my fine lines were not as noticeable and my skin felt positively smooth. My face did look brighter, which I love. My husband said I looked as if I had finally gotten a good nights' sleep. And if he noticed, than something must be working! One word of caution, I am not sure how this looks on someone who is not as pale as I am. I know all of these type of finishing powders (made by several companies) say this is a universal color, but I am curious to know if that is true. Since I am so fair, I can't speak for you gals who can actually get a tan.

This powder is comparable to Makeup Forever's High Definition Powder (according to the Purely Cosmetics website) and was recently listed as Must Have Summer Product by I was recently on the local news (for my non-profit) and wore this finishing powder on camera. When I watched the broadcast back in high def, I was really pleased. I also received lots of comments that my skin looked great!

I like it. You should check it out!

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