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My New TV Show Addiction

Reality TV shows seem to be all that is on right now. Since 16 and Pregnant hasn't started yet, I chose this;

Whale Wars (Animal Planet, Fridays, 9pm) is a reality show about the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. The SCS was founded in 1977 by Paul Watson, who is famous for his activism work with Greenpeace (and later ousted for his methods). The show chronicles the Sea Shepherds attempt to stop Japanese whalers from harvesting whales for food (and other uses). In 1986, Japan withdrew its opposition to the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) moratorium on commercial whaling. The following year, Japan announced a large-scale scientific whaling program designed to assess whale stocks. I know, shocking right? Many experts have rightly questioned the scientific validity of this program, suggesting that Japan's research is nothing more than a front for continued whaling.

The show follows the volunteer crew of the Steve Irwin as they attempt to stop these gigantic whaling ships. The crew is somewhat unseaworthy, often having very limited experience. Some of the crew members are a little off (ok, one is plain nuts) but all are seriously ready to die for their cause. Heroes, pirates or terrorists, whatever you think of their activism methods, this is some riveting television.

What are you watching?

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