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Got Seoul? The Face Shop Mask Sheet

I was reading reviews online about a Korean skin care company, The Face Shop, that several ladies were raving about. It's the kind of line that if you know of someone who is going to visit Seoul, you beg them to bring you back loads of product. The Face Shop is known for something called Blemish Balm, which everyone seems to swear by. People rave about the staff's ability to help their customers find the best products for their skin types, not just find what is the most expensive. US boutiques are located primarily in NY, CA and Chicago.

So imagine my surprise when the next day I happen upon some of their products in my friendly neighborhood Walgreens! Priced at two for $5, I could not pass up a Mask Sheet. Mask sheets are cloths infused with a variety of ingredients to fix what ails your skin, all arranged in neat little categories on the display. I chose to check out the Vitamin A Mask Sheet, which claims to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles by using "deep penetrating Vitamin A, Carrot and Avocado extract."

A little research into the top 5 ingredients leads me to find that it is comprised of ingredients that will hydrate your skin. It also contains some retinol, which can be very effective in turning over new skin cells and improving the look of your skin tone. It comes packaged in a way that keeps the ingredients stable (letting in no light or air), so this company may be on to something!

One mask sheet is contained inside each package, so you only get one use. If you haven't used a mask sheet before, here is how it works.

1. Get comfortable.
2. Put mask sheet on face, lining up holes for breathing and vision.
3. Layback for about 20 minutes.
4. Wipe off excess and finish with preferred products (moisturizer, serum, etc.)

The result? My face felt hydrated and smelled great. More than anything, it was really relaxing.

I enjoyed it. Check it out.

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