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Looks I Love: Connie Britton

Connie Britton (above, left) is best known for playing Tami Taylor, the wife of Coach Eric Taylor on NBC's Friday Night Lights. She also played the same character in the movie version, starring Billy Bob Thornton. (If TV were real, I would pray I ended up with Kyle Chandler's version of Coach Taylor over BBT's version.) Kyle Chandler has been a dreamy fave of mine since the TV show Homefront. I could go on forever on why I love Connie's character. Down to earth, smart, funny, tender and sweet. Plus, she is an example of a wife I aspire to be. Her under-the-table conversations with her husband at Panther Parties and the Mud Bowl episode on Friday Night Lights are reason enough to be a fan. But her character isn't the only reason I like her.

I love her look. It's not fancy, Hollywood or tricked out. She's not trying to be something she isn't or shave 15 years off of her look. You have to respect that. Granted, I am sure many a makeup artist are hard at work to make her look this amazing. The natural look is the hardest thing to pull off convincingly. Below is her look at the NBC TCA Press Tour.

Gorgeous highlights, a light lip gloss, her signature blue rimmed eyes and a coral pop of color on the cheeks makes this look polished and perfect.

Here is another look out and about at a Friday Night Lights event. Sunny, beautiful and not trying too hard. I love it. A real woman, looking really pretty. She might just be one of us!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews