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My Tinted Moisturizer Quest Continues....

My quest for the best tinted moisturizer has been going on since the weather first started heating up. Laura Mercier didn't fare so well on my shana punim and neither did Hourglass. However, another Laura asked me to check out her new tinted moisturizer, Barely There.

I was very happy to oblige. I do love Laura Geller's baked colors. The colors are so rich and suitable for so many skin tones, I can never get enough of them. However, I am a tricky foundation match, and while I don't need a lot of coverage, I need enough to cover some freckles and dark circles. Other similar products didn't hold up for eight hours, so I was ready to be disappointed.

Barely There Tinted Moisturizer promises an SPF of 20, light coverage and some moisture. I was really pleased when I tried it out (in the color Light). It covers nicely and looks really natural. It is a little shiny, but my Diamond Finishing Powder by Purely Cosmetics works beautifully with this tinted moisturizer. The best part? My made up face doesn't slide off, the way it did throughout the day with other tinted moisturizers.

While this product claims to be a moisturizer, SPF and provide some coverage, I would not count on it to be your only source of SPF. I don't think you would wear enough of it to get the actual protection you are counting on, which only leads to needing more foundation coverage down the road.

I love how this wears and looks throughout the day. This tinted moisturizer definitely gets high marks in my book!

I dig it! Check it out.

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Avon SpectraColor Lipstick

There have been quite a few new products recently on shelves at the drugstore that involve turning a dial to get the perfect color. The big one is a foundation that allows you to choose the perfect shade. While it seems like a good idea to be able to get one product that can be customized to fit your needs, I see it as a waste of a lot of product. Loreal also recently released a HiP lip gloss that has two colors in one gloss, but the applicator doesn't allow for easy application, and the product hasn't gotten great reviews.

Take the best of the color dial and two lip glosses in one and you have my attention. Avon SpectraColor Lip Gloss gives you two chambers of colors. There is a dial at the bottom, with a locked position and seven colors, which range from lightest to darkest. You turn the dial to the desired color and your color comes out of the top when you press the bottom of the gloss. The gloss comes out of little holes at the top, again, reminding me of this. I really like the applicator on this gloss. Unlike your traditional doe foot or brush applicator, this is a harder piece of plastic. This allows you to get the unique color each time, without mixing your new lighter color with the darker color you used the night before. You can wipe off the excess prior to mixing your new color and you get a clean application each time.

I picked this up in "The Peaches". The lightest color reminds me very much of Nars Orgasm. However, the color is mucho shinier and is a slicker feeling on the lips than the Nars gloss. The darkest color is a deep coral, that is great for evenings. If you aren't someone into lipstick/gloss and don't like to carry many of them at one time (I have 30 in my purse right now!), then this is a great solution. One tube gives you seven colors, taking you from work to a night out. For under $10, it's a steal!

I love it. Check it out.

Blog pal Bella didn't believe just how much I can fit into a makeup bag. Here are the contents of my lip bag. I should have said 30+!! :-)

Update: As requested, here are swatches. Please know two things. I stink at taking swatch pictures and these aren't great (but are the best I can do with a point and shoot.)

Above is in brighter light. The differences between the lighter colors are slightly more noticeable when on than on my arm.

Here is the view, shot in a slightly darker area. Hopefully this gives you an idea of the range this product gives you!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews. All rights reserved.

Recession Friendly Beauty: Skip the Lash Curler

This tip comes to you from my fashionista sister-in-law, Abz. Not one to like the pinching of a lash curler, Abz wanted to find a alternate way to curl her lashes.

If you haven't tried a lash curler before, you are seriously missing out. Curling your lashes makes your eyes seriously pop and is possibly one of the most dramatic things you can do to make your eyes really stand out (a good brow wax being numero uno). But if the idea of getting a lash curler next to your eye and squeezing gives you the willies, then check out Abz' idea.

Grab a clean teaspoon. Place the tea spoon over your eye, with the belly of the spoon following the curve of your eye. Use your thumb to gently press your lashes upwards, against the spoon. Viola! Curved lashes with no scary eye curler. Plus you won't need to replace the pads on your eyelash curler and this will last forever. It takes a bit of practice, so don't give up if at first you don't succeed. Abz swears she gets more curl from a spoon than she does from a lash curler.

Tried it? Let me (and Abz) know what you think!

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Rimmel Lash Maxxx - 3X Multiplying Effect?

As I mentioned, I have super short eyelashes, although I am working on that as I type. (tune in to find out!). Rimmel's Lash Maxxx is even more eXtreme than Maybelline's Xtreme lip Plumping Gloss and has the extra X's to prove it! It claims to multiply your lashes to look three times...something. I am not sure if they are going for fuller or longer or thicker. Maybe curlier? They should specify with more than two lines of copy on their website.

So with wacky claims and so many X's, why did I shell out $8 to try it? Because the brush is different from other traditional brushes. I'm not saying it's revolutionary or anything, but it is very different from the popular brushes in most mascara. (It sorta looks like the brush above, but a little different.) It is more like a soft plastic comb, with bristles only on one side. So picture a teeny toothbrush with only a row of combs and that is what makes the difference. I like to apply the mascara with the flat side of the brush and then comb it through with the brush side. For me, this helps coat the sides of the individual lashes.

The upside? It seriously coats lashes, adding length and a little volume. It is really easy to coat your lower lashes perfectly, too. The downside? You really need to clean your brush or it will clump and make a huge mess the second time you use it. Also, it takes longer to apply, so if you usually put on mascara in a moving car, this isn't for you. However, if you need dramatic eyes and want to try something new, check it out. For daily use, my current favorite is still Rimmel's Glam Eyes.

It's OK. Check it out if you want to try something new.

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Bewitching Bronze Might Be the Perfect Brown for Blue Eyes

I remember when I was in high school, some company made an eyeliner in a gorgeous dark brown that was flecked with gold and made my blue peepers pop. My cousin Worm found it and we both used it down to the very last bit. Like all good things, I bought it once and it was discontinued. I have been searching for that color ever since.

Fast forward a few years to now, where I was recently asked to check out Eye Rimz by Laura Geller.Eye Rimz are part of her baked collection of marbled colored goodness. Heavily pigmented and long wearing, this collection boasts some bold eyeliner colors. I have been a long time fan of Hocus Pocus, a funky purple which also seems to be made for blue eyes. Wet or dry, this purple can be as bold or meek as you make it. However, the specific color I was asked to check out is Bewitching Bronze. It looks like that brown color I loved in high school has been reborn in a baked shadow sent from Italy.

Bewitching Bronze is a deep rich brown, flecked with bronze highlights and works both wet or dry. This liner comes with its own handy brush, which is perfect for lining. It truly looks amazing on light colored eyes! All browns are not created equal and this specific brown is definitely worth checking out. You can see the Hocus Pocus purple color I mentioned at Sephora. However, this must-have brown is available at QVC only.

Love it. If you have blue eyes, you probably need this.

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Purely Cosmetics Diamond Finishing Powder

After my Twitter pal, Pro Makeup Artist, Melissa Street, raved about Purely Cosmetics Diamond Finishing Powder, I had to check it out. This powder claims to give you an aura-like glow, without all of that sparkle and glitter other similar finishing powders have.

Your face will have an airbrushed look. This fine powder has a photoluminescence that subtly illuminates a blue glow invisible to the naked eye which decreases the appearance of wrinkles. The diamond powder bends and refracts light to reduce the visibility of those imperfections while giving an aura of "je ne sais pas"! It is so finely milled that it does not give off a shimmer. This is more of an "aura" - like that of someone who has a pleasant secret they're keeping to themselves.

I have lots of secrets, but they tend to make me blush, not glow, so I am definitely a candidate for this powder! I need some help with fine lines and dark circles, but we have been over that. I am hopeful that this powder, which is infused with real diamonds, will seriously help conceal my imperfections and brighten my skin.

When I first dove into this very light powder, I was surprised by how white it was. That said, once thoroughly buffed on, it looked really, really nice. Some of my fine lines were not as noticeable and my skin felt positively smooth. My face did look brighter, which I love. My husband said I looked as if I had finally gotten a good nights' sleep. And if he noticed, than something must be working! One word of caution, I am not sure how this looks on someone who is not as pale as I am. I know all of these type of finishing powders (made by several companies) say this is a universal color, but I am curious to know if that is true. Since I am so fair, I can't speak for you gals who can actually get a tan.

This powder is comparable to Makeup Forever's High Definition Powder (according to the Purely Cosmetics website) and was recently listed as Must Have Summer Product by I was recently on the local news (for my non-profit) and wore this finishing powder on camera. When I watched the broadcast back in high def, I was really pleased. I also received lots of comments that my skin looked great!

I like it. You should check it out!

Subscribe and never miss a thing. Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Olay Filling and Sealing Wrinkle Treatment

I am consumed with hiding my fine lines. I can't help it. I swear they weren't there last week and I would have noticed, right? I am determined to find out how to hide them. I've done a lot of research on what I can do at home to help hide these fine lines and there really isn't that much I have discovered (if you know something, share it, will ya?).

What I have found is Olay Regenerist Filling and Sealing Wrinkle Treatment. Here is how it works - it has skin brighteners which topically and temporarily brighten the appearance of dark circles. It's targeted delivery system (the pointy way the lotion comes out) is dotted on fine lines and smoothed into wrinkles. The idea is that the silicone and thickening agents will fill in small creases in your skin and seal the top, so your wrinkles are temporarily filled. It is also packed with peptides and vitamin E, which can only help aging skin. This product isn't likely to help cover deeply formed lines. But for minor fine lines, the one two punch of skin brighteners and wrinkle fillers is working surprisingly well.

I like it. Check it out!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Looks I Love: Connie Britton

Connie Britton (above, left) is best known for playing Tami Taylor, the wife of Coach Eric Taylor on NBC's Friday Night Lights. She also played the same character in the movie version, starring Billy Bob Thornton. (If TV were real, I would pray I ended up with Kyle Chandler's version of Coach Taylor over BBT's version.) Kyle Chandler has been a dreamy fave of mine since the TV show Homefront. I could go on forever on why I love Connie's character. Down to earth, smart, funny, tender and sweet. Plus, she is an example of a wife I aspire to be. Her under-the-table conversations with her husband at Panther Parties and the Mud Bowl episode on Friday Night Lights are reason enough to be a fan. But her character isn't the only reason I like her.

I love her look. It's not fancy, Hollywood or tricked out. She's not trying to be something she isn't or shave 15 years off of her look. You have to respect that. Granted, I am sure many a makeup artist are hard at work to make her look this amazing. The natural look is the hardest thing to pull off convincingly. Below is her look at the NBC TCA Press Tour.

Gorgeous highlights, a light lip gloss, her signature blue rimmed eyes and a coral pop of color on the cheeks makes this look polished and perfect.

Here is another look out and about at a Friday Night Lights event. Sunny, beautiful and not trying too hard. I love it. A real woman, looking really pretty. She might just be one of us!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Badgals Need Lip Gloss! Get Yours Shipped Free!

Hey Badgals! Benefit has some new lip glosses and they look lovely- check 'em out here. I am currently coveting Zone Out and Fresh Squeezed. The best part? Free shipping from Benefit through 6/30/09 with the purchase of a new lip gloss. Just use promo code LIPGLOSS at checkout.

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Prove It! Loreal 6 Hour Infallible Lip Gloss

Prove It! is a new type of post for Gouldylox Reviews. Many cosmetic items make claims that sound too good to be true. Who am I kidding? All companies make those claims. Even if a product falls slightly short of making me taller, thinner and sexier, it doesn't mean that the color isn't good or that the beta hydroxy acid isn't effective. Prove It! posts will test the claims of cosmetics as thoroughly as possible and give you the results. The first Prove It! test revolves around a lip gloss and it's claim to wear beautifully for six hours.

I was in the drug store yesterday and couldn't pass up this Loreal Infallible 6 Hour Lip Plumping Lip Gloss. It is a gorgeous color and that alone sold me. In fact, the color is so pretty, I didn't mind the fact that it was long wearing. I don't trust that stuff. It always seems to dry out my lips or require multiple steps. In the past, I would have passed. This stuff looks great on Eva Longoria in the ads and I would be happy if I looked like her. Can this lip gloss deliver six hours?

But the plumping Coral Sands color is really, really pretty. It has a little sparkle in a different-than-usual coral color. I really hope this formula doesn't stink. But can it last for six full hours of normal wear? Here is how my official "Prove It" scientific testing goes:

Test One: Wearer (me) applies at 8am and goes through morning routine as usual. This includes drinking beverages, kissing my husband several times, eating Greek yogurt with honey and lots of chatting. For this lip gloss to live up to its claims, it must stay on and visible for 6 hours, until about 2pm.

Results of test one: Lip gloss makes it through drinking a beverage, although is much less shiny, but some shine, color and sparkle is left on the lips. Lips also start to feel VERY STICKY about 20 minutes into the test. I don't have hair that can get caught in it, but if I did, we are talking the equivalent of getting your-hair-caught-in-a-bicycle-chain-sticky. All color is gone at 10:30. Two and a half hours isn't bad for round one. Granted, the color really faded and it was really sticky, but two and a half hours is pretty impressive.

Test Two: Repeated test one, beginning at 12pm. For the gloss to stand up to it's claims, it has to last until 6pm. Lip gloss must last through lunch and a chatty, possibly stressful, meeting.

Results of Test Two: Color lasted until about 2pm. It is still very sticky, but the color is so pretty when it is first applied. (I feel glamoured by this color, making me forget why I am testing it) I also decide I don't care for the applicator. Two hours seems to be the average length of wear, it would appear. That's not too shabby.

Test Three: Mission Combat the Sticky. I really like the color and want this to work! At 3pm, gloss was applied and allowed to dry to the sticky finish. Then a non-sticky gloss (Benefit California Kissin) was applied over the Loreal 6 Hour Infallible Gloss. At 3:45pm, the California Kissin surrendered to the sticky. The color is still there, but I am left with the sticky. Blurgh.

It's Been Proven: The color is beautiful, but we knew that! While it doesn't last for six hours, two hours for a gloss is really not bad. Sure the color really fades after 45 minutes, but it is so pretty! However, if you are one of those gals who is bothered by sticky gloss, this isn't for you.

Tell me what product has you curious to live up to it's claims - perhaps it will be the next to Prove It!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Can You Really Be Per-fekt ?

The following are some mighty claims, " A multi-tasking, all in one, vitamin enriched, sweat and water-resistant skin perfector". Sephora says this, "Glides on effortlessly to instantly improve skin tone, reduce redness, and help minimize the appearance of enlarged pores and fine lines. Enriched with powerful antioxidants including the universal antioxidant alpha lipoic acid, and vitamins A and E to help repair, protect, and fight future environmental skin damage, this lightweight gel helps maintain hydration leaving the skin with a healthy, even glow by locking in moisture and absorbing excess skin oils." It sounds like the holy grail of makeup, right?

I picked this up on the business trip that wouldn't end (3.5 weeks!) earlier this year when a sales associate showed me how Per-fekt was at covering up my enlarged pores. Granted, it did look pretty darn good when she did it. In fact, I looked positively airbrushed. Sadly for me, the next day, I realized that it didn't give me any coverage and while my pores looked wonderful, my blotchiness did not. Remembering how amazing I looked the day before, I was determined to make it work.

Reviews refer to this as a foundation, gel and primer. In my opinion, it's too light to be a foundation. It's also a little slick on it's own for my taste. I tried it as a primer with mineral foundation. Eww. No good there. I don't need another gel, especially one that has color. So there it sat, sadly, on my shelf next to other products who have been forgotten.

Until today. Today I decided to give it one more try with my Maybelline Dream Mousse Foundation, which I adore right now. I applied a thin layer as a primer. Unlike with a mineral foundation, it applied gloriously. It still pilled from time to time (yes, I mean like a sweater) and that is still not ok. But my skin looked wonderful. My makeup lasted way more than 12 hours and I looked fresh as a daisy all day.

I think I will save this for special occasions when I really need to look amazing. It's not budget friendly, especially since it can't really stand alone. But with the right foundation, this stuff is Perfekt.

Love it. Check it out!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

No Mani/Pedi Is Complete Without...

I recently received a Scandle candle and didn't know what to expect. A Scandle is a candle made of essential oils, soy and moisturizing lotion. When the candle burns, it creates an emollient lotion, perfect for manicures or massages. A girlfriend of mine who works as a Holistic Wellness Practitioner mentioned that she'd heard really good things about these "lotion candles with a wick", so I was excited to check it out. Not quite understanding how a candle can be lotion and not be made entirely of wax and be moisturizing was confusing for me. It's a new concept, so give me some time, please.

I had gotten the Green Tea Aloe Scandle, which smells wonderful. Think of that warm, green scent that instantly relaxes you when you walk into a really nice spa and that's what this smells like. I love it. In fact, I brought it to work with me and everyone keeps trying to sneak away with it.

According to their website, the Scandle:
  • is made from a complex blend of soy and all natural vegetable oils
  • does not emit toxins while burning
  • emits an incredibly small amount of soot
  • burns cooler and therefore, slower
Later, relaxing at home, I decided to give myself a mani, using the lotion the Scandle gives off when it burns. After letting the candle burn for a few minutes, I let the flame go out the and lotion cool just a smidge. Pouring a bit in my hand, it felt different from the lotion I normally use to moisturize my hands. This hearty lotion is hydrating in a way that just feels different. It seems to sink into my skin, yet leaves my hands feeling really soft and smelling fantastic. And don't worry, unless you touch the flame itself or pour it out while the candle is burning, you can't hurt yourself. You can even just scoop a small portion of the Scandle out to use as a moisturizer, as I just discovered when my co-worker, The Squirrel, couldn't resist trying it out sans flame. I know what she's getting for Christmas.

The Scandle is definitely becoming a fixture at Spa Gouldylox in the future. The relaxing scent and unique lotion really make the most of home mani/pedi. I find myself almost hoping that my polish chips so I have a good reason to use my Scandle sooner than later.

I love it. You may need this!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Sevi Cosmetics - Pure, Honest, Friendly Eco Vegan Body Care

I recently heard about Sevi on Facebook from a guy I can't believe would shop there. Facebook is sometimes weird that way. Anyway, perplexed and always up to discover some new treats, I headed over stat.

Sevi is an eco vegan line of body care products - including cosmetics, face & body care products, soaps and perfumes. Sevi even carries specialty products for your pets that are also eco and vegan friendly.

Sevi (the women behind the line) got started in the business when her dog's vet was unable to fix the skin problems her pooch couldn't lick. Neighbors discovered that her cures worked wonders for her dog and asked where they could get some of their own. The Sevi line was born.

Fast forward to now, Sevi has a shop in Baltimore and fans of her cruelty-free products span the globe. I should admit right now, I am no authority on cruelty-free products. However, I do prefer to avoid animal testing whenever possible. Sevi 'splained that she avoids many ingredients some other companies use because of how the raw materials are processed and tested. Judging by all of the bottles and vials visible in her shop, she knows where every product comes from and she takes it very seriously.

On my first visit, I had to pick up a Lip Juice Mineral Sheer Lipstick in Ripe Persimmon (a sheer copper) and a Chubby Highlighter in Tangerine. The lip sheer is indeed very sheer, and stays put for a decent amount of time. This lipstick also leaves your lips moisturized, which always makes me happy. The Chubby Stick Highlighter in Tangerine is a really subtle peachy-orange color, without being too orange. It looks like something I would wear if I was in a magazine spread that takes place somewhere in the desert at sunset. As if I don't find myself in that exact situation all of the time, I am now officially prepared.

While us Baltimoreans are happy she's here, you don't have to miss out if you don't live in Baltimore. Check Sevi out online at

Bonus fact: Sevi is all about samples.

Love it! Check her out!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Laura Geller Liquid Candlelight Face & Body Glow

I was recently asked to try this new highlighter by Laura Geller. Aptly named Liquid Candlelight, this lotion smolders. You know that perfect lighting, where all of your imperfections seems to blend away and your features are highlighted just so?

That is what this lightweight product delivers. Barely visible from one angle, shiny with a slight glimmer from another, this is romantic lighting in a bottle. That said, I wouldn't recommend it for work and I would use sparingly for everyday use. This will look beautiful on your shoulders, decolletage or cheekbones. For special occasions, look no further - this glow is gorgeous!

Dig it. Try it!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Recession Friendly Beauty: Keep Your Color Fresh For Less

I have bright red hair- it's been described as fire engine and mercurochrome red. Like it or lump it, having hair that red means constant upkeep. Luckily, it is also pretty short (Halle Berry short, not chin-length-bob short) so I don't ravage my hair by over dying it. That said, it fades super fast and I have to color every 3-4 weeks. Needless to say, I do it at home. Otherwise, I would have to go out without mascara, and that isn't going to happen (except on Sundays).

There are a lot of ways you can keep your amazing hair color and not feel like every day should be a hat day, even in between paychecks. Here are some ways to prolong your color without emptying your bank account.

Try using colored shampoos, like Aveda, John Freida and Ulta, which can boost color between visits.

Use a semi-permanant color to quickly freshen up color - if you're not sure how to do this, ask your stylist. They will probably be happy to give you some tips.

Try Clairol's Root TouchUp and get your roots ready in 10 minutes. Don't do your whole head- save time and only do around your hairline and your part. No one will know the difference!

Have blonde hair that has gotten a little lackluster? Try a shampoo made to remove chlorine green from your hair.

If you are a DIY'r when it comes to color, after rinsing out the color, be sure to use Ion's Color Defense. It helps to lock in color by balancing your hair's pH level. I have been using this for months and it really makes a difference!

Make sure you are using a shampoo and conditioner for color treated hair. If you use a sulfate based detergent, make sure the sulfate is Sodium Laureth. Better yet, use EverPure or Pureology.

Use a leave-in spray with UV filters to block some of the damaging rays. I really like Loreal Pro Vive Glossy Style spray with UV filters. It helps your color stay fresher and adds great shine.

Finally, check out the beauty schools in your area. Call and ask when they take color appointments and what their satisfaction policy is. Usually, the teachers will oversee students, making sure you love your locks before you leave.

What is your favorite trick for making your color last longer? Tell me in the comments below!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

I Wanna Be That Gal

I wanna be that shiny happy person people sing songs about. Or at least I want to look luminous and lovely. I keep hoping I will find a miracle primer that will fix the slightly larger pores around my nose and camouflage my emerging crows feet, while making me look soft and luminous. So far, my two faves are Prime Time and Tarte. But always hoping something will work better, I was happy to give That Gal, a pink primer by Benefit, a spin.

That Gal comes in a container that you twist to make the primer come up through a little holes. ;-) It is a frosty pink, non-silicone feeling lotion that you can use all over your face or to make your cheekbones pop. If you use it all over your face, it will give you a dewy, happy glow - depending on your foundation coverage.

It does not change the overall color of your foundation, giving you the dreaded face/neck mis-match. You can also wear it over your foundation as a highlighter, instead of a primer. While I'm not sure it gave my makeup any additional staying power, I liked the way it perked up my skin on a tired Monday. In fact, as tired as I was, I would call it a bit of a life saver!

I like this. Check it out!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Got Seoul? The Face Shop Mask Sheet

I was reading reviews online about a Korean skin care company, The Face Shop, that several ladies were raving about. It's the kind of line that if you know of someone who is going to visit Seoul, you beg them to bring you back loads of product. The Face Shop is known for something called Blemish Balm, which everyone seems to swear by. People rave about the staff's ability to help their customers find the best products for their skin types, not just find what is the most expensive. US boutiques are located primarily in NY, CA and Chicago.

So imagine my surprise when the next day I happen upon some of their products in my friendly neighborhood Walgreens! Priced at two for $5, I could not pass up a Mask Sheet. Mask sheets are cloths infused with a variety of ingredients to fix what ails your skin, all arranged in neat little categories on the display. I chose to check out the Vitamin A Mask Sheet, which claims to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles by using "deep penetrating Vitamin A, Carrot and Avocado extract."

A little research into the top 5 ingredients leads me to find that it is comprised of ingredients that will hydrate your skin. It also contains some retinol, which can be very effective in turning over new skin cells and improving the look of your skin tone. It comes packaged in a way that keeps the ingredients stable (letting in no light or air), so this company may be on to something!

One mask sheet is contained inside each package, so you only get one use. If you haven't used a mask sheet before, here is how it works.

1. Get comfortable.
2. Put mask sheet on face, lining up holes for breathing and vision.
3. Layback for about 20 minutes.
4. Wipe off excess and finish with preferred products (moisturizer, serum, etc.)

The result? My face felt hydrated and smelled great. More than anything, it was really relaxing.

I enjoyed it. Check it out.

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Lorac TANtalizer Baked Bronzer

I recently stumbled upon Lorac TANtalizer Baked Bronzer. Actually, it smacked me in the face- you can't miss it when you go into Sephora. Baked powders are known for packing a pigmented punch. A little goes a long way and these days, that is really important. Spending $30 on a bronzer that is baked means you may get more than one season out of it, which is something I find myself thinking about more and more lately. (Although who am I kidding? I could never use all of the product in my closet. I almost never buy something twice - this season only Neutrogena Anti-Blemish Cleanser and EverPure Shampoo).

I really like the color this bronzer gives off. It reminds me a little of tigers eye (the stone, not one of my fave Judy Blume books). It is a beautiful golden bronze, swirled together to make a unique color. It is also really shiny, so it's NSFW for most of us. It does make a gorgeous eyeshadow, though. And it has fantastic staying power, no matter where you use it.

It's downside? The fercockteh container. I know it comes with a brush and blah blah blah. But it is seriously annoying to get into. Makeup should not require that much work to get into the goods. Or it should have obvious arrows, which defeats the idea of looking cool. Overall, I really like it. And if this one is too shiny for you, it is also available in matte.

I dig it. Check it out.

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Hourglass Illusion Tinted Moisturizer

I recently met a nice gal from Hourglass who asked me to test their tinted moisturizer, Illusion. Not that familiar with the brand, she told me it was the brain child of Carisa Janes, who has worked for lines such as Urban Decay and Fresh. Hourglass has some revolutionary products that blend skin care and cosmetics. Known for their Sonic Tan and Veil, they are a company to watch for cosmetic innovations.

She sent me home with Illusion, their tinted moisturizer. I am all about finding the perfect tinted moisturizer in the hot and humid weather and, so far, I am coming up short. I am also currently obsessed with fighting the crows feet that are appearing around my eyes (among other things) so I'll try anything.

Here is what she told me about Illusion. "It's the perfect alternative to liquid foundation, Illusion is an advanced SPF 15 tinted moisturizer formulated with INSTALIFT and Hyaluronic Acid to deliver a more radiant youthful complexion." According to their website, here is what that means:
  • A natural-based peptide, INSTALIFT® visibly lifts and tightens the skin within an hour of application
  • Intensely moisturizing Hyaluronic Filling Spheres help minimize the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while increasing skin’s hydration levels
  • Oil free, fragrance free, and paraben free
  • Ideal for normal and dry/dehydrated skin
  • Water Resistant
As previously mentioned, I am not one who will willing drop $50 for a foundation. However, if a product can actually alter the appearance of my skin from a scientific standpoint, you have my attention. This line also boasts a lot of products that are waterproof. Honestly, I don't find myself in this situation that often. But if a waterproof foundation means it has staying power in the horrific summer humidity, I'm at least curious.

Hourglass Illusion tinted moisturizer is worth checking out. My skin looks totally natural and un-made up, while looking flawless. The lines under my eyes are slightly less noticeable, which may be due to the INSTALIFT. It is slightly heavier than a traditional tinted moisturizer, but not as heavy as a regular liquid foundation. It wears beautifully and I have not needed to touch up. It is more than I would normally spend, but it's worth a second look.

I like this (but I think you can do better for less). Check it out!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Outlast Lipstain. Yeah or Nay?

My friend Bridget can't stop raving about Cover Girl's Outlast Lipstain. She loves it. Not one to be on a first name basis with the ladies of Sephora, she is careful of how she spends her money on makeup. I can't blame her- there are so many choices and it quickly adds up. So if she loves Outlast, it must be pretty good. She proudly showed me all 7 that she carries in her purse when we went to the movies last week. This is not her normal behavior, so I had to check them out.

I decided on Cinnamon Smile, mainly because it looks so darn glam in this photo of Leighton Meester at the MTV movie awards earlier this month. I know she wore that specific color because it was widely reported that Cover Girl makeup artist Molly R. used it on Leighton.

(Side note: I don't like long wearing lipstick because they do the equivalent of "pilling" on me. Eww.)

I carefully traced my lips and filled them in with this sweet tasting, dark cinnamon colored pen. This is a totally different type of lip color and doesn't feel like any other lip product I have ever tried. It didn't feel dry. It didn't feel like anything. That is ok, though, just different. I will say that Cover Girl did the old magazine trick that made me nuts in the 10th grade- not give you all of the details on how to get the look.

Cinnamon Smile does not look anything like Ms. Meesters pout by itself. It requires a gloss with a little champagne or golden tint. When I added that, it looked REALLY, REALLY nice. It lasted for quite a bit longer than a lip pencil and gloss would, which is pretty good. I think I like it.

My Outlast Lipshine pen stopped working two days later.

I spoke to Cover Girl customer service about this and they said, "Sometimes that happens. Depending on how long the pen was on the shelf, it may dry out faster than expected." They offered to send me coupons for a new one, which was nice.

Here's the thing. I liked it, it looked nice. But it didn't outlast anything else. I have never had a Dazzle Glass break on day three. When I told Bridget this happened, she said she didn't care. She loved the product and was ok with it's flaws. It was worth it to her. So I don't know. What do you think? Yeah or Nay?

I tried it. It's up to you to decide.

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Bronzed. Glowing. Perfection.

I have been jealous of people with tans and their glow for the last several weeks. I recently read a great article on ways to lighten up your foundation and fake a realistic glow, without needing to really change your whole routine. Faux tanned faces can be tricky to pull off and still look natural, but this idea seemed pretty fool-proof.

I decided to try mixing a little Laura Geller's New Tinted Spackle with my tinted moisturizer. I mixed a drop of the spackle (I do wish she would call it something prettier) with the regular amount of tinted moisturizer. The result? A gorgeous, natural dewy finish with just a hint of bronze glow. I look as if I have been at the beach instead of a windowless office - yeah!

Love it! Check it out!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Are We There Yet? Nic's Stick Nail Polish

Now that my nails are back and looking great, I need to keep them looking that way. One of my closest girlfriends calls me Ivanna Fallover because I am so klutzy and uncoordinated. I broke my foot in three places two days before her wedding. It's a problem. While I have the skills to create an awesome smoky eye, polishing my nails is not my strength. I am especially bad at doing my toes, so thankfully no pictures of my toes exist. Google it. They don't.

A friend mentioned that Nic's Sticks might be the answer to my inability to do my own nails. I chose to try Are We There Yet, a great pink color that's kind of a ballet-y, with a little extra kick. The best part, besides that the color wears really well and dries quickly, is the ease of the stick applicator. You prime the pen part with the plunger part and paint away! Somehow it is easier than using a regular brush and I did a nice job, even on my toes. The only thing that took some getting used to was making sure I didn't over saturate the brush, leaving a streaky finish on my nail. However, two fingers later, I had the hang of it and didn't look back.

I dig this. Check it out!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Maybelline VolumeXL Seduction Xtreme Lip Plumper

I want plump lips. I don't need Lisa Rinna lips, but a little pout is always nice. I often use "plumping" glosses and my current favorite is Buxom Lips by Bare Escentuals. Buxom brings a slight tingle, a little minty freshness. I can't tell if it actually plumps my lips. They don't seem much larger to me, but maybe the fine lines in my lips are reduced by the plumping action. Buxom offers great colors, but at $18 each, my lip gloss obsession needs to find a new muse.

Enter Maybelline VolumeXL Seduction Xtreme Lip Plumper. With that many "X's" in the product name, it must be EXTREME. I picked up this XPlumper in Seductively Nude. It's nicely shiny, with a little sparkle. I like the color -and if you want more of a color pop for your pout, it is available in ten shades. It definitely had a little tingle when you first apply it. The tingle was actually a little strong for me, but I adapted quickly. Unlike the time I was convinced to try this and it actually caused pain. Once I got over the feeling of this XL Plumping Gloss, I dug it. What is your favorite lip plumping gloss?

I liked it. Check it out.

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

My New TV Show Addiction

Reality TV shows seem to be all that is on right now. Since 16 and Pregnant hasn't started yet, I chose this;

Whale Wars (Animal Planet, Fridays, 9pm) is a reality show about the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. The SCS was founded in 1977 by Paul Watson, who is famous for his activism work with Greenpeace (and later ousted for his methods). The show chronicles the Sea Shepherds attempt to stop Japanese whalers from harvesting whales for food (and other uses). In 1986, Japan withdrew its opposition to the International Whaling Commission's (IWC) moratorium on commercial whaling. The following year, Japan announced a large-scale scientific whaling program designed to assess whale stocks. I know, shocking right? Many experts have rightly questioned the scientific validity of this program, suggesting that Japan's research is nothing more than a front for continued whaling.

The show follows the volunteer crew of the Steve Irwin as they attempt to stop these gigantic whaling ships. The crew is somewhat unseaworthy, often having very limited experience. Some of the crew members are a little off (ok, one is plain nuts) but all are seriously ready to die for their cause. Heroes, pirates or terrorists, whatever you think of their activism methods, this is some riveting television.

What are you watching?

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

They took my labels! Give Me Back My Dry Shampoo!

I, like most of you, have probably seen or heard about Speidi's ridiculous blathering about her need for dry shampoo on that summer train wreck of a television show (I can't turn away, either). I have short hair and I don't mind washing my hair often. However, there are times when I go overboard on product and am left a little greasy or days when I am running late and don't have time to shampoo.

Since the small bottle was next to the check out counter, I couldn't resist picking up a bottle of Ojon's Rub Out Dry Cleanser. I didn't know what to expect. I have really thick, short hair and I use a lot of heavy duty product. So here goes:

1. It is strongly scented. I don't mind, but others commented shortly after I applied it.
2. I expected a powder to remain in my dark red hair. There wasn't a trace left, which was really nice (besides the scent).
3. It made my hair have crazy body. I don't need crazy body, but if you do, Ojon will bring it.
4. My hair was totally grease free. It also was a little lacking in the gloss department, but if that is the trade off for a little more sleep on some days, I think I am ok with that.

I bought this. I like it. You may need this. Especially if you plan on being marooned on an island.

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Napoleon Perdis China Doll Foundation

Napoleon Perdis is one of those lines that I always see in stores, that I never hear of anywhere else. I haven't tried them before because they are fairly expensive and I am not sure why. Plus, the signage that accompanies the product always makes me wonder if it is one of the same brands they sell at Target. While I am not likely to buy $50 foundation from anywhere, I am really unlikely to buy it at Target. I digress.

Here is what the Napoleon Perdis says of their foundation:

“ Porcelain skin like a living doll” - Napoleon

A lightweight, long wearing luxe liquid formula that combines the benefits of a self-setting foundation and powder in one. Designed for ample playtime before setting to a soft velvet finish that takes you from perfect to precious.

I don't know about looking like a precious doll, but my skin did look nice and the coverage was decent. Although, my husband did ask why I had on so much makeup. However, he probably noticed because I usually finish off my face with a dusting of Bare Minerals Hydrating Mineral Veil, which offers up a slightly dewier coverage. China Doll did cover my dark circles and some of my freckles and looked pretty nice. I wouldn't say I looked as if I had perfect porcelain skin, but overall, it was nice. However, since $50 will only get you a teensy bit more than 1 fluid ounce, I think there are equally nice options elsewhere.

I tested this item. I liked it. Let me know what you think!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

bareMinerals SPF 15 Foundation Giveaway!

It's our first ever Giveaway! Bare Escentuals, makers of the number one best selling mineral foundation, and Gouldylox Reviews are giving away a bareMinerals foundation sample and a Premi Buki brush to ten lucky winners! Visit Bare Escentuals to determine the foundation color that is right for you then go here to enter or scroll down to the bottom of the page. Tell your friends- we have ten to give away to lucky readers!


Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Recession Proof Beauty: Rimmel Stronger Nail Strengthener

I have lousy nails. I just do. My cuticles fall apart and then my nails head for the hills. I was schmiing around, looking for something like Nailtique, which I recall working well years ago. Except I only had $5, so I had a bit of a challenge. Enter Rimmel nail polishes! I thought I would skip the whole "find something to help strengthen them and go for color", when I spotted something called STRONGER with lycra. It was a light pink and under $5. Some nice woman next to me informed me that it worked like a charm and flashed me her not-so-lousy nails. Two weeks later, my nails are evening out, much less likely to peel and are looking pretty good. According to their website, this polish contains Vitamin A & E, Pro-Vitamin B-5 to condition your tips and talons. I definitely don't have talons. One step at a time, please. Now if I could only get my cuticles under control, I would be in great shape.

I really like this. I bought this. You should try this.

Loreal Color Vive Nutri Gloss Conditioner

I firmly believe that Loreal Color Vive Nutri Gloss Conditioner, along with my EverPure Shampoo, are the one-two punch that are making my over-processed, thirsty, red tresses sing. This rich conditioner claims to have a "dual UV filter that keeps hair color truer, longer." While I am super skeptical about any product that claims to do anything after you wash it off/out, something in this conditioner is making my locks gleam like a dazzle glass. If I wasn't so happy with my EverPure (which I intended to hate), I would try the shampoo that goes with this conditioner. But, for me, for the moment, I seem to have found hair nirvana.

I love it. I bought it. You'll love it.

Recession Friendly Beauty: Rimmel Fix & Perfect Foundation Primer 001

Always on the hunt for something to make me flawless, I decided to check out Rimmel's Fix & Perfect Foundation Primer. Rimmel claims this primer evens out your complexion and extends the wear of your makeup. So good, so far, right?

However, when I tested this at home, I was shocked to see that it is ORANGE. Since I am so fair, I bought the lightest color available. Yup, that color is ORANGE. I decided to try it out, despite my concern of looking fruity. I used half on one side of my face and half on the other. The side where I used this looked noticeably darker- my face and neck no longer matched. It also did nothing for helping to minimize my enlarged pores or help the application of my foundation go on more smoothly. In checking this product out on the Rimmel website, it says the primer is available in one color- APRICOT. So I stand corrected. It's not orange. It's apricot. If you are naturally apricot, than this might be lovely for you.

I bought this. It's apricot. Keep on walking, there's nothing to see here.

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Bare Escentuals Refillable Buffing Brush

I am a big fan of mineral makeup and using it on the go has always been the Achilles heel of the product. Fingers crossed this brush is the answer! The Bare Minerals Refillable Buffing Brush has not yet arrived at my BE Boutique and they are sold out on their website. That was fast - this just launched! I do have a similar one, which has several design flaws, including a cheap cap, no way to wash the brush without possibly getting water into the powder chamber and it always seems messy in my purse. I am hoping this brush addressed those flaws. Here is what Bare Escentuals has to say:

Refillable with any bareMinerals complexion products, this patent-pending component brings you convenient, on-the-go application. Easy to use, simply turn to raise the full, tapered brush. A second turn lets you control the product flow for an even application; the leak-free locking mechanism gives superior control so you can achieve the look you want.

I can't wait to test this out!

UPDATE! 6/8/09 I was able to finally get my hands on this brush and I love it! It has a locking mechanism, as well as a way to control the flow of the powder that is coming out. You can wash the brush and the cap is small and locks into place. You need this for your mineral veil (or any other loose powder you carry with you)!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Recession Friendly Beauty: Last Blast Luxe Mascara

Cover Girl recently introduced the Luxe line into their very popular line of mascaras, Lash Blast. Lash Blast is known for having a crazy-large mascara brush, to help really plump thin lashes. The brush is actually so large that people with very short lashes (me) have a hard time using it. That said, it has quickly become a favorite amongst users.

I was intrigued by the new Luxe version of this mascara, which comes in a variety of colors:
Black/Platinum, Black/Cabernet, Black/Royale and Black/Emerald.

I opted for the Black/Platinum, which was actually a really cool color. This color is black with a hint of silver metallic sheen. It's not glittery at all, more shimmery, as the name would imply. It would look gorgeous for a night out. Although for the color to pay off, you have to have lashes with some length. I can only imagine how great it would look on my co-worker, who has the best real lashes known to woman (we'll call her Joey).

I bought this. I like the color. Check it out!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

POP Beauty: Lip Magnet Primer

POP Beauty is that little line I stumbled upon in Ulta who offers up some interesting products. Specifically, I love their Cat Eyes. That liner stays put all day and looks great. With a one for one record, I decided to try their Lip Magnet Primer.

I am always looking for the perfect face primer for dry skin, but I tend to shy away from lip primers. I tried one in the past, it was drying, and I gave up on the premise. Plus, how many things do you really need to apply? I do have some summer glosses I love and wish they would last a little longer. If Lip Magnet would make my Bare Minerals 100% Pure Lip Gloss in Cassis lip gloss stay on a little longer, then who I am to stand in the way of a better pout?

Lip Magnet is a nice lip primer. It has a foundation outer core and a hydrating inner core made of Vitamin A, E and Omega oils. It has a nice, light feel and the primer color matched my skin tone. For the sake of science, I tested one of my lipglosses that is light on staying power with and without the primer. It's no surprise, but Lip Magnet Primed lips win hand down! The color stayed much longer and my lips never felt dry. Color me impressed!

I bought this. I like this. You should check it out!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Burn Notice Is So Educational It Should be on PBS

Burn Notice is back on TONIGHT at 9pm on USA and I can't wait. Burn Notice is about a spy who had everything taken away by his agency and is on a mission to find out why. With some help from pals Fiona (Gabrielle Anwar) and Sam (Bruce Campbell), Michael Weston (Jeffrey Donovan) solves other people's problems, while attempting to kick the arse of the people who burned him. It's fast, funny, stylish and delicious. Afraid you won't be able to catch up with a show in its third season? Check out this guide. Even better, here is why you should get college credit for watching Burn Notice:

1. You learn how to do ANYTHING with an old cell phone.

2. You learn what is appropriate behavior when dealing with a quirky arms dealer/money launderer/kidnapper/etc. and your cover is blown and you need to avoid being shot. Don't underestimate this. You could need this info at any second.

3. You can learn how to make pretend items that spies use and get your way.

If you think you don't need to add another detective/cop/crime show to your roster, this is different. Trust me. While I would watch this show no matter the season, it's summer and your TiVO will hate you if you only watch So You Think You Have Talent Get Out Of Here shows. Do you really care if Speidi stays or goes? Do yourself a favor. Burn Notice- USA, June 4th at 9pm. You will wonder how you lived without it!

Loreal EverPure Color Care System- Moisture Shampoo

So this review isn't really for a new product. In fact, I know news about this shampoo has been everywhere. But here's the deal - I didn't want Loreal's EverPure Moisture Shampoo to work. I told my friends they shouldn't use it. Over and over again.

Why? I feel like Loreal is playing on consumers' interest in the green initiative to get rid of harsh sulfates in a soap, with no real intent to be kind to my hair and the environment. That doesn't seem like a bad goal to have, being green, but I don't like to be so openly manipulated. It also bothers me because by saying that having sulfates (which are in everything) makes your shampoo bad, equals saying that every other hair product Loreal makes for colored hair is bad for your colored hair. As if they are admitting they have been pulling the wool over our eyes until the release of this product. The big sulfate we all know you must avoid is the harsh ammonium lauryl sulfate. Lauryl does have a sister detergent, Laureth, and she is not quite as harsh and is typically accepted to be better for color treated hair. That said, you may want to consider avoiding sulfates in general, but that is up to you.

Now, I eat crow.

This stuff really does work. My hair color, which is bright, bright red, has lasted longer for the last month than ever before. I haven't found myself reaching for a color depositing shampoo or conditioner and my hair is really, really shiny. I mean out-of-this-world, getting-compliments-all-of-the-time-shiny. My color hasn't faded. And for a red, that is saying something. The shiny, may be due in part to a conditioner (I'll get to that later). But for a product I wanted to fail, I really, really liked it!

I really liked this item. I bought this item. You need to try this if you have colored hair.

HairQuest: Fekkai Nonchalant Piecing and Forming Wax Hair

I am on a quest for the perfect hair accoutrement to help my short, piece-y hair get some texture. However, my quest has been long and hard. Trying at times and jubilant at others, this ongoing search for the perfect product continues. I have enemies on this quest- mainly the thickness of my hair, the porousness of my strands and a nasty cowlick that needs a serious attitude adjustment.

So with gift card in hand, I opted to try Fekkai Nonchalant Piecing and Forming Wax Hair. It smelled nice, seemed slightly thicker and less likely to be devoured by my hair in minutes. It helped add some gloss to my tresses, without being overly greasy. It did add a little texture, but didn't have the strength to make it through the day.

Yet I still kind of like it. Perhaps because it isn't really thick like Aquage or Twisted Taffy, the two heavy hitters always in my arsenal, and it adds a nice gloss. You can still run your fingers through it and add to it if you needed to switch up to a more dramatic look at night, without feeling like you need to wash it first.

Ugh. HairQuest continues...

I bought this item. It's ok. If you have thinner hair, hair that also needs shine and is porous, this might be ok for you.

Recession Friendly Beauty: Maybelline Cool Effect Cooling and Shadow/Liner

Always on the hunt for something cool when summer arrives, I couldn't help but be interested in these Shadow Liner/Pencils by Maybelline. Enriched with aloe, cucumber and glycerin, these pencils deliver rich color and go on feeling smooth and cool. I picked up Snow Bunny, a neutral off-white, and love how it looks under my brow and around my tear duct. It's an instant way to brighten your whole face! Although I would be remiss if I didn't warn you- don't use this on your waterline. I did and my eyes did not like it. My guess would be whatever brings the cool feel also brings the sting. It is a great looking, natural pick me up for a fast, polished face.

I bought this. I like it. You should check this out.

Disclaimer / Disclosure Statement

I spend way too much money on cosmetics. Imagine what you spend on dinners out, alcohol, clubs, concerts or things you do after dark. (There is an ongoing joke amongst some of my gal pals that I don't like fun and that's why I don't go out.) Instead, I spend that money on cosmetics. That said, I also work with several PR and Cosmetics Companies who send me products to review. No matter how the product was obtained, it doesn't influence my reviews of products.

My posts after December 1, 2009 will all contain information at the bottom of a post that discloses how I obtained a product. There are basically three ways I get product: I buy them, they are sent to me for the purpose of review or I test them. By testing them, I mean I checked them out at a store, lived with them for a bit and formed an opinion. It also means I probably took up counter space somewhere and asked a stranger to take a close up photo of my eye. It's embarrassing, but I like makeup THAT MUCH.

I think it's straight forward and tells you honestly how I obtained the product. Now we can get back to my Adventures in Beautyland.

But just in case there is any confusion:

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact

This blog does not accept any form of cash advertising, sponsorship, or paid topic insertions. However, we will and do accept and keep free products, services, travel, event tickets, and other forms of compensation from companies and organizations.

The compensation received will never influence the content, topics or posts made in this blog. All advertising is in the form of advertisements generated by a third party ad network. Those advertisements will be identified as paid advertisements.

The owner(s) of this blog is not compensated to provide opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely the blog owners. If we claim or appear to be experts on a certain topic or product or service area, we will only endorse products or services that we believe, based on our expertise, are worthy of such endorsement. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer or provider.

This blog does not contain any content which might present a conflict of interest. We are employed by or consult with: GKV Communications. We serve on the following corporate or non profit boards: Karma Dogs.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews. All rights reserved.

Recession Proof Beauty: Maybelline Dream Mousse Foundation

Always on the quest to find something to make me feel complete (and not happy with my current summer foundation situation), I decided to give Maybelline Dream Matte Mousse a whirl. I had heard great things about the Mousse Blushes and figured I should try it out. As a general rule, I don't really like liquid foundation as it always feels really heavy on my skin. Unless I am taking pictures or getting married, I don't want to deal with that. But since it is probably half air, how heavy could it be?

Buying foundation (or really anything color related) bugs me at drugstores. I like to be able to touch, feel and see what the color looks like and I hate messy testers. Between those two gripes, I am usually out of options at my local drugstores. However, since the nice lady at Rite Aid promised me it's their policy to let me return it if it's wrong, I bought the lightest, cool color they had, Light Ivory.

Here's the deal. If you are Rose McGowan light, there is a chance that none of their 16 colors will work for you. However, I am really fair and this color works for me, but if I were any paler, I don't think it would. A little goes a long way, which is great with my current budget-conscious mind set. The coverage is perfect. My sun damage and most freckles are gone, but I can still see my skin through the makeup, which makes me happy. The shade I purchased has serious yellow undertones, which work wonders on my ruddy bits. Plus, it doesn't feel heavy and helps my fine lines look less noticeable. I am also pleased with how well it wears throughout the day. I haven't had to touch up and more importantly, my blush isn't fading, which is an ongoing problem for me. Yeah!

I love this. I bought this. You should check it out!