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The Longer, The Better

As promised, an outfit post on what I wore during the LG P500 Sale Fiasco.  If only I had a longer black cardi, the entire outfit would've improved, don't you think?

Forever 21 woven top
Topshop black cardigan that fell a little short :(
thrifted denims skirt
Landmark gray ballet cap toe flats
Landmark coral shoulder bag
The cute flats aren't super comfortable when I first used it several weeks ago, but I'm glad that it got tad roomy after 2-3 uses and housed my feet just fine during the long hours of standing in line.

Landmark gray ballet cap toe flats, 500 (~$10)

Also, I'd like to think that my newfound skin products are working for my skin!  I'm more than a week old on my local obagi set from Doc Six Foronda (weeee! no tocino-ish redness!) and a month and a half old on using Asian Secrets Lulur body scrub.