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After the last few weeks of work, parties, and loss of sleep....this is exactly what you need...A weeks worth of anti-aging treatments and procedures!  Todays topic: PEELS. Chemical. Laser. Microdermabrasion.  There are so many options, with both spa and at-home treatments available, so which one is right for you?

Uses chemical solution improve and smooth the texture of the skin by removing damaged outer layers.  This process is often helpful for those with facial blemishes, uneven pigmentation, and fine lines or wrinkles.  There are three main chemicals that are used in the application of a chemical peel: Phenol, Alphahydroxy Acids (AHA) and  Trichloracetic Acid (TCA), all which have their own purposes and use.

Alphahydroxy Acids (AHA) including glycolic, lactic, and fruit enzymes are the mildest of all chemical peels, and are often the active ingredients in at-home peels. AHA peels can be used to smooth texture, treat dry spots, and acne, and require a day or less of recovery time and are the ideal choice for someone who can't spare the recovery time.  Side affects of an AHA peel include stinging, redness, and irritation.
Costs around $225

Trichloracetic Acid (TCA) is used in many concentrations, and is often used for medium depth peels.  Often multiple treatments need to be done of this to reach desired results, and results aren't as long-lasting.  Recovery time is usually 2-3 days and may include redness, irritation, and temporary flaking.
Costs around $1000

Phenol is the strongest of the chemical solutions and produces a very deep peel to treat deep wrinkles, severe sun damage, and pre-cancerous growth.  Phenol also lightens the skin so your aesthetician will determine if this is an appropriate treatment for you.  Phenol often causes permanent skin pigmentation changes, and skin will lose its ability to tan, so sun protection is a must, and recovery time can be substantial, up to several months with a minimum of two weeks resting at home.  This type of peel must be performed by a licensed plastic surgeon.
Costs $2000-$6000

For all peels, a pre-treatment of Retin-A may be prescribed for up to a month before the treatment.  During recovery it is CRUCIAL to wear sunblock of at least SPF 45 or permanent uneven skin pigmentation may result.

Also know as a laser peel, this type of treatment uses focused light energy to remove the outer layers of skin with the intent of brightening, tightening, and evening tone and texture.  Laser resurfacing uses a carbon dioxide (CO2) Laser to reduce wrinkles, loose skin, scars (including acne scars), vascular lessions, ednlarged pores, rough skin texture, dark spots, and birthmarks.  Ideal candidates for this procedure are light-skinned people free of any active facial infection including acne.  Recovery time is generally mild at 7-10 days and is often paired with a mild pain medication and sterile topical treatment.  It is important not to pick at the face, as this can result in permanent scarring.
Costs around $2000-$4000

This is a treatment which uses controlled scraping to remove surface irregularities.  This process is most often used to smooth out fine lines, and remove scarring and can be done on a concentrated  area or the entire face.    Microdermabrasion is a similar process in which ultra-fine crystals are used to remove the skin via a sandblasting type technique.  This treatment can be beneficial to adults of all ages, but it important to understand that not all scars and wrinkles can be removed, and it will not prevent future aging.  This procedure cannot be performed during active infections such as acne.  Healing from this process can take up to several weeks, with redness, swelling, scabbing, and peeling, similar to if you scraped your knee.  As will all peels, it is very important to stay out of the sun and wear sunscreen for several months.  Microdermabrasion can be performed by most licensed aestheticians while dermabrasion is performed by a plastic surgeon.
Microdermabrasion costs around $75-$200, Dermabrasion costs around $1500

Most at-home peels are very mild and safe to use on almost all skin types, with little to no recovery time and use AHA as their active ingredients (either glycolic, lactic, or fruit enzymes).

Glycolic Acid
These types of peels are gentle and safe for most skin and can be applied for 2-4 minutes up to twice a week and can help control acne and reduce and prevent fine lines and wrinkles. I absolutely LOVE the Micro Glycolic Polisher from KATE SOMERVILLE because it contains both glycolic and lactic acids along with calming ingredients to soothe the skin.

$90 - Kate Somerville

Lactic Acid
Used in a 50% solution, lactic acid can be a very effective treatment of acne, and continued use of lactic acid peels can reduce the hard to treat cystic acne for a very reasonable amount of money.  SKIN LABORATORY has a 50% solution that can be used as a spot treatment and an all over peel.

$17-$40 Skin Laboratory

Fruit Enzyme
Fruit enzymes contain substantial amounts of AHA and can be used for an all-natural or even organic at-home chemical peel such at the Green Apple Peel from JUICE BEAUTY, which contains apple, lemon, and white grape extracts along with vitamins A, C, and E.  This peel works wonders, but is very strong for an at-home treatment, and should never be left on more than the recommended time, and it may take 24 hours to recover.  Vinegar is an effective treatment for redness on the face as a result of an at-home peel.

$45 - Juice Beauty