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Facial Rejuvenation Surgery - Is it For You?

There are many types and combinations of facial rejuvenation surgery, mostly differing by the type of incision, area of the face, number of tissue layers, and invasiveness of the procedure.  When selecting the type of procedure, it is VERY important to consult with a licensed plastic surgeon, and to understand all risk associated with the procedure.

Enter the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS) lift is a procedure that lifts the superficial top layers of skin as well as deeper tissues of the face and neck (also known as the SMAS). These tissues tend to grow lax and sag with advancing age.
During the SMAS lift an incision is made at the temple above the hairline and is extended downward. This cut is made along the creases in your skin, in front or at the edge of the ear, below the ear lobe, and behind your ear. The surgeon then elevates the SMAS, tightens it and removes excess tissue. He or she uses stitches to keep it in its new, higher position.
Best candidates are anybody aged 45 and up with neck laxity and some mid-face sagging. Compared with a short scar lift, the SMAS takes longer to perform, has a slightly longer scar and requires a longer recovery period.

Costs around $10,000 - $15,000

During the deep plane lift, the surgeon lifts and repositions the SMAS, but he or she goes even deeper than they would with the traditional SMAS lift.  The procedure often requires incisions along the hairline so that the facial muscles and upper fatty tissue layers can be easily lifted and repositioned in the area of the cheekbone and mid-face. This incision is extended downward, along the natural creases in the skin in front of the ear, below the ear lobe, and behind the ears.
The surgeon then separates the skin and muscles of the face from the deeper facial tissues. In some cases the skin is removed. But in others the skin and muscle tissues are reshaped. After the tightening or removal of excess skin, the skin is redraped, sutured or stapled in place.  Best candidates are older people with severe facial sagging and laxity.
The deep plane lift creates dramatic changes in the mid-face area, including the cheeks, nasolabial folds (nose to mouth), jaw line and chin with long-lasting results — about 10 to 15 years.  The deep plane lift is more extensive than other facelifts, which can prolong the healing process. The surgeon works pretty close to the nerves, so the risk of facial nerve injury or weakness is greater with the deep plane lift.

Costs around $12,000 - $15,000

This type of facelift basically refers to the incision or scar pattern. Many surgeons make an S-shaped incision at the temple or in front of the ear. The incision does not extend behind the ear, as it would in a more traditional facelift. The small incision still lets doctors re-suspend the tissues that support the smile lines and jowls and tighten a moderate amount of loose skin.
Ideal candidates are younger people in their 40s and 50s with minimal to moderate excess skin who do not need major neck work. This procedure is also ideal for someone who wants to minimize scars.  The more limited surgery means less swelling and bruising, and a shorter recovery time. Bonus: People who have short scar lifts can wear their hair pulled up In the back without anyone seeing a scar. This may be so with other techniques, but is not always the case.

Costs around $6,000 - $10,000

This high-tech facelift uses a pencil-shaped probe with a tiny camera attached to it. The endoscope transmits video images of the internal facial structures onto a TV screen in the operating room, letting the surgeon see beneath the skin.  The endoscope is inserted via small incisions that are often less than one inch long and thus, easily hidden.  Many types of facelifts can be done endoscopically.  Ideal candidates are younger people without a significant amount of excess skin and no neck sagging.
Smaller incisions mean less risk of sensory loss from nerve damage. People who have endoscopic facelifts bleed less, bruise less and have less swelling. They tend to recover more quickly and are often able to return to work and other activities within a week.

Costs around $6,000 - $10,000

A mid-facelift uses small cuts in the hairline and the inside of the mouth. The natural fatty layer over your cheekbones is lifted and repositioned and improves nose-to-mouth lines and lifts sagging cheeks. A mid-facelift is included as part of the SMAS or deep plane lift because the mid-face area is elevated along with rest of the tissues.  Ideal candidates are people between 40 and 50 whose cheeks are sagging with skin folds or laxity in the nasolabial area.  The mid-facelift offers modest, subtle improvements. The lower lid approach does carry risk of lower lid swelling.

Costs around $6,000 - $10,000

A thread lift or feather lift may be considered a nonsurgical enhancement. It is intended to lift sagging facial skin without invasive surgery.  The doctor uses a barb suture technique: tiny suture barbs that act as a hook are used to gather skin layers upward, thereby tightening the skin. The thread itself, which has small barbs to hold the skin in place, is not reabsorbed or dissolved but remains in place. No skin is cut away, and only the barbs on the threads and subsequent fibrous tissue provide the lifting effect. (Learn more about thread lifts.)  Ideal candidates are those who do not have very serious sagging or loose skin, such as people in their 30s and 40s.  While much hyped in the media, the thread lift is really not all that effective as a stand-alone facelift. It merely acts as a bridge until a deep plane facelift is more appropriate.

Costs around $1,500 - $4,500