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It's Official --- Tathion Makes Me Fatter

You know that I stopped taking in glutathione tablets (tathion307) for over a month now to fairly conclude how my affordable and local obagi works on my skin.

I've tried two of the best glutathione brands in the market, ph338 and tathion307.  I previously ended my whitening bout with ph338 because of weight gain issues.  Tathion307 didn't make me gain weight for the first few months (well, i'd like to think that).  I gained weight despite taking the tabs just once a day (recommended dosage: 3 tabs daily for both brands).

Photo Source

I weighed myself a while ago.  I lost 5lbs!  From 108 lbs, I'm now down to 103!

Some users say that there are no weight gain issues with oral whitening stuff.  Too bad for me that I did encounter it.  I'll have to stop taking it, I guess.  Or should I take it according to its dosage recommendation to avoid weight gain? Ugh, I don't know.  I'm just done with glutathione products for now.


Yes ladies (and gents), it's THAT time of year again, and amongst all of that excess merriment, there are actually some great gift sets and gift items available to you at significant discounts!

SMASHBOX Wish For The Perfect Pout Lip Gloss Set
6 Shimmering shades including 2 exclusive holiday shades, and formulated WITHOUT parabens.  Also, $1 from every sale of this item goes to support the CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETWORK.
$29 ($96 Value) - Sephora Stores

CAKE BEAUTY Have Your Cake Set
This sugary-sweet assortment of bath and body products are sure to brighten up your teens spirit this holiday.  Includes an assortment of shampoo, body wash, body spray, lotions, creams, and more.

$45 ($66 Value) - Sephora Stores

HARAJUKU LOVERS Fragrance Wicked Style Gift Set
Popularized by Gwen Stefani in the United States, the Harajuku style is extremely popular among fashion conscious teens.  These collectibles are perfect for your edgy teen with fun and flirty scents.

$100 ($150 Value) - Sephora Stores

HARD CANDY Naughty or Nice Holiday Sets
Priced in a way that everyone can afford, these great gifts include nail polish, eye color, and more!

$1-$20 Walmart

The How-To's Of An At Home Olive Oil Treatment

A Beauty Xpose reader wrote in asking how to master this at home treatment. I'm totally trying it myself and thought you might want to as well.

by Anne Houseman, editor extraordinaire, Beauty Xpose

Dear BX:

I’ve been hearing about olive oil treatments for your hair. I get that you just rub it in, but how long do I let it sit? If it is five minutes, then I can just hang out with a towel on my shoulders, but if it is longer then I may need to figure out how to wrap my head in shrink wrap or figure out an alternative to a shower cap (I hate vinyl!). Any thoughts on how long to leave the olive oil in would be most appreciated!


Ah, olive oil: one of my favorite food additives in the world. In fact, my dad always says we bleed and sweat olive oil because of our Italian heritage, which is a disgusting thought…but I digress.

As you’ve heard, this viscous elixir nourishes your hair just as well as it nourishes your stomach! And as with many hair conditioning treatments, the longer you leave it in, the more benefits you’ll reap. Five minutes will give your ‘do a nice moisture boost, but if you really want silky strands, try leaving it in for a full 30 minutes. But as you’ve mentioned, oiling up your hair can be a messy situation — especially if you’re not up for putting on a shower cap, which is the best mess-free method I’ve found yet.

olive oil del papa

So how do you go about oiling up? Apply a generous serving (a tablespoon or two) to towel-dried hair, so that it’s not too wet. If you’d like, you can heat up the oil in the microwave for a few seconds so that it’s warm — but not too hot — which will feel really great on your scalp. Of course, make sure you have an old towel around your shoulders that you don’t mind ruining (it’s better than ruining your clothes!). Then, gently massage the oil into you hair from the roots to your ends. (Hint: For a luxurious salon-worthy scalp massage, enlist the help of a friend, and sit back and relax!)

After the oil is all the way through your hair, you can slap on a shower cap (the easy way), or you can get your friend to help you wrap your head with copious amounts of saran wrap. However, if neither method floats your boat, as an alternative, you can always just pile your hair on the top of your head and leave it in the open while you’re waiting for it to do it’s work.

saran wrap

The shower cap and saran wrap would amplify the effects because it would be trapping in the heat of your head, creating a natural “hot oil” treatment. However, you can also warm your head up by using your hair dryer for no more than a minute minute on the low, warm (not hot) setting.

Once you’ve decided you are ready to wash out the oil, be prepared — it’s going to feel like a greasy mess, and you’re probably going to want to make sure the shampoo you use is NOT sulfate-free, since you really want to remove all of the oil. A good volumizing or clarifying shampoo should do the trick. Then, condition as normal, and you’re good to go.

Good luck, and let us know how it turns out!

Photos: Pouring oil - Pawel Kryj; Oil bottles – Del Papa; Plastic wrap – Saran

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved. Auction For The Holidays

I am proud to be a part of the huge effort to raise money for Doctors Without Borders this holiday season. It's the brain child of blogger extraordinaire, Karla Sugar, who wanted to do something special with all of her left over products this year. Many of us bloggers, who receive more items to test that we can possibly ever use, often donate left over products to domestic violence shelters or other charities. And while a $50 face powder is a treat for one woman who has never had such a luxury item before, the actual $50 is likely to be able to help way more than one person.

(Video courtesy of Doctors Without Borders)

With that idea in mind, Karla asked several of bloggers if they would like to contribute an item to be auctioned off to raise money for Doctors Without Borders. Doctors Without Borders is an organization that provides aid in nearly 60 countries to people whose survival is threatened by violence, neglect, or catastrophe, primarily due to armed conflict, epidemics, malnutrition, exclusion from health care, or natural disasters. DWB provides independent, impartial assistance to those most in need, regardless of ethnicity, race or religion. It's a great way to give back and DWB is one of the more stable, trustworthy charities, with over 85% of their funding going to actual programs, not overhead.

With about 50 bloggers participating, there is certain to be some swag you could pick up for a good cause. It's our intent to get almost everything shipped in time for the Christmas holidays. The auction began today and goes through December 20th. Items have been donated by the following Bloggers/Companies:

Afrobella, A Girl's Gotta Spa!,, Armani Beauty, Bay Area Style File, Beauté Cosmetics, Beauty Alchemist, Beauty Info Zone, The Beauty Look Book, Bobbi Brown, Cafe Makeup, Cargo, China Glaze, EnKore, Estee Lauder, Fashion. Style. Beauty., For the Love of Beauty, From Head to Toe, Givenchy, Gloss Menagerie, Gouldylox Reviews, Grace Gold for AOL StyleList, Illamasqua, JeweledThumb, KarlaSugar, KraseyBeauty, Lancome, Leonor Greyl, The Makeup Girl, Miss Whoever You Are, Musings of a Muse, My Lips But Better, Nadine Jolie, The Non-Blonde, Older Girl Beauty, OPI, Out in a Pout, Pink Sith, Prime Beauty, Product Girl, Pursebuzz, Renee Rouleau, Retrodiva's Beauty, Sasquatch Swatch, Sicka Than Average, Spoiled Pretty, Talika, Three Custom Color Specialists, and Votre Vu

Check out to see what is on the auction block at and spread the wealth. The gift you'll give to Doctors Without Borders is going to help give someone get the medical care they need at the time they need it most. (And some of those bloggers put up some awesome swag!)

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Spending the Near-Christmas Holidays

We sure had a fun, long weekend, didn't we?  Now that everything's 'back to normal', it's just nice to look back and remember how we spent the holidays.  How did you enjoy yours?

I spent mine with Ashley, a 3-year old (28-years old in human years) siamese kitty :)

She's such a sweetheart! A ton of poses after, she gave me the eye ...

So much for playtime, I guess.

Testing Blinc Eyeliner & Mascara, Gouldylox Style.

I first met Blinc when I used their original tubing mascara years ago. To know them is to love them. Their original mascara makes getting long lashes easy and makes them even easier to remove completely.

They took their lash concept and turned it into an eyeliner. According to their website, Blinc's eyeliner was invented to form a water-resistant "layer of color" that contours your eyes. Since Blinc is not a cosmetic paint like conventional eyeliners, it cannot fade, smudge, run or flake, even if you cry or rub your eyes.

It's great for those with sensitive eyes, contact wearers or ladies who want to change their look without disrupting their entire face.

It's available in black, brown, gray and blue and sells for $25, shipping included. But how un-smudgeable is it? I And while I'm at it, what about their tubing mascara? I decided to put them to the test, Gouldylox style.

Here are my scientific testing methods:

Lately songs by Sinead O'Connor and Billy Joel have been making me cry on cue. If that fails, the end of Rocky ("Adrienne, where's your hat?") or the end of Apollo 13, when they lose radio contact upon reentry, makes me cry every time. It's kind of my sad little party trick. Making myself cry is a piece of cake.

I don't do this. So I am simulating it by sticking my head partially underwater, like that old Huey Lewis video, sans ice cubes.

(If you are curious, I don't swim for obvious reasons - sharks. Ever since I was a wee lass, I have been terrified of water and the sharks lurking within all water and avoid it. Except the ocean, where I frolic from time to time, briefly, and without care. I didn't say it makes sense, but when I close my eyes and am submerged in water, all I see is a shark swimming towards me, a la the original book cover. Then the shark jumps up and bites at me, like the "we're gonna need a bigger boat" scene. There is no getting over it.)

Ok, this isn't the most difficult test to pass, but if you aren't dunking yourself or crying every day, it should give you a truer sense of how the liner and mascara actually wear.

The results are in!

(Me, prior to crying.)

Let's discuss crying first. Here is what my mascara and liner looked like, prior to turning on the water works. I love how shiny they both look (which for some reason, isn't showing up). In person, it looked like patent leather lashes and liner.

To force tears, I opted to watch the video for Billy Joel's Goodnight Saigon, which includes a chorus of men whom I assume are Vietnam Vets. Crying ensues when they show the muddy boots before we even get to the chorus. When I cry, I naturally wipe the tears away, sometimes touching my upper lash line. So on one eye, I wiped normally, and on the other, I dabbed without touching my upper lash area.

(This is the untouched, dabbed eye.)

(This is the regular crying/wiped eye when wiped once.)

Well...the untouched eye held up well, so if you can cry without touching your eyes, this is a score. The eye I did touch didn't smudge or run, the liner just came off in one fell swoop (as it is supposed to, when you get it wet).

(This is the wiped eye, when wiped for a second time. The liner is completely gone!)

It didn't make a mess (score!), but the liner didn't stay on. The mascara stayed put, for the most part. So if you are going to cry, you can know that at the very least, you won't make a mess and that nothing will run in your eyes. It's not perfect, but I'll take it over messy, streaky, stinging mascara and liner bits any day.

(If this underwater shot doesn't look like a shark is lurking my sink, waiting to eat my face, I don't know what does.)

Next up, the swimming. I did dunk my head in a sink, several times. And because I'm me, I spent the morning rigging an underwater camera in my sink to show you that I actually did this for the test, lest you think I'm making this up and just hopping in the shower or something. Loxy was on hand to help to help take photos. He also pointed out a few things along the way.

(My hair and ear, underwater. I think a deeper sink is needed for my photography to work. At least the camera stayed perfectly dry.)

The first thing he pointed out is that I that can not hold my breath underwater for more than two seconds before freaking out. I swear I can, but apparently, something about only sticking your head in the sink, underwater, made me forget how to hold my breath.

(This does look a little like what you expect to see when either passing over or being born, according to the movies.)

Secondly, Loxy said that the underwater pictures he helped me take didn't quite convey that the products held up or failed under water. Instead, he noted that they photos conveyed more of a sense of, well, struggle.

(Loxy thinks this is the only shot that proves I actually stuck my head in the water. Yup. That is a super close up of my nose.)

(This is my eye underwater. Eyes certainly get wrinkly when they need to keep out water!)

Hmm. Turns out that water and these products don't really get along when they fully meet. So sticking your head in the sink or swimming (I presume), won't really work while wearing this mascara and liner.

(This is the after shot of me coming up for air. It didn't go well for the products.)

However, just a slight bit of sweating, as if you were laying out by a pool, would be just fine. So I suppose it depends on what you are planning for the day. If face-only swimming is out, this might be perfect. Hence my third test.

Finally, shopping. Not only did I wear this mascara and liner whilst battling holiday shoppers, I (unfortunately) was wearing this when one of my super nasty headaches suddenly set in. So the test took a slight turn. When I get a major headache, here is how it goes:

I start squirming, squeezing my eyes shut and rubbing my head ferociously. This is usually accompanied by whining and sounds of pain, while Loxy tries to get me home as fast as possible. Then I rush home, shed my clothes and jump in the shower. I set the temperature to tepid, pull out the box fan kept in the bathroom just for days like this and try to make myself shiver; all while drinking a Diet Mt. Dew in the shower, a la Leaving Las Vegas. Then a deep sleep occurs with pillows over my face. Ok, water, pain and pillows over the face. After battling shoppers. Can this possibly go ok for Blinc?

I am happy to report that the liner and mascara made it through the final test with flying colors! The shadow has clearly head for zee hills, but the liner and lashes remained!

After all of that, the bottom line is this:

Blinc Liner and Mascara will stay on as long as you don't submerge yourself in the sink or cry while watching music videos. So in daily wear, this stuff is a home run. On days where you may get wet or have a good cry, this isn't for you. However, on days (or nights) where you need to make a quick change or suddenly appear fresh-faced, this mascara and liner comes off cleaner than anything I have seen!

Blinc does not test on animals. This product was sent for review.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Battling Jiggly Arms On A Daily Basis

Let me share with you what I do daily to fight back the natural tendency for a woman's upper arm to be  jiggly.  The Triceps Curl:

Photo Source

Except that I stabilize the area immediately before the elbow joint and not near the armpits like how it's shown above.  Using your dumbbell-free hand, support the area below the elbows, like so:

Photo Source

It's better if you support the elbow region by gripping onto it rather than using your fingers (the model looks awkward don't you think?)  My free arm would usually slide back from my head just so I can properly stabilize the forearm.  Joint stability when doing the exercise is very important to make sure that you are targeting the correct muscles and to avoid injuries. (It's just so hard to look for photos with the right exercise position)

I also use a medium-size mineral water bottle (filled with water) instead of my 1lb weights.  I do 20 repetitions of the movement (see first photo), rest for a few seconds, and do 2 more sets of 20 after that  (I'm doing 60 triceps curls with 2 rest periods in between).  I do this whenever I can during the day: during breaks in class, while watching TV, etc)

Photo Source
Exercise now before it leads to this!
  1. This exercise can be done seated or standing.  Please make sure to keep an erect posture all throughout the routine.  We don't want additional back problems, do we?
  2. Holding the mineral bottle (or 2-3kg dumbbells/weights), raise the arm overhead (keep elbow straight)
  3. The other arm slides at the back of the head to support the exercising arm's elbow region.
  4. Do the curls as shown in the first photo. 

If you are a beginner, you may want to start with a brim-filled small mineral bottle as weights, do 10 repetitions of the movement, 2 sets.  You can progress by changing the bottle size, bottle's water levels, the reps and the sets.

Thankfully, I have never suffered from flabby arms at this point. :)  Triceps curls exercise is among those I do daily to avoid flabby arms.  I hope this tip can help you, too!

P.S.  If you are already suffering from jiggly arms, there will be more exercises to keep the fat out and tone the arms (aside from revamping your diet). Doing the triceps curls alone will not suffice.

Beautyland Tour, Week of November 22

After a busy week of Thanksgiving (for our American friends) and Black Friday shopping, we're here to help you sort through all the latest and greatest in beauty. Forget the crowds and sit back next to the crackling fire and enjoy beauty right from your own home.

Kelly from Gouldylox Reviews has been taking us along with her on her hair changing ride with amazing results. See what Peter Lamas product helped her with her new found hair style and frizz.

Have you ever gone shopping for shoes and walk away with a beauty product you just can't resist? That's what happened to Debbi at Diva Debbi this week. See what Bobbi Brown ended up in her "getaway" bag!

The wait is on for the Royal Wedding of William and Kate April 29, 2011. But, now we can look like royalty as BeautyXposé shows us where we can get our own replica of the infamous sapphire and diamond engagement ring!

Charlestongirl of Best Things in Beauty buys a few Le Métier de Beauté True Color Eye Shadows every time she visits the counter, hoping to own them all one day. On her last visit, she sampled the range of natural tones. Will one work for you?

Barely done with one holiday and we're on to spring beauty! Sabrina from The Beauty Look Book shows us the latest release of Chanel nail polish, a happy color called Riva. Will this one become a cult favorite, too?

Kari from Fab Over Forty hit the holiday shopping early and you get to benefit! She's giving away to one lucky reader an Estee Lauder makeup set in a holiday red Coach makeup bag.

Gaia from The Non-Blonde couldn't resist Guerlain's Holiday Rouge G le Brilliant Bee limited edition lipstick from it's wonderful mirrored bee packaging to the tempting, luscious color inside. The swatches have us swooning for this shade!

Jane from Daly Beauty has certain requirements about her fragrances. Read what's in this CREED Tubereuse Indiana that makes it one of her favorites. It may just be what you're looking for in a fragrance, too!

Happy Holidays everyone!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Julu-ized: Free Shipping On Julu Jewelry!

And not only that, she's also slashing 15% off Julu Jewelry prices, sitewide, and will be throwing in free delish crystal studs for every purchase!

I've known Steph, brainchild of Julu Jewelry, for quite sometime now through our beauty blogs.  I've always wanted to own at least one of her extremely dainty creations. This Thanksgiving Sale she's having is just the perfect opportunity to become Julu-ized!

Here are some earrings I'm eyeing on: (all pictures from Julu Jewelry Blog that you should check out to learn more about these dainty pieces)

With Love From Paris earrings
I am in love with the rivoli cut grey Swarovski + Indian Pink heart stone!

Deep Sea Blue Golden Bow earrings --- so regal!

Sparkling Bows and Hearts earrings; Since I want the  Deep
 Sea Blue Golden Bow earring above, might opt for the black one here.

Divine Angel Wing earrings
in Sapphire, Fuscia and Blue Zircon

Treasures on the Shore earrings --- so unique!
I'm used to red. black, white and navy blue for nautical stuff but the
 green crystal starfish together with the anchor is so refreshing to look at!

Some cute Korean studs that are from Steph's past collection.  I'd love to request for these, too!

Darling Sparkle Bows

Sooty Grey Owl Studs

I actually prefer those that Steph crafted rather than these ready-made Korean earrings.  It's such a nice thing to know that I'm wearing a piece (or pieces!) that was well-thought of and hand-crafted with love.  Steph is such a sweet girl and I will feel closer to her kindness if I get one of these!

I am currently winning my way into carting the stuff I want from the store.  Shop Julu Jewelry now and get these great deals before your fave pieces go OOS!

Note:  This is NOT a paid post. 

It's Black Friday...

and all around you are just need to know where to look!

Check out a few of my favorites:


H2O Plus Sea Results 3 PC Anti-Aging Set only $32! at




Black Friday / Cyber Monday Deals!

It's that time. Let the Black Friday Deals Begin!

If you are actually braving the stores, don't leave home without these apps to make your shopping experience easier (Yup, I'm a tech geek, too)?

The TGI Black Friday App will help you navigate the sales, steals and deals so you can plan your shopping day with military precision. This is confirmed for the iPhone and Droid, but I'm not sure if it's available for the Blackberry. This app is free.

If you need more planning, download the Fast Mall app and get a map of almost any mall on your phone, making it easy to locate stores, restrooms and places to eat. According to their site, it gives turn by turn directions to find what you are seeking.

Shooger allows you to find coupons and codes in your specific area, so all you have to do is flash the bar code and save. This app mainly works for local stores. For coupons for larger department stores, try Coupon Sherpa or Yowza! (iPhone only). Feeling like a red-headed stepchild holding that Blackberry or Droid? Download WHERE and choose offers or coupons and you'll get the same goods. There is no reason to be left out!

But if you are shopping for makeup goodies, check this out!

Laura Geller is giving away a special kit with any $75 or more purchase that includes a Banish and Brighten baked blush, 2 baked shadows in Fresco Nude and Baroque and a kabuki brush. Separately, they retail for $98. Shop in her boutique in NYC (located in the Upper East Side at 1044 Lexington) or online between now and Monday and save!

Bare Escentuals has several ways to save coming up! With this gift finding tool, you can't go wrong! On Black Friday Weekend spend $50 at and get $20 off your next purchase of $40 or more (redeemable 12/13 - 12/31). Personally, I think I will be picking up the Kaleidoscope Collection.

Sephora has several ways to save this year. Here are some of the offers I compiled for you:

Free Shipping on Philosophy's Limited Edition Hope in a Jar chosen as one of Oprah's Favorite Things 2010. (Ends 12/14, use coupon code: HOLIDAYSHIP at checkout)

Free Haul-iday Tote with $25 order at (Valid 11/26). While supplies last.

Free Shipping on all orders over $25 at (Valid 11/27 - 11/29). Use code SHIPNOW at checkout.

Now is the perfect time to pick up some of the famous Sue Devitt Eye Intensifier Pencils and save 20%!

Cyber Monday Steals!

On Cyber Monday, snag this amazing value from LORAC. For $25, you'll get
the Cyber Monday Collection:

The Cyber Monday Collection
Black makeup Bag
Baked Matte satin eye shadow in Social
Baked Matte satin eye shadow in Posh
On Screen Duo Powder Highlighter/Cream Liner in Fame and Fortune
Lotsa Lip Gloss in Hottie
Lotsa Lipstick in Stylin

The Lierac Paris Friends & Family sale starts on Cyber Monday, 11/29 and runs through Friday 12/3. Save 30% off ALL products at Just use check out code FF2010 at checkout. I'm not 100% sure why, but I keep going back to their makeup remover. I love this stuff!

Order anything from BE on Cyber Monday and they will ship your order for free!

After you've shopped for everyone else, treat yourself to something special! Between December 9th and the 12th save 20% during their friends and family sale at Bare Escentuals stores and at

What are you picking up and hoping someone picks up for you? Happy shopping!

Sephora links are courtesy of an advertising affiliate. The rumor is that if you shop through those links, I'd make a penny (or two.) I say rumor, because it's never happened.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

A Cheap Cut From David's Salon

My hair grew in an unmanageable fashion to the point that those around me wondered why I loved sporting the disheveled look.  As a result, I've been endlessly tying my hair up in a ponytail or a bun.

pixelizing my ugly face; hair looks a bit ok in photos but not in real life

Last Sunday, I decided to let the cutters chop off the unruly chunk of hair that gives me that mahangin ba sa labas look.  I was feeling adventurous that day and went for the junior stylist that charged the cheapest.  I am normally particular about where I am having my hair cut and on who does it, but this time, everything just happened spontaneously.

     Me: Uy, David's!  Daming nagpapagupit ah (Lots of people are having their hair cut).
     BF: You wanna get a hair cut?  I'll wait for you.
     Me: Nah, that'd be too much.
     BF: Hindi ayos lang (It's okay), go ahead.

Seems that the BF really wants to get rid of my unruly hair --- and he gets away with it!

I got even more adventurous by choosing to get a bob.  I paid P168 ($4) for my new 'do and tipped the stylist fairly. I was so happy with the big savings I bagged. Who knew ad hoc hair decisions can sometimes cook up something special?

And here's what I'm sporting just recently.  It's really a low-maintenance bob since I do not need to put any hair primping stuff to make it look nice.  I just let it dry in front of the fan and in less than 10 minutes, I'm off to school!

If you are wondering about what hair color I used, it's Revlon's Colorsilk in Light Ash Brown.

I'm not the only one who had my hair trimmed.  This week, Crystal and Krissy sported new 'do's, too!

How many times have you turned up spur-of-the-moment decisions into groundbreaking moves?  It works sometimes, doesn't it?  It can be amusing to realize that we end up more disappointed with things that we planned for than the those we just whipped up in seconds.