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TOOL TIME! What Your Beauty Box Should Look Like

So I know that all of your bathrooms don't look like a page out of Martha Stewart Living, so here are a few essentials that will make your beauty routine (and your bathroom) much more orderly.

If you have enough makeup to fill an aisle at your local drugstore, you should invest in a good quality train case, which will keep all of your product organized and at your fingertips. You will find trendy ones from brands like Caboodle, but I find that investing in a good one the first time saves money in the long run - you will have this SEPHORA Midnight Train Case for the rest of your life, with enough storage for your ever expanding makeup collection!

$92 - Sephora Stores

Ok, now that you have your fabulous case, and all of your makeup is organized, you can start to get the proper tools together.

1. Everyone knows the value of Q-Tips in their beauty routine, but what most people don't know is that there are specialty cotton swabs specifically designed for makeup application and touch -up.  EYE TEES can be purchased at any drugstore and have one pointed and one rounded tip for precision of use.  I find that not only are they great for makeup touch-ups (using with makeup remover), but they are also good for cleaning up excess nail polish!

$3 - Drugstores Nationwide

Cotton Balls are a standard in almost everyone's bathroom, but I personally think that COTTON ROUNDS are a far superior beauty tool.  Cotton Rounds can be used to remove makeup, apply toner and lotion, remove nail polish, and much, much more.

$3.50 Drugstores Nationwide

Cosmetic Wedges - an antiquated tool which no longer needs any relevance in your standard beauty kit (this does not apply to makeup artists, and I will explain why in a minute).  The newest trend and eco-friendly solution is reusable cosmetic sponges.  BEAUTY BLENDER makes a fabulous reusable sponge which comes with cleaning fluid which allows you to use these over and over for foundation and other liquid makeup application.  NOTE: While these are perfect for personal use, re-use of sponges by makeup artists is not sanitary and they should continue to use the disposable ones.

$40 - Sephora Stores

BRUSHES, brushes, brushes.  I cannot stress enough how important it is to have good quality makeup brushes (the ones that come with your shadow ARE NOT brushes!).  A good quality brush can take your everyday makeup application from blase to brilliant, trust me!  Now, I understand that not everyone can afford to spend $400 on brushes so here are a few options for you.

The MOST IMPORTANT good brush to have is a POWDER BRUSH.  This will make the difference between a flawless finish and a flawed flop.  I love the brushes from JAPONESQUE, as they are soft, pick up a lot of color, and provide a smooth finish.  TIP: Tap off excess powder before applying to the face, and apply in a circular motion.

$37 - Japonesque

As far as the rest of your brushes, the Touch Up Tube, also from JAPONESQUE, is a great affordable option for your general blush, eye, and lip needs.

$19 - Japonesque

My last essential......the SHU UEMURA Eyelash Curler is a cult classic and a favorite among makeup artists worldwide.  Lasts almost forever and gives that perfect curl every time with no pinching or pulling!

$19 - Shu Uemura

This is your ESSENTIAL list only! If you have other tricks or tools that you can't live without, please send them to me!