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Colorescience Primer: It's a Lemony Makeup Magnet for Your Face

A few months ago, a twitter pal suggested I try Colorescience's Skin Brightening Primer Line Tamer, with SPF 20, as a must have primer for any foundation. If you aren't familiar with Colorescience, they are the makers of high end mineral makeup, including an amazing face brightening powder, Snow Leopard.

I was excited to try their primer, based on all of the suggestions of like-minded beauties. My first impression of the primer is that it is lemony delicious. Clearly, I don't mean to eat. Lemon is one of my favorite scents, and I really enjoy it in facial products. This primer is lemon scented in the way a yummy Drake cake icing might be. Not too tart, not too sweet. It's just the right amount of faint, fresh lemony goodness.

This primer is also on the thicker side and you only need a little bit. More than that, and you are wasting product. On me, this light yellow-based primer brightens my skin in an obvious and immediate way. My skin looks slightly more luminous and very healthy. I seriously love the combo of the lemon scent and the brightening factor.

Finally, it keeps your makeup on. Tight. My makeup didn't run, fade or melt for a full day. It even stood up to the humidity of the East Coast. It's no joke. This is good stuff.

Colorescience is available online and in select locations and retails for $45.

This was sent to me for the purposes of review. Colorescience does not test on animals.

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