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Phyto Phytodensium Anti-Aging Serum

Phyto has become one of my most trusted sources for fixing my hair dilemmas. From their salon treatments to their take-home hair helpers, you can't go wrong. I adore their shampoo and conditioners, their SPF protection for hair and I am on my fourth bottle of Phyto's Phytopolleine Universal Elixir. Even their vitamins made an obvious difference in my hair.

But when they claimed to be able to stave off the loss of hair color and the dreaded "goat hairs" (those hairs that change texture and refuse to behave as you age), I was uber curious. Here is what Phyto says about their Phytodensium Anti-Aging Serum:

With just a few drops of this powerful, lightweight serum, hair is fortified and invigorated. Pro-vitamins B5 and B6, combined with a tyrosine derivative, prevent future damage and boost the level of melanin in each hair shaft, delaying gray.

I tested this product for about two months. Sadly, my hair is already too colorless for this product to stop my hair from changing colors. However, I haven't had any new goat hairs spring up in the last month. How do I know? I have been religiously flat ironing my current six goat hairs into submission every day and I would have noticed if any of their goat friends joined the party. I also passed a along a sample of this to a coworker who also has goat-hair issues. While it is still very early to tell, no new goat hairs have sprung from her head since she started using this about two months ago. A real trial would take closer to four to six months to really see a change in hair texture but so far, so good!

This serum is so lightweight, it's easy to use everyday and doesn't leave a film on your hair or scalp. It literally feels like water. It smells faintly like apple juice, which dissipates shortly after use. It's available from a variety of websites and from Sephora.

Do you worry about your hair changing color or texture? Would you try an anti-aging serum? Tell me about it in the comments!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review. Phyto does not test on animals.

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