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Shiseido Fall 2010 Collection: Must Have Colors!

Shiseido's new fall collection launches this week, bringing global, travel-inspired colors back for fall. The new line includes seven beautiful eye shadow trios, a long wearing liquid liner, and creamy new lipsticks.

Here is what Shiseido says about their Luminizing Satin Eye Colors Fall 2010 collection:
Shiseido Makeup Luminizing Satin Eye Color tri-color palettes collection, inspired by Dick Page’s travels around the globe, are the newest additions to the. The seven Trios consist of naturally contrasting and highlighting shades that brighten eyes. The luxurious powder spreads evenly onto eyelids, providing the exact texture and color desired. Each shade can be worn together or separately for a wide variety of looks and effects. The seven unique palettes were inspired by moments taken from landscapes around the world and casual sights seen during Dick's travels.

I got the chance to check out five of the new color palettes in advance. I received so many compliments on my shadow when I wore these palettes, from strangers on the street to my toughest eye shadow critic, my sister-in-law Abz. What was really amazing was that the colors stayed true for 10+ hours. It was seriously amazing that the colors didn't crease or fade for hours in the heat and humidity. These shadows wore better than almost anything powder-based in my collection. I did wear them with a primer (several primers, actually), but I always wear an eye shadow primer. These shadows are amazing, and lasted longer with and without a primer.


(Wearing the GD804 collection, which is also the palette showcased online.)


(Wearing BR307 with the liquid liner)


(Wearing PK403 with the liquid liner)


This photo was taken at 10:15pm, about 14 hours after I had applied the shadows. I didn't add to or touch up any of these colors. They lasted through a full, stressful day of work and then a few hours of therapy dog evaluations, in a room with no AC. Even the highlighter color stayed true. It's not perfect, but it's not too bad for 14 hours later!


The other two palettes are equally gorgeous!


I especially love the idea of the burnt sienna and gray together - so unexpected!

The new Automatic Fine Eye Liner, available in brown or black, is noteworthy for two reasons.

First, it has a click bottom, similar to a pen, that allows for the perfect amount of product to be dispensed. Unlike similar liquid liners, the pen tip is very flexible to the base. This allows for more control for fine and thick lines, without "snagging" the almost always inevitable stiff bristles near the base of the brush.

And here is a quick look at the two lip colors I previewed.

Tawny (above) is described as a dusky pinkish brown, but it goes slightly redder on me. It's a nice natural color, especially for evening.

For everyday, Blush (above) is a nice choice. It's a subdued, natural pink - like my own lip color, but slightly better.

This collection is definitely worth picking up. It's gorgeous and the products wear amazingly well! Check it out at Shiseido counters nationwide or online.

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review. Shiseido does test on animals.

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