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Best of Summer : HAIR

This summer, I discovered something that is actually making my hair grow faster than usual. As of today, my hair is a solid two inches past my ears and almost pony tail worthy. These products have made a real, amazing difference in my hair and are worth every penny. If you missed it the first time, check out the details on Peter Lamas, who is now available in Duane Reade, as well as online.

Impatient with trying to grow my hair to bombshell lengths, I recently sought help from Peter Lamas, a renowned hairstylist and creator of the Chinese Herbs line. His impressive clientele includes the likes of Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn and Jacqueline Kennedy.

(My hair, at the end of April.)

(My hair now, at the end of May.)

Peter's line, Chinese Herbs, helps stimulate the scalp to grow thicker, healthier hair. But can a shampoo and conditioner really make a difference for me as I try to grow my hair longer and faster? According to my research, hair grows about a half inch (on average) per month. So after 32 days of using Chinese Herbs, how much growth did I see?

Before I tell you, I have to explain that typical results with Chinese Herbs are usually apparent after two to three months, but users can often see results much faster than that. My hair normally grows slightly more than a half of an inch per month. I usually have to color my hair every three to four weeks to keep up with new growth.

In the month I used Chinese Herbs, my hair grew about 7/8 of an inch. (Yes, I pulled out hair and measured!). That is fast! So fast in fact, my hairdresser jokingly mocked that if my hair is growing too fast for me to financially keep up with coloring it, I should stop using the Chinese Herbs! For the record, I am using only the Shampoo, Conditioner, Styling Cream and Revitalizing Mist. I am not using the Serum.

(My hair growth after 32 days using Chinese Herbs. Now let's pretend you never saw that color hair coming out of ME, ok? Thanks.)

As I was seeing such amazing results I wanted to chat with Peter to find out exactly how the Chinese Herbs line works. Here's a portion of our chat:

GR: So far, I am seeing some pretty amazing results after using the Chinese Herbs Shampoo, Conditioner and Spray for a few weeks. I understand it is stimulating the scalp, but I'm already seeing results! How does it work?

PL: Chinese Herbs products are based on the known results that Chinese medicine has yielded for centuries. We combined smart science with natural ingredients to help create a product that gives men and women thicker, stronger, more beautiful hair. The fact that your hair is growing faster is a side effect of having a healthy, stimulated scalp. You need both smart science and natural, proven ingredients. Nature can't do it alone. Together, the two can produce amazing, beautiful hair.

GR: What makes Chinese Herbs different from other scalp stimulating products?

PL: Simply put, the formula we have created acts similar to the way that the cholesterol- lowering drugs work. It breaks up the sebum that is clogging your follicle, allowing your hair to grow in a healthy manner - revitalized, strong and beautiful. Our hair ages like our bodies do and this formula is like serious skin care for your hair.

GR: What is one thing women can do to improve the quality of their hair?

PL: Never, and I mean ever, wrap a towel around wet hair. Hair becomes like barbed wire, sticking to itself. When you brush through your hair after removing the towel, you literally rip and tear strands of your hair. It is one of the most damaging things women do without realizing it.

GR: With so many products on the market, what inspired you to create something using Chinese Medicine instead of some of the current chemical ingredients showing up everywhere?

PL: I had watched environmental factors play a detrimental role in the lives of many women, including my own mother. We have to be very careful of the products we use. Some ingredients, like parabens, are still approved for use, despite the building evidence they may in fact be harmful. I want to help women be their most beautiful self; healthy, strong and vibrant. I create products to safely do just that.

(photo courtesy of The Court Yard Hounds & Sony Music)

I can't believe how fast my hair has grown. At this rate, it should hit my shoulders by Thanksgiving. I think my new hairspiration is going to be Emily Robinson from the Court Yard Hounds. I have no clue how you deal with that much hair, but since it's growing this fast, I might just get there and be forced to learn! Have you tried any of Peter Lamas' products? Tell me in the comments!

Products were sent to me for the purposes of review.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Best of Summer : CHEEKS

I am on a hectic shoot all week, with little to no time to write, (or even tweet!) so I thought I would look back at my favorites from the past season. First up is a new discovery for me, Dalton. My favorite cheek product of the summer (and possibly the year, so far) has to be the H2 Glow Natural Highlighting Cream. This cream stays where you put it and looks radiant. Really, really radiant. It's like super model highlighter that doesn't fade as soon as you put it on. Here's a look at my favorite cheek sculpting product of the season.

I recently discovered Dalton Color Cosmetics when I was researching bronzers. Most of the bronzers I am finding for the summer are either very shimmery or very matte brown. Both are fine, depending on the situation, but neither could work to help me fill in the uneven color on my décolleté from when I had an earlier mishap with sprayable sunscreen. Everything I had was either too dark brown or just too shiny to fill in the uneven area.

Dalton's Golden Pearl Bronzer (it comes with an amazing Puki brush) is different. This bronzer is more of a natural tan color. The color you get when you are actually outside and get some color. I don't know about you, but I don't tan with a reflective sheen. (Although it might be interesting if I could do that.) I also don't tan in a plain brown color. This bronzer looks completely natural on the face or body (so many can't do both).

The Puki brush, part powder brush, part kabuki brush, helps to ensure a smooth application, without blotches or streaks. I like to use a smaller brush on my face and use the larger brush to bronze my décolleté, arms and legs. It does come in two colors - light to medium and medium to dark, so hopefully one will work for you. This is definitely one of the more natural looking bronzers I have tried and is honestly pretty goof-proof. The only down side is that it isn't water proof. I haven't had any streaking or transfer issues, so it seems fairly resistant. I love the color it gives your skin - totally believable!

I am also loving their H2Glow Natural Highlighter Cream. I have been looking for new highlighters that not only leave a bit of dewy goodness on your skin, but actually stay fresh and dewy looking throughout the day. Most highlighters lose their sheen shortly after you put them on. This cream is slightly different. While it comes in a pan and is applied with a sponge or fingers (I like fingers, personally), it is much tackier than your normal cream. In fact, when you first apply it, the cream is definitely on the sticky side. After you apply it, it settles down into a smooth finish that doesn't budge. Because of that, I suggest applying it as the very last touch to your face. Otherwise, any blush or powder will cling to it. Once it settles down, it doesn't look like you are wearing a highlighter on your face. Instead, it looks like a natural radiance that isn't oily looking. And it lasts for hours! I put it on at 7:00am and as of 2:12pm (when I am writing this), it looks exactly the same! You have to love that!

Here is my Dalton FOTD, including the Brightening Wand I can't be without.

(In the car, in between meetings.)

(Another Dalton FOTD. I love the highlighters! )

Today I am wearing the Golden Pearl Bronzer all over my neck, chest and legs. I look believably bronze and it only took a few minutes this morning. I didn't have to exfoliate or wait for my skin to dry. Just a few quick swipes with the Puki brush and I was golden!

These products are available through QVC. What bronzer are you gravitating to this summer? Have you tried anything from Dalton before? Let me know!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

This Week's Celebrity Beauty: Glee, Fergie, AGT & The Emmys

by Anne Houseman, of Beauty Xpose

Get an inside look at the latest celebrity beauty and fashion news:

  • Got pre-Emmy jitters? Nominees Toni Collette and Glenn Close light one of their Ecoya candles to calm their nerves and their spirit.
  • The stars on the set of Woody Allen’s latest movie filming in Paris (the one with French first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy) are being treated to luxurious Leonor Greyl hair care products.
  • How does Fergie’s hair look so Fergalicious? Her on-tour hairdresser, Jason Medina, credits a large part to her European hair dryer: Velecta Paramount Paris x:Q Onyx. Find one in the U.S. here.
July 30, 2010 - New York, New York, U.S. - FERGIE AKA STACY FERGUSON.The Black Eyed Peas on ABC's ''Good Morning America'' concert series at Rumsey Playfield in Central Park , New York City 07-30-2010. 2010.K65626SMO. © Red Carpet Pictures

Photos: Kardashians – PerfectSkin; Fergie – © Red Carpet Pictures Content © 2010 ZumaPress via

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Beautyland Tour, Week of 8/23

Charlestongirl of Best Things in Beauty is a lover of all things Bobbi Brown. Last week she was fortunate enough to attend a Bobbi Brown Master Class. She's sharing the latest beauty tips she learned and see the newest in Bobbi products, too!

Tragedy struck the fashion world this spring with the news of Alexander McQueen's death. Butter London nail polish pays homage to him with their new shade All Hail McQueen. Gaia from The Non-Blonde shares her thoughts on this honorary shade.

Are you ready for the Emmy's this weekend? Anne from BeautyXposé is giving us easy to use at-home tips on how to get a gorgeous white smile, just like the ones we'll see on the Emmy's red carpet.

Do you want to make your pores and fine lines disappear? We all want that flawless face before applying makeup and Kelly from Gouldylox Reviews shares with us a Jouer product that gives her that flawless look.

We love products that give us a flawless face, but sometimes we need to learn how to use the products to get the look we want. Makeup artist Victoria Stiles will be doing "Flawless Faces Web Series". See Makeup Artist Backstage to learn about the series.

What are some of the hot color trends this fall? Purple is one of them, and Kari from Fabulous Over Forty shares with us some of her favorite purple beauty products. Could there be a purple in your future?

The economy may be putting us in a grey mood, but Sabrina from The Beauty Look Book shows us all things beautiful in grey. From nail polish to handbags and everything in between, there's a grey you may fall in love with!

Sadly, there have been times when we've all overdone it in the sun. Carla from Product Girl tested a Caudalie product for her sunburn. Did she get the relief she needed?

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Ken Paves The Power of Now In Color (Red)

As a redhead (again), I am always on the lookout for ways to brighten and extend my color - realistically. Coating my hair in bright red gel isn't going to work for my style. Neither is spraying in some sort of color. Or dusting in some weird powder. All of these change the texture of my hair for the worse, and the color payoff doesn't last, flakes off or comes off on my clothing. Getting caught in the rain plain stinks. And at the rate my roots need covering, I need all of the help I can get.

Enter my newest must-have hair product, Ken Paves The Power of Now in Color. This leave-in treatment helps strengthen hair while adding a sheer color gloss. You can use this product in a ton of ways:
  • Add to hair before conditioning and rinse out, for the lightest color application
  • Add to towel dried hair to add a punch of color
  • Use a Q-Tip or an eye brow brush to cover roots
Before you take the leap, here are a few things you should know. Invest in some reusable gloves. Otherwise, some slight staining to the hands may occur. This is basically hair color in a bottle (with no exposure to air, so no weird, purple looking dye), so don't say I didn't warn you. Obviously, if you do this in the shower, you won't stain your hands. If you don't use gloves and wash immediately, you'll be fine as well. But, if you're going to worry about it, just use the gloves.

(Here is my hair before using the Power of Now In Color.)

The next thing you should know is that, like Wen, using this product may take a bit of practice to figure out what works best for you. The first time I used it, I chose the towel-dried hair method.

Obviously, I used the red. I used way too much and my hair came out slightly stiff. Think of this as a colored styling creme that helps protect your hair. Too much styling creme equals hair that doesn't feel quite right.

The next time I tried it, I used it in the shower and got slightly less color, but I still liked the benefits. My hair had a slightly redder tone to it, but it wasn't incredibly noticeable to anyone besides me (I study my hair color in the mirror. I can't be alone in this, can I?)

My favorite way to use this? Add to towel-dried hair and then apply it to the roots with the brow brush over dry hair. Still, a little goes a long way, so it may take you a few tries before you get the method right.

(Here is my hair after using The Power of Now In Color)

I love this color. I've used it every day for two weeks, even taking it on a business trip where a tiny overnight bag was required. It adds a natural red gloss to my hair. It doesn't look fake or totally change the color of my hair. If you expect it to do that, it won't. It will add a slight reddish gloss to the hair, making it look slightly richer, while giving you a bit of styling creme assistance.

I can honestly say, as long as he makes it, I can see me buying this. You can check it out on the Q. If your hair fades between salon visits, this is definitely worth trying out.

This was sent to me for the purpose of review. Ken Paves does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Define Flawless and Donate $1 to Gulf Coast Relief

Laura Mercier has a very cool thing going on at her website. Tell Laura what "flawless" means to you and she will donate $1 to the Gulf Relief Fund. Most people donate pennies from purchases towards donations, so this project truly intrigues me. It could end up being a generous donation, based on our simple, collaborative effort.

So tell Laura Mercier what flawless means to you and send $1 to aid in the Gulf. For me, flawless is a tough word. It's what perfect diamonds are. It's a forgotten movie starring Demi Moore. It's another weird movie with Phillip Seymour Hoffman. It's certainly not me.

Maybe understanding your flaws makes you flawless? Does that make sense? I know I could be kinder, less sarcastic and way less judge-y, but those things are partially what makes me, me, right? It's such an exclusive word it's almost hard to define something as being flawless. One woman's flawless is another woman's flawed. I suppose the time I spend each morning, before getting out of bed, snuggled with my blind mutt Ernie and my goofy husband, is flawless in my book. Check out everyone else's responses. They are beautiful.

What do you think is flawless? Tell Laura Mercier and take a small step to help rebuild the Gulf Coast.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Purse Essential: Jouer Essential Matte Touch

Lately, blame the heat, my aging skin or how easily I grow bored, but lately I haven't wanted to bother with powder. I don't like how it often settles in my fine lines or looks cake-y after multiple uses. Sure, there are powders that I like, but I am a little more than bored with them.

My newest obsession? A new type of product (new to me, anywho) that gives your face a flawless finish without the powder. Imagine something similar to a post-makeup face primer, but in solid cake form.

I have discovered a few of them so far, but right now I am loving Jouer's Essential Matte Touch. It doesn't feel like a chunk of silicone, the way that similar products do. This skin perfector contains Willow Bark Extract to calm and firm skin as well as vitamins C, D and E. It's soothing and much less slippery in feeling than some of the others on the market. If the silicone makes you feel oily, this one won't! You can apply it with a sponge, brush or even your fingers and voila. Your skin looks amazing!

(My portable buffing brush. The retractable brush is a must have for this kind of use.)

Personally, I like to carry a portable buffing brush and touch up whenever needed. Call me crazy, but sponges just skeeve me out.

Your skin looks flawless, as if a soft filter has been applied, but without the residual settling into the fine lines you may get with powder. My pores are diminished more with this than, dare I say, almost anything else. While it looks whitish in the container, it applies completely clear and is suitable for all skin types. It doesn't build up and on my dry skin, never makes my skin feel oily or dirty. It's like a tiny, portable airbrush!

Essential Matte Touch from Jouer is available online and Henri Bendel. It is totally reasonably priced at $26.

This was sent to me for the purposes of review. Jouer does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Colorescience Primer: It's a Lemony Makeup Magnet for Your Face

A few months ago, a twitter pal suggested I try Colorescience's Skin Brightening Primer Line Tamer, with SPF 20, as a must have primer for any foundation. If you aren't familiar with Colorescience, they are the makers of high end mineral makeup, including an amazing face brightening powder, Snow Leopard.

I was excited to try their primer, based on all of the suggestions of like-minded beauties. My first impression of the primer is that it is lemony delicious. Clearly, I don't mean to eat. Lemon is one of my favorite scents, and I really enjoy it in facial products. This primer is lemon scented in the way a yummy Drake cake icing might be. Not too tart, not too sweet. It's just the right amount of faint, fresh lemony goodness.

This primer is also on the thicker side and you only need a little bit. More than that, and you are wasting product. On me, this light yellow-based primer brightens my skin in an obvious and immediate way. My skin looks slightly more luminous and very healthy. I seriously love the combo of the lemon scent and the brightening factor.

Finally, it keeps your makeup on. Tight. My makeup didn't run, fade or melt for a full day. It even stood up to the humidity of the East Coast. It's no joke. This is good stuff.

Colorescience is available online and in select locations and retails for $45.

This was sent to me for the purposes of review. Colorescience does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Stubborn Body Hair?

Following up yesterday's shaving segment...Another issue men commonly face is excessive body hair. Whether your problem is nose hair or back hair, there are solutions to take care of these that don't require painful waxing or laser hair removal (though we will discuss these options as well)

This will be your easiest and most painless way to remove unwanted body hair, and usually the least expensive in the long run, but also the one that will require the most consistent upkeep (usually about once a week). I recently had the pleasure of experiencing some amazing products from MANGROOMER, which take the guesswork and irritation out of body grooming. First is the Nose and Ear Hair Trimmer, which operates with a AA battery and has a blade construction that eliminates the risk for cuts!
$14.99 - Drugstores Nationwide

Next step is MANGROOMER's Private Body Shaver which is unlike any other grooming device on the market which can catch on hair and cause painful snagging.  Like other trimmers, it has 5 length settings, but unlike those trimmers with attachments that can get broken or lost, this one has ONE attachment which adjusts! Also, the dual action blade has a trimmer/foil technology to get short and long hairs in one pass, making your grooming experience more efficient!

$39.99 - Drugstores Nationwide

Now, we all know that back hair can be the most unsightly and uncomfortable of all body hair, and also one of the most difficult to remove on your own.  Not anymore, with MANGROOMER's Professional Do-It-Yourself Electric Back Hair Shaver.   With an extendable handle and up to 135 degree opening, it allows you to reach all areas of your back, without painful twisting and turning to see it in a mirror AND it includes a rechargeable battery!

$49.99 - Drugstores Nationwide

Waxing is a hair removal trend for men that involves spreading hot wax on to the desired area, and then applying a strip of cloth or muslin onto the wax, rubbing it and ripping off the strip in one fell swoop -- wax, hair, root, and all.  This can be done on the eyebrows, back, chest, arms, legs, and bikini line.  This is best done by a professional, so make an appointment at a salon with a good reputation to eliminate the margin of error!
Laser hair removal has become an increasingly more popular method of male hair removal in recent years, with more and more spa's offering laser hair removal.  Laser hair treatments work with a laser basically killing the hair follicles eventually resulting in permanent hair removal.  Since the laser targets dark areas of hair, this treatment is not ideal if you are tan or have dark skin because it can cause permanent discoloration.  This treatment will be less painful than waxing, and far more expensive, but the most substantial long term results.  So, really consider if you want to say goodbye to hair forever, as you may want to reserve this treatments for areas like back, unibrow, etc and reserve other, less-crucial areas to waxing or trimming/shaving.
SO, the removal method is up to you and your personal preference, budget, and desired results (and in some instances, pain tolerance), so make sure you do your homework before booking that appointment!

Congratulations to Tarte for a Perfect TEN!

Tarte Cosmetics is celebrating their 10-year anniversary with an amazing collection of must- have, beautifying goodness. To ease into their big 1-0, they have added a multitude of beautiful goodies.

First up, is the lovely moss green shadow/liner they've added to their EmphasEYES Clay Shadow/Liner Collection. If you haven't already tried these liners, they pack a pigmented punch and tend to lean to the darker side of the main color. These wear really well. Check out the new moss-colored one. It's a must have for hazel-eyed lovelies.
(Shadow above. Brush is sold separately.)

(This is the liner, swatched.)

Also new is the kit I can't pass up - The Radiant and Rested Luminous Complexion Collection. This one is perfect for natural gals, brides-to-be, or anyone who wants a gorgeous complexion. It is a Sephora exclusive and includes a few items not available anywhere else until next year. You not only get a deluxe size of the Park Ave Bronzer and Clean Slate Primer, you also get a full size tinted moisturizer that is heavenly (provided you are looking for sheer coverage).

(You need this.)

This moisturizer is slightly different from their regular Smooth Operator. Instead of a dewy, natural finish, it offers a slight bit of radiance, making your skin glow; but without looking fake. It also has one of their signature Aqua Eyes liners, perfect for lining the inside of your lower lid to add a natural brightness. It's a beige-y tone; not white, pink or baby blue. It wakes up tired eyes and makes the whites of your eyes whiter. And since it's part of their Aqua eyes collection, it wears forever.

(LE Cheek Stain)

Finally, you get a limited edition cheek stain, that is a beautiful, sheer, coppery color. It adds luminosity and is perfect for a highlight or all cheek color - especially for red heads.

Their 10th year of gorgeous color continues with TEN, another limited edition cheek stain. This pink is perfect for soon-to-be-brides. It looks slightly darker in the tube that it appears in real life. See what I mean?
(In the tube.)

(On me.)

Finally, the piece de resistance is a the TEN Limited Edition Collectors Palette that promises to handle all of your shadow needs for the rest of the season, if not beyond.

It's been an amazing ten years, Tarte! Congratulations!

I tested the goods in Sephora. Tarte does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

MEN: Getting The Perfect Shave

So what makes the perfect shave? Is it using just the right shaving cream, or using that razor that has 5 blades, vibrates, and picks out your work outfit?

The answer is yes...and no.  The perfect shave is just as much about the process you use as the products.

Exfoliation before shaving will soften the skin and hair, remove dead skin cells and bacteria, and provide an all around more comfortable, smooth shave while reducing the potential for ingrown hairs.  This is especially important if you have very dark and/or coarse hair. One of my favorites is JACK BLACK Face Buff because of the Vitamin C and Menthol infusion, which acts like a shot of espresso for your face on a tired morning.  TIP: Use very warm water, and don't scrub too hard; gently massage into hair and face, and rinse with warm water.  Pat dry with a clean towel.

$30 - Sephora Stores

Use a light shave oil on your beard, as it will soften the beard and provide a protective barrier on the skin for a smooth shave.  TIP: Leave this on for 1-2 minutes before shaving for ultimate comfort, and shaving during a hot shower will make your shave even more enjoyable with the steam opening up pores!  Try the Pre-Shave Oil (I love the lavender for sensitive skin) from THE ART OF SHAVING.

$22 - The Art of Shaving

Using hot water, lather your shaving cream in your hands and then apply to face in a circular motion (many men like to use a brush, but I find this step a little excessive especially if you are short on time.  THE ART OF SHAVING makes an excellent shaving cream which works great with their Pre-Shave Oil and is available with the same essential oils (for the shaving cream, I really like the unscented).

$22 - The Art of Shaving

Using a good, sharp razor  like the GILETTE Fusion, first shave with the grain. NOTE: The grain on the neck mat go in a different direction than the grain on your face.  If you must have a close shave, re-lather and shave against the grain, going slowly to keep the skin from being irritated.

Take this step only if you have a problem with in-grown hairs.  If not, please proceed to the next step.  Using a toner will remove a layer of dead skin cells, reducing the chance for ingrown hairs and acne blemishes.  Apply the toner onto a cotton pad and smooth over just shaved skin (it may sting a little).  I like this one from JACK BLACK which has  lactic and hyaluronic acids to sooth and soften the skin and chamomile and aloe to sooth and reduce redness.

$25 - Sephora Stores

Companies will try to sell you one aftershave and one moisturizer, and if you are a product junkie, then go for it, but if you are trying to be more minimal, you can definitely use your daily moisturizer as your aftershave.  Look for it to contain ingredients like Aloe, Rosemary, and Grape Seed Extract.  My favorite daily moisturizer is CLINIQUE Age Defense Hydrator because it has SPF15 and leaves my skin baby soft.

$30 - Sephora Stores

Beautyland Tour, Week of 8/17

Beauty companies are dazzling us with new makeup introductions, effective skin care, fabulous fragrances, and new shades for our nails - all kinds of temptations to spend money to be gorgeous! Check out the must-haves that made us swoon this week.

Chanel can make your heart race. Kari's pulse quickened when she saw the Inimitable Intense display of new Chanel eye shadows and mascaras. You should visit Fab over Forty before you leave home. A trip to the Chanel counter may be in your future.

Gaia used the term "perfect" to describe Edward Bess Forever Yours Ultra Sleek Lipstick. If you want to see how "perfect" looks, head over to The Non-Blonde. Of the 13 shades available, she was able to limit herself to just four. Such willpower! It's also noteworthy that she found a jasmine she likes!

Sabrina at The Beauty Look Book is another Edward Bess fan. You'll want to see her complete review, along with lots of photos, of his Compact Rouge.

Kelly has a new lip addiction. Tom Pecheux is shaking up Estée Lauder. He rocked Kelly with the new Pure Color Gloss. She modeled her lovely shade selections at Gouldylox Reviews.

Charlestongirl is already in the holiday spirit, thanks to Shiseido! The Makeup 2010 Holiday Collection Essential Elegance Palette, created by Dick Page, left her gushing at Best Things in Beauty.

At BeautyXposé, it was all about REN Replenishing Treatment Mists (and darling flats for fall). Find out why Pamela has been obsessed, spritzing with glee.

Let's not forget our hands! Laurie at Product Girl gave us a peek at Essie’s Fall 2010 collection, nail colors to complement the season’s fashion trends.

While we're on the subject of hands, Marcia and Lisa featured an interview with Ellen Sirot, a world-famous hand model! If you visit Beauty Info Zone Blog, you'll find a special discount on Ellen's Hand Perfection products to keep your hands in tip-top shape.

To end our tour on an upbeat, jazzy note, head over to Makeup Artist Backstage and watch the short video on Washington's style setters ("housewives" and party crashers aren't DC's only claim to fame). Victoria worked to beautify this year's shoot.

You'll want to drop in on our beauty blogger friends every day over the next few weeks. The beauty world is hopping!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2010, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Maybelline Color Sensational Lip Stain

Maybelline recently jumped in the lip stain game with their Color Sensational Lip Stain. I want to like lip stains and almost never do. They are either drying or turn my lips bright pink or burgundy (I feel like a broken record saying that). I couldn't help picking up the least pink Lip Stain Maybelline had to offer and seeing if it could improve my perception of lip stains.

I am happy to report that this one turned a berry/brick-like color on me, which is, in all fairness, different from bright pink. The color I selected was Rich Toffee, so brick isn't that far off. I just wished it wasn't a red or berry color. I guess makeup companies just can't make stains in a non-pink/red color. The technology must not exist, right? I also wished the color was more even on my lips. Adding more "coats" just added a deeper brick-like color.

It isn't overly drying on my lips, which is an improvement, but my lips still look thirsty, which isn't so good. These stains were created (based on what I got from the ads) so that they are supposed to be stains that give you a lighter bit of color, without being so, well stain-y. I suppose the color I tried was definitely less stain-y than others I have tried, but I still don't love it. There is an upside, however. It looks amazing under my new favorite lip gloss from Estee Lauder, True Color in Passion Fruit Shimmer.

Have you tried this one? What did you think?

I bought this myself. Maybelline does test on animals.

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Summer Sportsmen (and Women) Take Notice!

The summer means one thing to active individuals: water sports.  Whether you are into swimming, diving, polo, or something less specific, you encounter the same problem.  Chlorine can wreak havoc on your hair and skin, causing discoloration, dryness, sensitivity, and even leave a latent odor.

There is no wrench in your beauty routine like swimming and hanging out by the pool all day, with your skin feeling dry, sticky, and with that stale odor of chlorine.  For most of the summer, I have been testing the Tri-Swim line of products from SBR SPORTS, and let me tell you, this is the absolute BEST way to restore your skin (and hair) to its previous glory so that you can continue with your standard regimen. Whether you are out at the pool for the day, on vacation at an exotic resort, or a regular tadpole, this stuff really works! Keep a set in your pool house or bathroom and you and your guests will be thanking me for the rest of the summer! The s body wash and lotion boasts Aloe Vera, and Vitamins B and E while the hair care features the benefits of keratin! At such a great price, you may just want to use this line all the time!
$13.95 each Tri-Swim

Finish Off Your Look With Summer Makeup!

In June, I discussed my Summer Top Ten, well it's about that time of the season when, because you haven't followed my previous advice, that you may need to try some new things.  Your look should still be easy and fresh, and these 5 tips will leave you looking more like an off duty supermodel than an off duty corrections officer.

1. TINTED MOISTURIZER.  I cannot stress enough that in the summer, less is more! Whether you mix some foundation into your moisturizer or save time by using an all in one product such as the Mineral Radiance Moisture Tint from YOUNGBLOOD, which will give you a sheer coverage, an antioxidant moisturizer, and sunscreen in one easy step!

$40 - Youngblood

2. BRONZER. While bronzer does have its place in the world of beauty, you have to use it very carefully unless you want to end up looking like one of the girls from "Jersey Shore".  First, bronzer does not exist to make you look darker or more tan, it exists to make your existing color look sun-kissed, so don't try to go darker than your current skin color.  Second, choose a bronzer with a shimmer in it to give your skin a luminous glow.  Use a LARGE brush and tap off excess before going anywhere near your face.  Apply a light dusting in circular motions, following the contour of the face. Use CARGO's bronzer for a lightweight look that won't leave you looking like a tanning bed explosion.
$25 - Cargo

3. GLITTER.  It's summer, so don't be afraid to sparkle a little, as long as you stop yourself short of looking like a walking disco ball...unless you are going for that look, in which case, by all means.  Use a shimmer powder like YOUNGBLOOD Lunar Dust to highlight cheekbones, decollete, legs, and arms for that perfect after-sun glow (even if you have yet to see sunlight this summer)! Also try experimenting with shimmer in eyeshadow, liner, and lip color (though avoid those frosty white lip colors you see on "Jersey Shore")

$30 - Youngblood

4. WATERPROOF.  Whether you are sweating or swimming, using waterproof products will keep your face looking fresh all day (or all night) long. For truly extreme wear the Aqua Collection of color from MAKE UP FOR EVER is simple the only way to go.  From outrageous lip and eyeliner and the smokiest mascara you have ever seen to the revolutionary Aqua Cream, which features 22 shades of the ultimate in waterproof eye, cheek, and lip color. TIP: Aqua Cream dries very quickly, so practice on your hand or arm first!

$17-$22 Each - Sephora Stores

5. GLOSS. Use it and love it! The summer is not over, so continue to avoid heavy lip color and go natural with a lightweight gloss to leave your lips looking perfectly dewy and delicious! My newest favorite is the Lip Moisturizer from JUICE BEAUTY.  Not only are these great glosses certified organic, but they have SPF 8 to protect your lips from harsh UV rays.

$6 - Sephora Stores

Remember, while the days are still long and the sun is still high, keep the makeup light and fresh.  There will be plenty of opportunity for drama as the days grow shorter!

YES, Your Hair Needs Sunscreen Too!!!

So you think that your skin is the only part of you damaged by the harsh elements of summer? Well your hair follicles are stripped everyday by washing and styling which is amplified when you expose your hair to sun, salt, and chlorine, like so many summertime activities include!  Even if you have been damaging your hair all summer, there is still some hope if you make some changes now to your haircare regimen.

FIRST, go easy on the shampooing, and reduce washing to 1-2 times per week (especially if you have longer hair).  Washing strips proteins, and can make hair dull and brittle, which, when coupled with the damaging effects of the sun, salt, chlorine can equal disaster for your hair.  TIP: Instead, use a rinse to add shine, like lemon juice and water...or just use conditioner, your hair will thank you!

EASE UP ON STYLING PRODUCTS, especially hair spray! Styling aids contain alcohol and other chemicals which can excessively dry out the hair, so if possible, opt for a more natural look for the rest of the summer.  As long as temperatures continue to soar into the 80s, beach hair is definitely in style!

On that note, make sure to AVOID HEAT! Hair dryers, curling irons, and flat irons not only damage the cuticle, but they add to dryness, brittle-ness and cause color to fade quickly.  At least for the few remaining weeks of summer, give your hair a rest and you will thank me later!

There is an ongoing debate on SPF for your hair, and its effectiveness, but I believe that at the very least, it will add moisture to your hair, which always improves texture and shine.  RENE FURTERER has a great line of sun-care for your hair which I love because it contains Sesame, Palm, and Kernel oils, with added lipids to restore  shine and texture. START with the Summer Protective Fluid, which shields hair exposed to sun, salt, and chlorine.  One application works all day, and a small amount goes a long way!
$20 - Rene Furterer at

THEN, after you have exposed your hair to the elements all day, rinse it and apply the After Sun Leave-In Moisturizing Spray.  TIP: A small amount of this is all you need.  Spray on damp hair and run through with fingers (Try to avoid using a comb).

$23 - Rene Furterer at

ONCE A WEEK, remove excess buildup from salt and chlorine using Repairing Shampoo, followed by the Repairing After-Sun Mask.  This will get rid of excess build up while softening and moisturizing your hair so that even in the dry August heat, you can look your best, from the BOARDWALK to the CATWALK!

$21 - Rene Furterer at
$26 - Rene Furterer at