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Dalton Blush and Glo Is Gorgeous

One of my favorite cheek highlighters - for more than a year now - has been Dalton's h2Glo Natural Highlighter. Then my dreams came true and Dalton put it together in a compact with a beautiful natural peachy cream blush, called Baby Cheeks. Blush and Glo is available from the Q for $24.50 and I never want to be without it again.

Here is what makes it different. The highlighter is a slightly sticky cream that adds a serious sheen. You only need a tiny touch of this to get that amazing red carpet look. If you add too much, you'll look greasy or too shiny. Moderation is the key. It lasts longer than any other highlighter I've ever tried, but it has a different feel, so you have to be open to new things. This also gives you that celebrity glow you see in magazines and on the red carpet. If you find that look too shiny for you, then you should probably read a different post. I personally like this one.

Assuming you're still reading, here is how I apply this Dalton combo to get the perfect cheek. Now, keep in mind, how I define perfect may not be your definition. I like my cheek to have a radiant glow and not be flat. I need some help defining my actual bone structure.

I lightly touch my finger to the Glo and then dot three or four small dots across the top of my cheekbone. I then blend them into a light line.

Next, I take a bit of the Baby Cheeks cream blush and apply in a line just below the highlighter. Then, using a circular motion, I blend the two lines together.

If needed I add a touch more of the cream blush for an extra pop of color near the apples of my cheeks.

I find that this combo makes my skin look amazingly radiant and firm. It doesn't slide or move around on me whatsoever and lasts for the majority of the day. Keep in mind I have dry skin, yet it still eats blush. So for any blush to last more than four hours on me is quite the accomplishment.

What do you think? Have you tried this? Let me know what you think!

Product was sent for review. Dalton does not test on animals.

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