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reBloom Natural Sleep Drink Didn't Give Me Nightmares!

Those who follow me on Facebook may have noticed that I've been going through a bit of a stressful time that has resulted in me "Grrr!"-ing at people randomly and, more importantly, not sleeping well. Whether I go to bed early or late, I still have been having a hard time falling asleep and staying asleep. Between worrying about things I can't control and my back pain (caused by a drunk driver 20 years ago), I'm definitely losing sleep.

I was contacted by reBloom, a company formed by a husband whose wife was in a similar situation, to see if their sleeping aid might help. This 2.5 oz. drink contains ingredients like Valerian root and melatonin that have been clinically proven to help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

Now my very own Loxy has been taking Melatonin to help him sleep for months. I tried it and it didn't work for me. Ok, that is kind of a lie. It totally worked for me. It helped me fall asleep and stay asleep. The downside was that I am one of the unlucky people who have really vicious nightmares as a side effect of melatonin. Maybe it was one Zombie show/horror movie/depressing news story too many, or maybe it was my habit of falling asleep to Law & Order: SVU, but either way,  it gave me seriously awful nightmares.

So when reBloom contacted me, I was a little nervous to try the product. But one evening, after a stressful day when my mind couldn't stop racing, I decided I would try it. I drank it and within thirty minutes, I was sleeping peacefully. I didn't wake up in the middle of the night after drinking this and I did get a good night's sleep. The best part is that I had no dreams of having to kill my father, who had turned into a zombie who was trying to eat my dogs while Loxy was battling the shark that was trying to get me.

If falling and staying asleep is something that troubles you, this is definitely worth trying. It doesn't taste bad, it's quick and it worked for me. Pick some up online at, but be sure to read the fine print that goes along with the free offer. I don't want you to get subscribed to something you weren't aware you were signing up for.

Product sent for review.

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