Girls, thank you for sharing your thoughts on copyright infringement over that previous post. And to those who gave such helpful tips and links, huge thanks!
I received another email alerting me about two more infringing sites. Concerned reader mailed me more photos being used where my stamped watermark were deliberately taken off. I collated the photos vis-a-vis the original photo which bore my copyright mark.
Now that I've properly documented each violation, I can fill up two forms as advised by one of my darling readers, Rae. (Thanks Rae!)
I really hate to put watermarks across pictures but I guess I'll be forced to (partly to prevent scammers from easily performing their evil plans). Can anybody teach me how to come up with watermarks that do not destroy pictures?
I do not prohibit web users to take photos from this web page. All I ask is that my pictures remain unaltered and that you link back to the source.