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Spotlight on Skincare: Yon-Ka Paris

Yon-Ka is an International skincare brand that I have always heard of but didn't know much about. Back in the 1950s the Muhlethaler Family took their botanical and empirical knowledge and worked with doctors, chemists and scientists to create new ways to help heal the body of cuts, colds and joint aches. Realizing that plants were able to accomplish much more for the skin, they began to focus on applying their knowledge of botany in the skincare world. They became the pioneers of phytology and aromatherapy. Years later, other family members (a biochemist and beautician) took over the business and have been creating scientifically proven natural ways to improve your skin.

The brand focuses on finding the highest quality botanical ingredients from all over the world. For example,  lavender (lavandula vera) and cypress (cupressus sempervirens) come from the Provence region of France, geranium (pelargonium graveolens), comes from Egypt, and thyme (thymus vulgaris) and rosemary (rosmarinus officinalis with cineole) come from Morocco. Everywhere the plants are farmed is sustainable and most are organic. Yon-Ka never tests on animals. Even their manufacturing considers the environment. When air created during production is released, it is 10 times more pure than the air at the North Pole!

The line is varied and has a product to address all of your skincare needs. I got a chance to test drive a few of their products.

The first thing I noticed about virtually all of the products is the scent. If you enjoy the herbal scent of spa visits and lavender, you'll love these.

One of my favorite products in the line has to be the Lotion with Essential Oils. While formally called a Lotion, this is more like a spray toner, which smells of rosemary, lavender and thyme. This toner can be misted on day or night for a refreshing pick me up. It adds moisture to and revitalizes stressed skin.

I also loved the Gommage 305, a mask that uses carob to help purify, de-blotch-ify and add luminosity to your skin. It's so gentle, it can even be used on your eyelids! It left my skin smooth and supple, which I adore.

If you are looking for a botanical based line to fall in love with, Yon-Ka Paris is the line for you!

Product was sent for review. Products are not tested on animals.

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