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I Still Want Long Hair: The March Update

In January, I decided I wanted to grow my hair long like Tammy Taylor on Friday Night Lights. Considering my hair was cut short (think Pink), this is a lofty goal. Also taking into consideration that I haven't had longish hair for 8 years, and haven't had really long hair (to my shoulders) since 1995.

Because my hair is so short, growing it out seems like an impossible task. So I asked the pros I know for suggestions on how to make that work.

The first suggestion seems like the one I would prefer most- Ken Paves suggested I use extensions to make my tresses dreamy. So I have them in hand and can't wait to actually use them. What is stopping me? At the moment, my hair isn't quite the right color and my hair is still so short it looks like a weird mullet (These particular extensions don't attach on separate wefts, but as one large piece, which is great for some and problematic if you need to place the wefts at your temples to blend.). But give it a few months and my hair will be totally model ready. In the mean time, in a pinch, with a headband, I could probably pass.

Any woman who has medium length hair and doesn't own these extensions for special occasions is missing out. They attach in less than 3 minutes, look totally natural and are beautiful. Kate Gosselin recently "paid" somewhere around $7000 for her hair extensions. These are almost as good (they come out easily and aren't made from real hair) for about $80. If real hair is a must, they are available, but the price goes up a scouch.

The next suggestion was from Phyto pro Kristen at the Ted Gibson Salon in DC. "Phyto Phytopolleine Universal Elixir, when used on the scalp once per week overnight, will make your hair grow faster. It stimulates the scalp in a way that encourages hair growth. If growing your hair is what you want, this is what you need."

In researching Phyto hair growth products, I came across some vitamins that help assist in hair and nail growth. Phyto Phytophanere Dietary Supplements are working so well, they are almost making my nails annoying. I know that sounds terribly ungrateful to say. But here is why. If you have ever gone from real nails to acrylic nails, you know how weird it feels to type on a keyboard. Every Monday morning, despite actively filing my nails, I have to get used to how my hands feel on a keyboard when I do some serious typing because my nails have grown so much. Don't even get me started on trying to type on my new Android phone. But if that is the only thing I have annoying me, than I am one lucky lady! And while I don't advise it, I have also used my thumb nail as a screw driver on more than one occasion. I also haven't had time to paint them (which is a waste!) and they have been naked and exposed. Normally, this would mean peeling, broken nails, but not lately.

So thanks to Phyto Supplements and Scalp Treatments, my hair started out looking like this around New Year's:

and now looks like this.
Please keep in mind I haven't had it cut in three months (except for the back) and the current style is similar to a helmet. I hope this Friday, the amazing Bethany at Balance the Salon will work some magic with a cut and a new color (or convince me it looks like that famous Linda Evangelista cut).

Any luck growing your hair out? What worked for you? I am all ears (and very impatient) so please tell me in the comments!

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