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Getting Rejuvenized at La Papillon Spa, Round Two

After the results of my first Rejuvenize Peel at La Papillon Spa, I decided I wanted to see what a second peel would achieve. I was clearly happy with the results of the first one, but like any obsessive compulsive beauty addict, I wanted to see what could happen if I did it again.

So four weeks later, I took the plunge and went for a second one. (Four weeks is the recommended amount of time between peels for optimal results.) Madeleine, the owner of La Papillon and esthetician extraordinaire, told me what to expect for the second peel - possibly less peeling, more results and that everyone peels differently. Got it.

The first time around, the peel itself was only slightly uncomfortable. This time going under the acids was no big deal (other than they were still very sharply scented). I went home, didn't wash my face and it was like any other evening. No big deal.

The same goes for the next morning.

And then a day later, just like last time, I started to peel at the 36 hour point. My mouth cracked first and spread to the area around my nose and lips. Unlike during the last peel, my skin wasn't overly sensitive and didn't really feel as if I had a bad sunburn. I continued to peel like a pro all day on Friday, Saturday and most of Sunday. I was able to go to work on Monday, with only a trace of peeling skin still in my hairline. This peel was much less inconvenient and my skin was nowhere near as sensitive as it was the first time.

Also similar to last time, my skin was a little out of whack when I went back to using my products (around day 6). My skin was a little more dehydrated than it normally is and needed a little more TLC. Here are the products I used during and after my peel:

Cetaphil - I used this as my cleanser and it actually burned slightly when applied. I have no idea how that is even possible, but it did. It didn't hurt like it was the end of the world, but in hindsight, I would probably pick up an even milder cleanser for next time. (SkinMedica has one they suggest for use during peels.)

SkinCeuticals Hydrating B5 Gel came in handy when my skin was begging for some hydration at the end of my peel. This isn't an instant fix, but over a few days, it had my skin back to normal. I used this starting on the fourth day.

HydroPeptide Anti-Wrinkle Repair and Prevent Treatment (Love this! More in a future review) is a complex blend of peptides that help skin heal and look its best. It acts as a skin shield while soothing irritated skin. I also used this starting on the fourth day.

On the Monday before I went back to work (the start of the 6th day) I used Skin Zyme and Clean Zyme by Jan Marini to systematically rid my skin of the flakes that were hanging on. This two-part cleanser and mask are capable of amazing things, but go slowly with this product. My skin was not sensitive to products by day five and I don't have sensitive skin in general. If you have sensitive skin, I would wait a few days to use this. When you are ready, this product removes all remaining dead skin like magic.

Once I added makeup back into the routine, my skin became a little red and irritated. Votre Vu Attentive Serum was a life saver, soothing my skin and getting rid of any redness, pronto.

Lastly, starting a full week after my skin was peeled and back to normal, I began using Jan Marini's Enlighten to help the stubborn dark patches. This is a light lotion that dries in a way that leaves your skin feeling amazing. (All of the Marini products dry down in a way that is remarkable. Especially their AntiOxidant Sun Screen.)

Be sure to speak with your esthetician before using any of the products above on freshly chemically-peeled skin. My skin is not sensitive and definitely more tough than delicate. Every person reacts differently and a pro who knows you should help you select products for during and after your peel.

(Before the 2nd peel. After the second Rejuvenize Peel)

So how were the results the second time? Magnificent. My face is so luminous, I think I glow in the dark. My melasma on my cheek is significantly reduced, as are the spots on my nose. The texture on my cheeks is definitely improved as are the milia I had under my eyes, on my cheekbone.
(The tiny milia - keratin bumps - lodged deep under my skin have been exposed and removed as a result of the peel.)

I am sure use of the Enlighten is going to help continue to fade the melasma over the next few weeks.

(Before and after on cheeks. Brown patches of melasma have been reduced.
This peel does not address redness, only melasma and showing newer skin. To address redness, I would need to undergo IPL treatments.)

Would I do another round? I am curious to see what a third round of peeling would achieve, but don't know how much more my skin can improve. There are slight dark patches that could still be reduced and the texture around my nose near my cheeks isn't perfect. But the improvement I have seen is pretty incredible.

(Before the first peel*. After the first peel. After the second peel.)

What do you think? Would you go for a third round? (If you double click the pictures, they will open in different window and really show off the changes.) Have you had this peel? Tell me about it in the comments!

I paid for the second treatment. I also paid for Cetaphil and SkinCeuticals B5 Gel. Other products were sent for the purposes of review.

*My changing hair color has nothing to do with the peel. Thanks for needing clarification on that, Loxy.
You of all people may have noticed that my natural color changes often. :-)

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