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Call Me Veronica: Eden Eyeshadow Primer Potion from Urban Decay

(Coolest girl ever.)

I am a beauty detective, a cosmetic version of my all time favorite television heroine, Veronica Mars. What this means is that when something is so obviously awesome that my Mom knows about it, I will probably pass it up. I'll assume it lives up to its hype and look for the underdog hoping to usurp its amazing status.

That is my excuse for never plunking down the $18-$30 and trying any of the Urban Decay Primers - for your eyes or for your face. I know that these products are like the holy grail of primers. But, like any good detective, I like to look for the options that you don't know are going to turn your perfectly coiffed head on, well, its head. It's part thrill of the hunt and part of being an early adopter (as marketers like to call me).

I finally got around to trying Urban Decay's newest addition to its Primer Potion line up, Eden. This Primer Potion is neutral, matte and stops your shadow from creasing before it could even think about it. I don't wear eye shadow primer daily - it's the one thing I just generally don't do. However, since I discovered Eden, I noticed I have been using it religiously. My shadow has never looked more perfect and stayed truer to the intended color.

(Eden swatched and blended on my arm.)

The applicator is slightly angled, which matches the curve of my eye and makes application really easy. A little, teeny bit goes a long way and brightens up my eye before I even add shadow. I am super pale and Eden is slightly warmer than my fair, cool skin tone, but could pass as a neutral shade of shadow in a pinch in the event I was too rushed for a more polished eye. I am really not sure how I lived without Urban Decay's Primer Potion for so long. My shadow has seriously never looked better.

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.
Photos by yours truly and courtesy of the CW and Sephora.

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