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Prove It!: Elke All Natural Brow Scrub

I was recently asked to test out a vegan brow scrub that claimed to encourage eyebrow growth. This was perfect for me, as I had my brows waxed a little over one month ago and I was still trying to grow out my overly thinned-out brows.

I have heard of chemicals being used to help grow hair, but a scrub? If there is one thing Elke Von Freudenberg knows, it's brows and how to get and keep them in model-perfect shape. One of the biggest problems pros like Elke hear on a daily basis is about brows that are too thin or sparse. It's easy to over-pluck and hard to wait for them to grow back into a fuller shape. Since a few little hairs make all of the difference in the world, it can be hard to be patient. Especially when it is so easy to pluck out strays yourself.

To help her clients through the growing phase with ease, Elke created a 100% Certified Vegan All Natural Brow Scrub. This scrub contains sugar, vegan oils and vitamin, which help stimulate hair growth naturally. This sugar based scrub smells wonderful, dissolves so you can't over-scrub and leaves your brows feeling really smooth (which is something I didn't know I would like or need. But I do.). But can it really help you grow your brows? Being the science-friendly girl I am, I decided to test the scrub on one side of my face. For 3 weeks, I used the brow scrub on the left side of my face and not on the right.

Here is what I found out:

Taking pictures of tiny, little hairs doesn't work that well (Ok. It doesn't work at all.) But here are my official photos anyway.

My brows at the beginning of the test:

My brows at the end of the test:
The brow on the left used the scrub, the brow on the right has not been treated with Elke's Natural Brow Scrub. Pictures are magnified to attempt to show you the difference.

(The Left: Several fine hairs, very hard to see. The Right: Brow is still very defined and clean.)

So how did it work? On the side where I used the scrub, I did grow more hairs, slightly faster. As you can see, I didn't grow a forest of hairs, but I did grow about twice as many hairs on the left side where I used the scrub. Perhaps the most noticeable difference is also how smooth the left side skin surrounding my brow is, which also helps eyeshadow to glide on and highlight your eye.

What do you think? Would you use a scrub on your brows to encourage them to fill out, or is a pencil enough? Tell me in the comments!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.

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