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2009 Favorite Things Countdown #9

It's no secret companies send me products for review. Some of them are met with giddy yelps of joy and some of met with gasps of "ugh". And sometimes those products I was not so excited about turn out to be wonderful beyond my imagination. Below is my favorite "ugh".

And as a blogger, I get to meet interesting people from time to time. Here is one interview that was fun to do (and made me realize I don't watch as much MTV as I use to.)

Favorite Thing #9: Payot Softening Deodorant Spray

As a blogger, sometimes I get items to review that I wasn't expecting. That was definitely the case with Payot Deodorant Softening Spray. Me? A French deodorant? Clearly someone missed the memo that I am a Suave 24 Hour Deodorant kind of girl. Yup. I'm a shvitzer. (TMI, sorry)

Here is a little background on Payot, since you probably haven't run into them very often.

Payot is the first skincare line developed by a doctor, Dr. Nadia Payot, also known as ‘The Godmother of French Skincare.’ She formulated the line in the 1920s, upon her return from an inspiring trip to New York City. In addition to creating a more pleasing aesthetic, Payot’s products were also developed to enhance the overall health and wellbeing of the woman who uses them. The doctor always approached skincare by keeping in mind that the skin is the body’s first line of defense against bacteria and germs. Payot products are formulated to help preserve the integrity of the skin, therefore, the total body.

As I mentioned, I am a Suave girl. I need odor and wetness protection. Payot promises to keep you smelling fresh by eliminating the oil that bacteria and germs need to thrive (and smell). This deodorant also keeps your underarms soft and irritation free with some help from Almond Extract. That all sounds good, but why should I switch? What is wrong with my regular stuff?

I turned to super friend, Xina, who is a natural health practitioner. Turns out, the big complaint about traditional deodorants is with aluminum, which is used to prevent perspiration. Metals have been linked to cancer and Alzheimer's Disease. However, studies actually proving this link are still in their infancy. If there is a risk, should you chance it?

So I tried Payot deodorant for one week. I didn't have high hopes. As I previously mentioned, I am a shivitzer (that means one who sweats, for those who don't speak Yiddish). I wore it for the first week and the only complaint I had was that there is a little sting if you apply it immediately after shaving. I would expect that with anything, so I can't hold that against Payot. I also wondered if the amazing odor control was due to the fact that my Super Strong Suave was left in my system.

So I wore it for a second week. It still performed perfectly, despite my last use of regular deodorant being more than a week behind me. That week the weather was cool for the summer, so I decide to extend my trial into a third week. I just can't fathom this deodorant is working this well.

During my third week, the weather hit and my stress levels soared. The Payot deodorant still worked beautifully. I'll say it. I didn't expect to, but I really like this! The more I learn about this brand, the more I am falling in love! I wish it were a little less expensive, but I have to admit, if you are looking for a non-traditional deodorant, don't less this pass you by! Plus their products smell SO incredible!

I was sent this product for the purposes of review.

I really like it. Check it out!

Allure and Sephora Show Love for Whitney Port

Last night at the Times Square Sephora, people were lined up to get a chance to see the new Whitney Eve collection and meet designer Whitney Port, star of The Hills and The City. The collection made its debut at Fashion Week in September and this freshman line has quite a bit of buzz.

Whitney has spent a lot of time and poured a lot of love into creating a collection she is really proud of, from casual pieces to much more structured dresses. The collection can be viewed at Whitney's website and select pieces are for sale on SeenOn!

I got a quick chance to chat with Whitney last night about her line, her makeup and looking amazing on MTV.

Gouldylox Reviews: What is your favorite piece in this collection?
Whitney Port: It would have to be the dress I am wearing. It closed my show at fashion week and I just love it.

GR: People often ask me to find out what products people on TV are wearing. I get a lot of questions about you. First off, you have amazing lashes! Be honest, are they real?
WP: (Laughing) They are all mine! I swear!

GR: Do you have help on the shows to look great? Or is it really up to you to look so fresh and radiant?
WP: We don't have hair and makeup on the show. I do everything. My makeup, my hair. It's all me. Ok, well, sometimes it's one of my best friends. She helps me out a lot.

GR: Your skin always looks amazing - dewy, but not too made up. What is your secret?
WP: I really like to use High Noon by Fresh. It just adds a tiny wash of color and a bit of a beautiful glow. Then I follow up with a little powder from Loreal. Honestly, that's it!

(photos by Abby Coplan)

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